[PL] PL2005 Nominations

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date

Susan Bugher

Nominations are now open for the the 2005 Pricelessware list. The
Nominations page is here:


Programs that are currently eligible for nomination are listed below.

The List is in alphabetical order. The program's ID number (#----) is
shown. It's in the program's link on the Nominations and Index pages.
It's included as an aid to tracking nominations, seconds and votes.

To nominate or second programs post the program name and the program ID
number (or the entire link) in this thread.

For example: 1by1 (#0003-PW) *or*



To nominate or second the programs listed below:

all programs that you do NOT wish to nominate or second.


I nominate or second the following programs:

1by1 (#0003-PW)
1st Page 2000 (#0005-PW)
2Flyer Screensaver Builder (#0006-PW)
2xExplorer (#0007-PW)
40tude Dialog (#0009-PW)
4DOS (#3397)
7-Zip (#0011-PW)
AbiWord (#0024-PW)
ActivIcons (#0028-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Add/Remove Pro (#0032-PW)
Agent Ransack (#0035-PW)
Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) (#0036-PW)
AI RoboForm (#0015-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC) (#0040-PW)
AllChars (#0041-PW)
AM-DeadLink (#0017-PW)
Amaya (#0044-PW)
Another Task Manager (ATM) (#0053-PW)
Ant Movie Catalog (#0054-PW)
AntiVir Personal Edition (#0055-PW)
AP Guitar tuner (#0020-PW)
AR RAM Disk (#0021-n)
ArtRage (#1119)
Atlantis Nova (#0064-PW)
AtNotes (#0063-PW)
Atomic Clock Sync (#0066-PW)
Attribute Changer (#0068-PW)
Audacity (#0069-PW)
AutoIt (#0071-PW)
AutoSizer (#0072-PW)
AutoStreamer (#3478)
Avant Browser (#0073-PW)
avast! (#0897-PW)
AVG Anti-Virus System (#0023-PW)
Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) (#1167)
Batchrun (#0081-PW)
Belarc Advisor (#0084-PW)
Blender (#0093-PW)
Bookmark Wizard (#0097-PW)
Burnatonce (#0105-PW)
Buttonz & Tilez! (#0106-PW)
Cacheman (#0114-PW)
Calendar Magic (#0117-PW)
Calypso (#0118-PW)
Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts) (#0120-PW)
Catfish (#0121-PW)
Cathy (#0122-PW)
CDCheck (#0108-PW)
CDex (#0109-PW)
Chainsaw (#0127-PW)
ChangeIcon (#0128-PW)
ChaosPro (#3084)
CLCL (#0110-n)
Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM) (#0149-PW)
ConText (#0154-PW)
Convert (#0156-PW)
Cookie Muncher (#0157-PW)
CookieWall (#0160-PW)
Cool Ruler (#0164-PW)
CopyURL (#0166-PW)
Crimson Editor (#0169-PW)
Crypt Edit (#0171-PW)
CutePDF Writer (was CutePDF Printer) (#0177-PW)
Cygwin (#0179-PW)
DAEMON Tools (#0181-PW)
DCOMbobulator (#0183-PW)
Debian (#0195-PW)
Dependency Walker (#0197-PW)
Dia (#0201-PW)
Dimension 4 (#0206-PW)
Dir2HTML (#0208-PW)
Directory Lister (#0211-PW)
Dirhtml (#0212-PW)
DirKey (#0210-PW)
DLExpert (#0185-PW)
DLL Archive (#0186-PW)
Drive Rescue (#0221-PW)
DVDSig (#2665)
e-Sword (#0900-PW)
EasyCleaner (#0236-PW)
eCleaner (#0901-PW)
EditPad Lite (#0240-PW)
EDXOR (#0225-n)
Effective Desktop (#1549)
Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT) (#0245-PW)
Empty Temp Folders (#0246-PW)
Encryption for the Masses (E4M) (#0248-PW)
Eraser (#0250-PW)
ESBCalc (#0228-PW)
Ethereal (#0252-PW)
EVE (#0230-PW)
Exact Audio Copy (EAC) (#0254-PW)
ExamDiff (#0255-PW)
Explore2fs (#0259-PW)
Extended Character Map (#0261-PW)
ExtractNow (#0262-PW)
EyeDropper (#0263-PW)
EZBack-it-up (#3477)
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (#0265-PW)
FastFolder (#3451)
Filemon (#0282-PW)
FileTargets (#0280-PW)
FileZilla (#0281-PW)
Font Magic (#0289-PW)
FoxMail (#0293-PW)
FoxTool (#3457)
Fractal Explorer (#0294-PW)
Free Agent (#0295-PW)
Free Digital Camera Enhancer (#0296-PW)
FreeRAM XP Pro (#3070)
Frhed (#0306-PW)
Frontgate MX (#1695)
GhostScript (#0316-PW)
GoldenSectionNotes (#0322-PW)
Google Toolbar (#0324-PW)
GrabIt (#0326-PW)
Graph Paper Printer (#0327-PW)
Gravity (#0328-PW)
GSpot (#0311-PW)
Hamster (#0341-PW)
Hosts File (#0351-PW)
HoverSnap (#1806)
HTML Calender Generator 4 (#0332-PW)
HTML-Kit (#0335-PW)
HTMSTRIP (#0337-n)
HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) (#0338-PW)
Icon Snatcher (#0367-PW)
IE 5 Power Tweaks Web Accessories (#0360-PW)
IE 5 Web Accessories (#0361-PW)
IEradicator (#0364-PW)
Info-Rapid Search & Replace (#0379-PW)
Inno Setup (#0381-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
IZArc (#0365-PW)
JAlbum (#0395-PW)
JPEG Cleaner (#0397-PW)
jv16 Powertools (#0911-PW)
K-meleon (#0402-PW)
K9 (#0403-PW)
Karen's Replicator (#0406-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
KeyNote (#0410-PW)
LAME (#0416-PW)
LeechFTP (#0422-PW)
LeechGet (#0423-PW)
LFN-Tools (Long FileNames in DOS) (#0418-PW)
Lister (#0427-PW)
Lupas Rename (Lupas 2000) (#0429-PW)
Magic Mail Monitor (#0441-PW)
Mailwasher (#0443-PW)
MakePDF (#0444-PW)
Maxthon (was MyIE2) (#0447-PW)
Media Player Classic (#0449-PW)
MemLoad (#0451-PW)
Memtest86 (#0453-PW)
MetaPad (#0457-PW)
Miranda IM (#0462-PW)
MotherBoard Monitor (MBM) (#0467-PW)
MouseImp (#0468-PW)
Mozilla (#0471-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
MP3Gain (#0434-PW)
Mp3tag (#0476-PW)
MPEG Audio Collection (MAC) (#0436-PW)
MultiRes (#0480-PW)
MWSnap (#0437-PW)
MyAlbum (#0488-PW)
NetLaunch (#0493-PW)
Neutron (#0498-PW)
nnCron LITE (#0914-PW)
NoteTab Light (#0503-PW)
OE-Quotefix (#0509-PW)
OffByOne (#0512-PW)
OpenExpert (#0519-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
Oscar's File Renamer (#0523-PW)
Oubliette (#0526-PW)
Outlook Express (#0527-PW)
Outlook-Quotefix (#0528-PW)
Partition Saving (was Savepart) (#0547-PW)
Password Safe (#0551-PW)
Path Copy (PathCopy) (#0553-PW)
PC Inspector File Recovery (#0529-PW)
PDF Toolkit (#3125)
Pegasus Mail (#0555-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
picture-shark (#0916-PW)
Pimmy (#0563-PW)
PINs (#0534-PW)
Pixia (#0564-PW)
POP Peeper (#0535-PW)
Pop-Up Stopper (#0568-PW)
PopCorn (#0570-PW)
POPFile (#0536-PW)
Power-Grab (PowerGrab 2002) (#0579-PW)
PowerArchiver (#0577-PW)
PowerDesk (#0578-PW)
PowerPro (#0581-PW)
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (#0583-PW)
PrintKey 2000 (#0584-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Programmer's File Editor (PFE) (#0587-PW)
Properties Plus (#0588-PW)
Push That Freakin' Button (PTFB) (#0594-PW)
Putty (#0595-PW)
Python (#0596-PW)
Quick Folders (#0600-PW)
Quick Resource (#0601-PW)
QuickPar (#0604-PW)
R (#3479)
Ragtime Solo (#0612-PW)
Rain (#0613-PW)
Ramdrive.EXE Tools (#1227)
Ranish Partition Manager (#0615-PW)
RegCleaner (#0620-PW)
Registrar Lite (#0630-PW)
RegMon (#0624-PW)
RegSeeker (#0626-PW)
ReplaceEm (was BK ReplaceEm) (#0634-PW)
Resource Hacker (#0637-PW)
Revelation (#0639-PW)
RunFast (#3441)
RUNit (#0611-PW)
Sam Spade (#0645-PW)
SciTE (#0651-PW)
Script Defender (#0658-PW)
SearchPDF (#2095)
SetBrowser (#0671-PW)
SimpleOCR (#0679-PW)
SlickRun (#0684-n)
Slim Browser (#0686-n)
SnIco Edit (#0690-PW)
SoftCAT (#0691-PW)
SpaceMonger (#0694-PW)
Spamihilator (#2560)
Speakonia (#0699-PW)
Sphygmic Spreadsheet (#0703-PW)
Spider (#0704-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
SpywareBlaster (#0711-PW)
Star Downloader (#0713-PW)
Start-Up Monitor (Startup Monitor) (#0717-PW)
Startup Control Panel (#0719-PW)
Stickies (#2598)
Super Gravity (#0728-PW)
SuperFormat (#0729-PW)
System Safety Monitor (SSM) (#2627)
TClockEx (#0746-PW)
Text2Web Pro (#0758-PW)
The Font Thing (#0764-PW)
The Gimp (#0765-PW)
The Proxomitron (#0768-PW)
THE Rename (#0747-PW)
The Wonderful Icon (TWI) (#2671)
TightVNC (#0772-PW)
TMPGEnc (#0748-PW)
Total Uninstall (#0777-PW)
TrackerV3 (#0778-PW)
TreeCopy (#0788-PW)
Treepad Lite and Treepad Asia (#0790-PW)
TreeSize (#0789-PW)
Trillian (#0792-PW)
TWEAK UI (#0749-PW)
TypeItIn (#0795-PW)
UK's Kalender (#3332)
Ulead Gif Animator (#0799-PW)
URL2BMP (#0796-PW)
UUDWin (#0798-n)
VanBasco's Karaoke Player (#0808-PW)
VirtualDub (#0812-PW)
Visit URL (#0813-PW)
Visual Thought (#0815-PW)
VNC (#0807-PW)
WAssociate (#0817-PW)
Weather Watcher (#0827-PW)
Web2Text (#0829-PW)
Webwasher (#0835-PW)
Wherever Change Directory (wcd) (#3538)
WinAmp Classic (#0844-PW)
Windows Ultimate Boot CD (#3476)
WinDriversBackup Personal Edition (#0845-PW)
WinMX (#0848-PW)
WinPatrol (#0850-PW)
WordWeb (#0862-PW)
WorldTime (#0865-PW)
X-Fonter (#0866-PW)
X-Ray Mail Assistant (X-ray) (#3384)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
XMS.EMS RAMdisk (#0869-n)
Xnews (#0878-PW)
XnView (#0877-PW)
XOSL (#0870-PW)
Xplorer² (#2965)
XXCopy (#0873-PW)
YahooPOPs! (YPOPs!) (#0880-PW)
Yankee Clipper III (#0881-PW)
ZipGenius (#0889-PW)
Zone Alarm (#0893-PW)
Zoner Draw 3 (#0894-PW)
ZoomPlayer (#0895-PW)


I nominate or second the following programs:
1by1 (#0003-PW)
1st Page 2000 (#0005-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) (#0036-PW)
AntiVir Personal Edition (#0055-PW)
avast! (#0897-PW)
AVG Anti-Virus System (#0023-PW)
CDex (#0109-PW)
Dimension 4 (#0206-PW)
DLExpert (#0185-PW)
DLL Archive (#0186-PW)
Eraser (#0250-PW)
FileZilla (#0281-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
IZArc (#0365-PW)
K9 (#0403-PW)
Media Player Classic (#0449-PW)
Miranda IM (#0462-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
MP3Gain (#0434-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
Oubliette (#0526-PW)
The Gimp (#0765-PW)
Total Uninstall (#0777-PW)
Xnews (#0878-PW)
Hi Susan,

I nominate or second the following programs:
7-Zip (#0011-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
AM-DeadLink (#0017-PW)
Audacity (#0069-PW)
Calendar Magic (#0117-PW)
Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT) (#0245-PW)
Google Toolbar (#0324-PW)
Graph Paper Printer (#0327-PW)
Hosts File (#0351-PW)
HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) (#0338-PW)
Inno Setup (#0381-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
jv16 Powertools (#0911-PW)
Mailwasher (#0443-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
MultiRes (#0480-PW)
OE-Quotefix (#0509-PW)
PowerDesk (#0578-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Programmer's File Editor (PFE) (#0587-PW)
Python (#0596-PW)
R (#3479)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
SpywareBlaster (#0711-PW)
TWEAK UI (#0749-PW)
WinAmp Classic (#0844-PW)
WordWeb (#0862-PW)
WorldTime (#0865-PW)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
Zone Alarm (#0893-PW)

Best wishes,

Alex Balfour
I nominate or second the programs listed below:
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
AVG Anti-Virus System (#0023-PW)
DLL Archive (#0186-PW)
EasyCleaner (#0236-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
LeechFTP (#0422-PW)
Mozilla (#0471-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
Pixia (#0564-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
Startup Control Panel (#0719-PW)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
I nominate or second the following programs:

Agent Ransack (#0035-PW)
CDCheck (#0108-PW)
Cygwin (#0179-PW)
GSpot (#0311-PW)

Google Toolbar (#0324-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
Media Player Classic (#0449-PW)
MouseImp (#0468-PW)
PowerArchiver (#0577-PW)
Putty (#0595-PW)
Windows Ultimate Boot CD (#3476)
WinPatrol (#0850-PW)

Flexible Renamer

GPS Trackmaker

Kana Reminder
is a program which can be used to set a reminder to be triggered at a
specified time. It can also be used to run another program at a specified

TWEAK UI for XP from the powertoys for XP

PGPdisk (note, this is the last freeware version for PGP Disk, ie Encrypted
File System)

This is from Susan Bugher ([email protected]), in message

I nominate or second the following programs:

4DOS (#3397)
Avant Browser (#0073-PW)
Cygwin (#0179-PW)
FileZilla (#0281-PW)
Maxthon (was MyIE2) (#0447-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
OffByOne (#0512-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Ranish Partition Manager (#0615-PW)
Super Gravity (#0728-PW)
TightVNC (#0772-PW)
WinMX (#0848-PW)
XnView (#0877-PW)

Chaos Master®, posting from Brazil.
"People told me I can't dress like a fairy.
I say, I'm in a rock band and I can do what the hell I want!"
-- Amy Lee

The Evanescen(t/ce) HP: http://marreka.no-ip.com
Rili said:
I nominate or second the following programs:

The following are not valid nominations. If you wish to nominate a new
program you must first submit a program description in the Program
description thread. You may nominate the program *after* it is listed on
the Nominations page.


To nominate or second programs post the program name and the program ID
number (or the entire link) in this thread.

For example: 1by1 (#0003-PW) *or*


Flexible Renamer

GPS Trackmaker

Kana Reminder
is a program which can be used to set a reminder to be triggered at a
specified time. It can also be used to run another program at a specified

TWEAK UI for XP from the powertoys for XP

PGPdisk (note, this is the last freeware version for PGP Disk, ie Encrypted
File System)


I nominate or second the following programs:
Aida32 (#0038-PW) New name : Everest
ArtRage (#1119)
CDex (#0109-PW)
Dependency Walker (#0197-PW)
EasyCleaner (#0236-PW)
EditPad Lite (#0240-PW)
Empty Temp Folders (#0246-PW)
Frhed (#0306-PW)
GrabIt (#0326-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
MP3Gain (#0434-PW)
Mp3tag (#0476-PW)
NoteTab Light (#0503-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Sam Spade (#0645-PW)
Slim Browser (#0686-n)
SnIco Edit (#0690-PW)
Spamihilator (#2560)
Spider (#0704-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
Startup Control Panel (#0719-PW)
The Font Thing (#0764-PW)
TMPGEnc (#0748-PW)
TWEAK UI (#0749-PW)
Ulead Gif Animator (#0799-PW)
VirtualDub (#0812-PW)
VNC (#0807-PW)
Weather Watcher (#0827-PW)
WorldTime (#0865-PW)
X-Fonter (#0866-PW)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
Xnews (#0878-PW)
XnView (#0877-PW)
Zoner Draw 3 (#0894-PW)

With kind regards,

Henk de Jong
The Netherlands
(e-mail address removed) (Remove _NO_SPAM_)
'Links to Freeware'
I nominate or second the following programs:

1st Page 2000 (#0005-PW)
2Flyer Screensaver Builder (#0006-PW)
2xExplorer (#0007-PW)
40tude Dialog (#0009-PW)
7-Zip (#0011-PW)
AbiWord (#0024-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Agent Ransack (#0035-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC) (#0040-PW)
AllChars (#0041-PW)
Another Task Manager (ATM) (#0053-PW)
Audacity (#0069-PW)
AutoIt (#0071-PW)
Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) (#1167)
Blender (#0093-PW)
Buttonz & Tilez! (#0106-PW)
Cacheman (#0114-PW)
Calendar Magic (#0117-PW)
CDex (#0109-PW)
Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM) (#0149-PW)
ConText (#0154-PW)
Crypt Edit (#0171-PW)
DAEMON Tools (#0181-PW)
Dependency Walker (#0197-PW)
Dia (#0201-PW)
Dimension 4 (#0206-PW)
Dir2HTML (#0208-PW)
Directory Lister (#0211-PW)
Drive Rescue (#0221-PW)
EasyCleaner (#0236-PW)
Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT) (#0245-PW)
Empty Temp Folders (#0246-PW)
Encryption for the Masses (E4M) (#0248-PW)
Eraser (#0250-PW)
Exact Audio Copy (EAC) (#0254-PW)
Explore2fs (#0259-PW)
Extended Character Map (#0261-PW)
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (#0265-PW)
Filemon (#0282-PW)
FileZilla (#0281-PW)
FoxMail (#0293-PW)
FoxTool (#3457)
Frhed (#0306-PW)
Frontgate MX (#1695)
GrabIt (#0326-PW)
Hamster (#0341-PW)
HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) (#0338-PW)
IEradicator (#0364-PW)
Inno Setup (#0381-PW)
IZArc (#0365-PW)
JAlbum (#0395-PW)
jv16 Powertools (#0911-PW)
K-meleon (#0402-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
KeyNote (#0410-PW)
LAME (#0416-PW)
LeechFTP (#0422-PW)
LFN-Tools (Long FileNames in DOS) (#0418-PW)
Magic Mail Monitor (#0441-PW)
Maxthon (was MyIE2) (#0447-PW)
Media Player Classic (#0449-PW)
Memtest86 (#0453-PW)
MetaPad (#0457-PW)
Miranda IM (#0462-PW)
MouseImp (#0468-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
OffByOne (#0512-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
Partition Saving (was Savepart) (#0547-PW)
Password Safe (#0551-PW)
PC Inspector File Recovery (#0529-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
Pixia (#0564-PW)
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (#0583-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Properties Plus (#0588-PW)
Ranish Partition Manager (#0615-PW)
RegCleaner (#0620-PW)
Registrar Lite (#0630-PW)
RegMon (#0624-PW)
Resource Hacker (#0637-PW)
Speakonia (#0699-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
SpywareBlaster (#0711-PW)
Start-Up Monitor (Startup Monitor) (#0717-PW)
Startup Control Panel (#0719-PW)
Stickies (#2598)
System Safety Monitor (SSM) (#2627)
The Font Thing (#0764-PW)
The Gimp (#0765-PW)
The Proxomitron (#0768-PW)
THE Rename (#0747-PW)
TightVNC (#0772-PW)
TMPGEnc (#0748-PW)
TreeSize (#0789-PW)
TWEAK UI (#0749-PW)
UUDWin (#0798-n)
VirtualDub (#0812-PW)
WinAmp Classic (#0844-PW)
Windows Ultimate Boot CD (#3476)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
XnView (#0877-PW)
XOSL (#0870-PW)
XXCopy (#0873-PW)
ZoomPlayer (#0895-PW)

I nominate or second the following programs:

AbiWord (#0024-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) (#0036-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC) (#0040-PW)
AllChars (#0041-PW)
Amaya (#0044-PW)
AR RAM Disk (#0021-n)
Atlantis Nova (#0064-PW)
avast! (#0897-PW)
AVG Anti-Virus System (#0023-PW)
Belarc Advisor (#0084-PW)
Cacheman (#0114-PW)
Calendar Magic (#0117-PW)
Calypso (#0118-PW)
CDCheck (#0108-PW)
CDex (#0109-PW)
CutePDF Writer (was CutePDF Printer) (#0177-PW)
Dependency Walker (#0197-PW)
EasyCleaner (#0236-PW)
Effective Desktop (#1549)
Eraser (#0250-PW)
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (#0265-PW)
Free Agent (#0295-PW)
GhostScript (#0316-PW)
Hamster (#0341-PW)
HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) (#0338-PW)
Icon Snatcher (#0367-PW)
Info-Rapid Search & Replace (#0379-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
IZArc (#0365-PW)
Karen's Replicator (#0406-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
KeyNote (#0410-PW)
LeechGet (#0423-PW)
MetaPad (#0457-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
MyAlbum (#0488-PW)
Neutron (#0498-PW)
OffByOne (#0512-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
Path Copy (PathCopy) (#0553-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
PINs (#0534-PW)
POPFile (#0536-PW)
PrintKey 2000 (#0584-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Ragtime Solo (#0612-PW)
SoftCAT (#0691-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
The Proxomitron (#0768-PW)
X-Fonter (#0866-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
Xnews (#0878-PW)
Xplorer² (#2965)
XXCopy (#0873-PW)
Yankee Clipper III (#0881-PW)

Remove AQU from my email address
I nominate or second the following programs:
AbiWord (#0024-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
Audacity (#0069-PW)
Calypso (#0118-PW)
DAEMON Tools (#0181-PW)
Eraser (#0250-PW)
Exact Audio Copy (EAC) (#0254-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
LAME (#0416-PW)
LeechGet (#0423-PW)
Media Player Classic (#0449-PW)
Memtest86 (#0453-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
MyAlbum (#0488-PW)
Partition Saving (was Savepart) (#0547-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
RegSeeker (#0626-PW)
SpaceMonger (#0694-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
TMPGEnc (#0748-PW)
Ulead Gif Animator (#0799-PW)
VirtualDub (#0812-PW)
Xnews (#0878-PW)
Xplorer² (#2965)
Hi Susan,

I nominate or second the following programs:
1by1 (#0003-PW)
7-Zip (#0011-PW)
ActivIcons (#0028-PW)
Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) (#0036-PW)
All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC) (#0040-PW)
AllChars (#0041-PW)
AR RAM Disk (#0021-n)
AutoIt (#0071-PW)
AVG Anti-Virus System (#0023-PW)
Bart's Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) (#1167)
Belarc Advisor (#0084-PW)
Burnatonce (#0105-PW)
Chainsaw (#0127-PW)
Convert (#0156-PW)
Cool Ruler (#0164-PW)
CutePDF Writer (was CutePDF Printer) (#0177-PW)
DCOMbobulator (#0183-PW)
Dependency Walker (#0197-PW)
Dimension 4 (#0206-PW)
DLL Archive (#0186-PW)
EasyCleaner (#0236-PW)
Ethereal (#0252-PW)
Extended Character Map (#0261-PW)
EZBack-it-up (#3477)
F-Prot Antivirus for DOS (#0265-PW)
FastFolder (#3451)
FoxMail (#0293-PW)
FoxTool (#3457)
FreeRAM XP Pro (#3070)
Graph Paper Printer (#0327-PW)
Hosts File (#0351-PW)
HTML Calender Generator 4 (#0332-PW)
Info-Rapid Search & Replace (#0379-PW)
Inno Setup (#0381-PW)
Karen's Replicator (#0406-PW)
Maxthon (was MyIE2) (#0447-PW)
NoteTab Light (#0503-PW)
OffByOne (#0512-PW)
OpenExpert (#0519-PW)
PC Inspector File Recovery (#0529-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
PowerArchiver (#0577-PW)
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) (#0583-PW)
PrintKey 2000 (#0584-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Programmer's File Editor (PFE) (#0587-PW)
Properties Plus (#0588-PW)
Putty (#0595-PW)
RegCleaner (#0620-PW)
Sam Spade (#0645-PW)
Script Defender (#0658-PW)
SoftCAT (#0691-PW)
Sphygmic Spreadsheet (#0703-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
SpywareBlaster (#0711-PW)
Start-Up Monitor (Startup Monitor) (#0717-PW)
Startup Control Panel (#0719-PW)
Stickies (#2598)
THE Rename (#0747-PW)
The Wonderful Icon (TWI) (#2671)
Total Uninstall (#0777-PW)
Treepad Lite and Treepad Asia (#0790-PW)
TWEAK UI (#0749-PW)
UK's Kalender (#3332)
Visual Thought (#0815-PW)
Weather Watcher (#0827-PW)
WinDriversBackup Personal Edition (#0845-PW)
WinPatrol (#0850-PW)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
XOSL (#0870-PW)
Yankee Clipper III (#0881-PW)
Zoner Draw 3 (#0894-PW)

I nominate or second the following programs:

2xExplorer (#0007-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Agent Ransack (#0035-PW)
Atomic Clock Sync (#0066-PW)
AVG Anti-Virus System (#0023-PW)
Belarc Advisor (#0084-PW)
CDex (#0109-PW)
DLL Archive (#0186-PW)
EditPad Lite (#0240-PW)
Empty Temp Folders (#0246-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
IZArc (#0365-PW)
Media Player Classic (#0449-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (#0473-PW)
Process Explorer (#0586-PW)
Spybot Search & Destroy (#0710-PW)
Startup Control Panel (#0719-PW)
TClockEx (#0746-PW)
Tweak UI (#0749-PW)
Weather Watcher (#0827-PW)
WinAmp Classic (#0844-PW)
WorldTime (#0865-PW)
YahooPOPs! (YPOPs!) (#0880-PW)
Zone Alarm (#0893-PW)
Thanks...B Betts (ncSkeet)
Henk, you are going to have to submit a separate description if you want
to nominate Everest Home Edition.

Program: Aida32
Author: Aida32 (Tamas Miklos)

Program: Everest Home Edition
Author: Lavalys Consulting Group

Susan Bugher schreef:
7-Zip (#0011-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
Ant Movie Catalog (#0054-PW)
AntiVir Personal Edition (#0055-PW)
Audacity (#0069-PW)
DAEMON Tools (#0181-PW)
Exact Audio Copy (EAC) (#0254-PW)
FileZilla (#0281-PW)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
Memtest86 (#0453-PW)
MetaPad (#0457-PW)
Miranda IM (#0462-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
Mp3tag (#0476-PW)
MPEG Audio Collection (MAC) (#0436-PW)
OpenOffice.org (#0520-PW)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
Putty (#0595-PW)

Correct name is "PuTTY" (TTY is an abbreviation for "teletype" = terminal)
I nominate or second the following programs:

1by1 (#0003-PW)
40tude Dialog (#0009-PW)
Ad-Aware (#0029-PW)
Add/Remove Pro (#0032-PW)
Agent Ransack (#0035-PW)
Aida32 (#0038-PW)
AM-DeadLink (#0017-PW)
Any Password (#0056-n)
Audacity (#0069-PW)
AutoIt (#0071-PW)
avast! (#0897-PW)
CLCL (#0110-n)
Dir2HTML (#0208-PW)
DirKey (#0210-PW)
eCleaner (#0901-PW)
EditPad Lite (#0240-PW)
ePrompter (#0903)
HoverSnap (#1806)
Irfanview (#0391-PW)
Kerio Personal Firewall (#0409-PW)
KeyNote (#0410-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
myEasySync (#3559)
PhotoFiltre (#2286)
picture-shark (#0916-PW)
Pixia (#0564-PW)
RegSeeker (#0626-PW)
SnIco Edit (#0690-PW)
The Font Thing (#0764-PW)
The Regex Coach (#3559)
Total Uninstall (#0777-PW)
TrackerV3 (#0778-PW)
TWEAK UI (#0749-PW)
Ulead Gif Animator (#0799-PW)
Weather Watcher (#0827-PW)
WinAmp Classic (#0844-PW)
WinPatrol (#0850-PW)
WordWeb (#0862-PW)
X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) (#0867-PW)
XnView (#0877-PW)
Yankee Clipper III (#0881-PW)
Zoner Draw 3 (#0894-PW)