Placing Clip Art on Labels Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter trvlnmny
  • Start date Start date


I am using W XP and Word 2003. I want to print a page of labels with
my return address to use on my Christmas cards. I would like to add a
piece of Christmas clip art to the labels. I went to Word help and
found the text below that is within the 2 solid lines.
When I am on the Envelopes and Labels > Label screen and have entered
my address and formatted it I am unable to click on the Insert Menu to
get to the Picture option.
I have found that while on the Labels screen if I select New Document
I will then get a whole page of the labels with my address information
in them. I can then Insert a Picture into this but I must do it one
label at a time.
How can I print a whole page of labels containing my address and the
clip art at the same time?
Thanks for any and all help
Format label text and add graphics
You can customize the appearance of labels by formatting text and
adding graphics.

Format text

On the Tools menu, point to Letters and Mailings, and then click
Envelopes and Labels.

Click the Labels tab.

If necessary, enter or edit the label text in the Address box.

Select the text that you want to format.

Right-click the selected text, and then click Font on the shortcut
menu (shortcut menu: A menu that shows a list of commands relevant to
a particular item. To display a shortcut menu, right-click an item or
press SHIFT+F10.).

Make the changes that you want in the Font dialog box, and then click

All of the labels on the sheet will have the new formatting.

Add graphics

When you add graphics to labels, be sure to place the graphics where
they won't obstruct the address or otherwise interfere with the mail
processing. For more information, check with the postal service.

On the Insert menu, point to Picture, and then click the appropriate
command, depending on the location and type of graphic you want.
Locate the graphic, and then double-click it to insert it.
If you need to resize the graphic, drag a corner selection handle to
maintain the aspect ratio.
If the graphic does not align with the label text, on the Format menu,
click Picture, and then click the Layout tab.
Under Wrapping style, click Square, and then under Horizontal
alignment, click the alignment that you want.
Click OK.