• Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
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Susan Bugher

This thread is for review and comments.

The PL2005 Nominations page is here:


Programs that are currently eligible for nomination are listed below.

40tude Dialog (#0009-PW)
AM-DeadLink (#0017-PW)
Avant Browser (#0073-PW)
Bookmark Wizard (#0097-PW)
Calypso (#0118-PW)
Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM) (#0149-PW)
Cookie Muncher (#0157-PW)
CookieWall (#0160-PW)
CopyURL (#0166-PW)
DLExpert (#0185-PW)
FileZilla (#0281-PW)
FoxMail (#0293-PW)
FoxTool (#3457)
Free Agent (#0295-PW)
Frontgate MX (#1695)
Google Toolbar (#0324-PW)
GrabIt (#0326-PW)
Gravity (#0328-PW)
Hamster (#0341-PW)
Hosts File (#0351-PW)
HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) (#0338-PW)
IE 5 Power Tweaks Web Accessories (#0360-PW)
IE 5 Web Accessories (#0361-PW)
K-meleon (#0402-PW)
K9 (#0403-PW)
LeechFTP (#0422-PW)
LeechGet (#0423-PW)
Magic Mail Monitor (#0441-PW)
Mailwasher (#0443-PW)
Maxthon (was MyIE2) (#0447-PW)
Miranda IM (#0462-PW)
Mozilla (#0471-PW)
Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix) (#0473-PW)
NetLaunch (#0493-PW)
OE-Quotefix (#0509-PW)
OffByOne (#0512-PW)
Outlook Express (#0527-PW)
Outlook-Quotefix (#0528-PW)
Pegasus Mail (#0555-PW)
Pimmy (#0563-PW)
POP Peeper (#0535-PW)
Pop-Up Stopper (#0568-PW)
PopCorn (#0570-PW)
POPFile (#0536-PW)
Power-Grab (PowerGrab 2002) (#0579-PW)
Putty (#0595-PW)
Sam Spade (#0645-PW)
SetBrowser (#0671-PW)
Slim Browser (#0686-n)
Spamihilator (#2560)
Star Downloader (#0713-PW)
Super Gravity (#0728-PW)
The Proxomitron (#0768-PW)
TightVNC (#0772-PW)
Trillian (#0792-PW)
UUDWin (#0798-n)
Visit URL (#0813-PW)
VNC (#0807-PW)
Weather Watcher (#0827-PW)
Webwasher (#0835-PW)
WinMX (#0848-PW)
X-Ray Mail Assistant (X-ray) (#3384)
Xenu's Link Sleuth (#0875-PW)
Xnews (#0878-PW)
YahooPOPs! (YPOPs!) (#0880-PW)


Susan said:

re: a current FTP thread. FTP clients listed on the Nominations page are:


Are these the best? I see others being recommended in the FTP thread.

Longer lists of FTP clients (w/ links) are here:

Cute FTP (v 2.8)
Dexter The FTP Indexer
Eleet FTP (v 1.0)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) (ftp.exe)
FTP Explorer
FTP Uploader
FTP Wanderer
FTPSync (v
Kaufman FTP
Simply Cool FTP
SmartFTP (v 1.0.970)
UltraFXP (v 1.07)


Should any of the above or other FTP apps be nominated for PL2005?

I have only tried LeechFTP, Filezilla, SmartFTP and WSFTP.

Filezilla was by far the best out of that lot, except for SmartFTP
which was close.
Copied from another thread:
Susan Bugher wrote:

1.93 is essentially the same as 2.0, and is still available on the site


Note that describing it as an email client is silly. FA does not do pop.
See the features comparison page


Note also, as per the brief discussion in the Ware thread, that FA
satisfies most/all definitions of crippleware.


Crippleware: free version of a commercial program. More limited in
features and functionality than the commercial product. Crippleware has
severe limitations. Functionality that is important to the average user
has been disabled.

Does anyone disagree with Jo's assessment? Is this app crippleware?

I've tried it several times over the past few years. Personally, I've
always considered it to be crapware. It's arcane, awkward, clunky and just
a PITA to try to work with. I think the only reason their shareware version
is so popular is because it seems to be the most hacked reader.
Porch said:
I think the only reason their shareware version
is so popular is because it seems to be the most hacked reader.


It remains the best in the field for what it does IMHO
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:39:16 -0400, Susan Bugher

Crippleware: free version of a commercial program. More limited in
features and functionality than the commercial product. Crippleware has
severe limitations. Functionality that is important to the average user
has been disabled.
Does anyone disagree with Jo's assessment? Is this app crippleware?

If the original FA is voted on then it isn't crippleware.

Regards, John.
John Fitzsimons wrote in said:
On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 18:39:16 -0400, Susan Bugher

If the original FA is voted on then it isn't crippleware.

Agree in principle, as longs as the previous version (1.93) is still
available from the site, which it seems to be
<http://www.forteinc.com/agent/download-all.php>. Problem is, I guess,
if the group award it pricelesssware, many will simply always go for
the latest version, so - if included on the PL, one should make a
clear notice on the webpage, preferably highlighted/bold, about the
new version being crippleware. Same thing I think with LFW where the
author have gone shareware (not so if the development simply ended).

All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen said:
John Fitzsimons wrote

clear notice on the webpage, preferably highlighted/bold, about the
new version being crippleware.

Both the v2.0 and v1.93 are trial/crippleware.
Same thing I think with LFW where the author have gone shareware

By "original FA," that must mean FA 1.21. When it was a standalone
liteware. (Before FA was rebuilt into a trial demo vehicle.)
I liked LeechFTP and WS FTP LE on Win98 but Filezilla works on XP, is
open source, can be copied to and run from a USB Flash drive, and I've
been able to update it while keeping it's settings by simply
extracting the new zip file to the same directory. All reasons to stop
looking for FTP clients, at least in my book. Definitely


Susan Bugher said:
re: a current FTP thread. FTP clients listed on the Nominations page are:


Are these the best? I see others being recommended in the FTP thread.
<snipped for brevity>
Susan Bugher wrote:

Here is another download site for 1.21:

Thank you. :) That gave me a different file name to search for (446
hits). a32-121.exe led me to:


Free agent 1.21, Freeware, English, file FA16-121.EXE (16 bit) 1200KB,
FA32-121.EXE (32 bit), 1070KB,
Also on MAGAZIN-CD 00/02, info page 45 and MAGAZIN-CD 00/12 info page
298, URL www.forteinc.com/getfa/download.htm,
