Placing arrows on video

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I have created a video in WMM describing some parts of the human anatomy. I
would like to place arrows on the video pointing to these parts. Does anyone
know how to do this?
The simplest way would be to re-do the video/audio and use one of those red
laser pointers. To modify the video you already have you could split it at
key points and capture a still shot as an image, bring that into MS PictureIt
to add arrows, text in quote boxes, etc, then just insert it back into the
movie at the point of the split (making sure that the default picture
duration time is set to what you want, since things can get whacky doing this
manually on the timeline).
Thanks, I'll try that! But how do I set the default picture duration time
other then doing it on the timeline?
You can set the default picture duration time in the Options dialog.

Mike [MS]
Thread-Topic: Placing arrows on video
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From: "=?Utf-8?B?U3R1cmdpcw==?=" <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Placing arrows on video
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 09:12:25 -0800
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Thanks, I'll try that! But how do I set the default picture duration time
other then doing it on the timeline?

Sturgis said:
I have created a video in WMM describing some parts of the human anatomy. I
would like to place arrows on the video pointing to these parts. Does anyone
know how to do this?


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