Places to visit


Feb 23, 2002
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I'm graduating uni in a couple of months, and I'm looking forward on taking a holiday somewhere before starting a PhD/Job later on in September. Has anyone got any suggestions for somewhere a bit different to visit on holiday?

I've been to most of western europe before, so I want to try something a bit new :D Canada and Aus/NZ have been suggested a few times, both of which I'm sure would be great - but is there anywhere else?
Hmmm Holiday

Is this holiday on a tight budget or a what-the-heck-let's-spend-it holiday;)
Has Richard Branson started his trips to outer space yet?
Aussie/NZ long way to go, USA/Canada easier.
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Somewhere in-between, as neither of us have had a big holiday before so willing to spend a bit extra. No £3,000/hour private islands though ;)
Well looking at the suggestions all I can say is that if you do end up in Aus/NZ if I were you I would split the holiday into two and visit two different places rather than spending all the time in Aus/NZ. What I am suggesting is to kill two birds with one stone. If you wish to combine it with Canada, I'd suggest you go to Vancouver side of Canada and then down under visiting Aus/NZ making sure you do pay a visit to the Great Barrier Reef. :D
floppybootstomp said:

Maybe not quite that different :eek:

If it was peacful there then I imagine it would actually be a great place to go with Babylon etc...
Quadophile said:
Well looking at the suggestions all I can say is that if you do end up in Aus/NZ if I were you I would split the holiday into two and visit two different places rather than spending all the time in Aus/NZ. What I am suggesting is to kill two birds with one stone. If you wish to combine it with Canada, I'd suggest you go to Vancouver side of Canada and then down under visiting Aus/NZ making sure you do pay a visit to the Great Barrier Reef. :D
I've got an auntie in Vancouver so I may just do that - never really thought about doing 2 at once though. I'll have a look into the cost and see what it's like. We'll only have about 10-14 days off work so it may be a squeeze doing both, but if its not much more money it might be worth it :)
Aunts come in very handy,:D if you decide on just one place I'd suggest Vancouver :thumb:
Ok, how's about this? Fly to Nice. Southern France. Take train trips along the coast to Italy, taking in them out of the way places and beaches along the way.

Start at Nice, to Monaco; San Remo; Genova; Livorno and end up in Rome.

Could be spiced up with inland trips but with all that coastline I doubt you'd need to.

I've never done that, but would like to. Just an idea I had, right now, totally off the top of my head.
Oooh, another tempting idea. :nod: I've not been to Italy before and that wouldn't be as pricey just making our way along there.
Quadophile said:
Aunts come in very handy,:D if you decide on just one place I'd suggest Vancouver :thumb:
Always the best places to stay with relations & it's cheaper;)
Canada big and yet unexplored ,Wifes relations live in Ontario and Calgary from humble Liverpool , they say its breathtaking :thumb:
Rush said:
Canada big and yet unexplored ,Wifes relations live in Ontario and Calgary from humble Liverpool , they say its breathtaking :thumb:
What Liverpool:confused:
humble Liverpool UK

Being "humble" in the context of its not so extraordinary scenery , not any slur on its cultaral diverse inhabitants :thumb:
My ideal holiday> Cruise to Canada [Newfoundland] train across Canada onto Alaska carry on to Russia [Moscow] through to Mongolia then to China [Beijing] along the coast to Canton, then return home to UK via the route in reverse order.What a trip! Brilliant :thumb:
itsme said:
My ideal holiday> Cruise to Canada [Newfoundland] train across Canada onto Alaska carry on to Russia [Moscow] through to Mongolia then to China [Beijing] along the coast to Canton, then return home to UK via the route in reverse order.What a trip! Brilliant :thumb:

Blimey! Ian will loose whatever hair he has trying to budget this journey
Now I would definitely recomend New Zealand... Not that I'm biased or anything :rolleyes:
but I'm afraid now is not the time to visit :(

We have mega rains, flooding, chuncks of roads & trees washing away.
Houses have been flooded out & there are random avalanches & slips up & down the country. Bhodi's out there in all this somewhere :( I hope he's alright. I'm afraid he didn't pick a good time to visit us:(.

Our own creek has flooded over it's banks & washed away a large piece of our path.
& it's covering the whole country so it's likely to be a wee while before it's moved on.

Is weird weather this year. spring & Autumn are usually our best seasons down here in Dunedin... not this year. & half my gardens didn't even flower over summer this year. But last winter we had 2-3 weeks of wonderful, sunny weather in August :confused: usually the coldest, & icyest month. we were swiming when we should've been making snowmen?!!
Right now John sez we are having real English weather so if you're wanting to get away somewhere different then this probably isn't the place to come :rolleyes:

But I'd still love it if you did :D would be great to meet you both & show you round our patch :D