Place the check mark.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sailor
  • Start date Start date


I have created a form that has a date field, description field and a
completed checkbox. The checkbox will be hidden from the user, but is a
trigger for other queries I have built. What I am trying to do is when the
user enters the date and then the description enter or tab is hit to take
you to the next record. That instance before it goes to the next record I
want a check mark to be placed in the check box, this of course will reflect
in the Table. I know this will take some coding, does anyone have any


Use and Event Procedure in the Before Update event of the *form*.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me.[Completed] = True
End Sub

I can't actually see the point of that: it would be impossible to create or
edit a record where this check box is not checked, so it would not seem to
have any meaningful purpose.