placing audio

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new to moviemaker so sorry if this is simple. How do you
accurately place your music? I need to move a track about
1 second to synchronise it with the film but I can only
drag it in 4 to 5 second jumps. The same question for
accurately chopping the length of your music clip.

Many thanks


Check the 'nudge' feature, which moves a clip one frame at a time (a frame
in MM2 project work is 1/15 of a second). Select the music clip on the
timeline (maybe zoom into the timeline a bit if you need to) and then use
the nudge left or right.... Start by the pull down menu > Clip > Nudge Left
and Nudge Right - it notes the keyboard shortcuts... so moving a second is
15 nudges.

On chopping your music clip, use the seek bar under the monitor.... the
Previous and Next Frame icons (Alt+Left or Right Arrow). It'll move the seek
bar and position indicator by one frame.

MM2 is a 15 fps editing environment.... if you need more precision in
splitting your clips, use MM1 to split the clips, which is a 30 fps
environment, and then import the MM1 collection into your MM2 project.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -
