[PL] PL2005 Final Selection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date

Susan Bugher

November 14 - November 20, 2004 - Final Selection


Final Selection Procedure

This is the "juried" part of the Pricelessware selection process. The
group as a whole has more expertise than one person.

After the preliminary Pricelessware List selections are made the list is
presented to acf participants for review. The final Pricelessware List
is determined by this discussion.

If you feel that a program of exceptional merit has been overlooked post
a request for inclusion.

If you feel that a program is not a good choice for the Pricelessware
List post your objections.

Below are the Preliminary Pricelessware program selections.

All programs with 10 votes or more were selected.
All programs with less than 4 votes were not selected.

In subcategories where votes were in the 4-9 vote range the top vote
getter was selected. When the top vote was tied both programs have been
shown as PW selections pending further discussion.

If you feel that subcategory revisions are needed post your comments.

The list below is grouped by Category and subcategory. All programs on
the Nomination page are shown. Each line shows: PW selection, vote count
(programs that were not on the ballot are marked n/a), subcategory, and
program name in that order.


-- (02) [Calculator] ESBCalc 0228-PW
-- (03) [Calculator] ShowCalc 0675-PW

PW (14) [Converter: Units] Convert 0156-PW

-- (03) [Mathematics] R 3479

-- (02) [Database Editor] DBFNavigator 3558

-- (01) [Spreadsheet] Sphygmic Spreadsheet 0703-PW

PW (28) [Office Suite] OpenOffice.org 0520-PW

-- (05) [Dictionary] Everest Dictionary 1569
PW (18) [Dictionary] WordWeb 0862-PW

PW (09) [Spell Checker] All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC) 0040-PW

-- (03) [Anagrams] Anagram Master 3481

PW (09) [Desk Top Publishing] Ragtime Solo 0612-PW

PW (07) [Extended Characters] Extended Character Map 0261-PW

PW (06) [Extended Characters; Form Filler] AllChars 0041-PW

PW (15) [Font Manager] The Font Thing 0764-PW

PW (11) [Font Manager; Title Maker] X-Fonter 0866-PW

PW (11) [Graph Paper Printer] Graph Paper Printer 0327-PW

-- (02) [Astronomy] Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts) 0120-PW

-- (n/a) [Bible Program] e-Sword 0900-PW


-- (02) [Desktop Manager] Effective Desktop 1549
PW (09) [Desktop Manager] PowerPro 0581-PW
-- (05) [Desktop Manager] The Wonderful Icon (TWI) 2671

-- (01) [Desktop Shortcuts] RunFast 3441
PW (05) [Desktop Shortcuts] RUNit 0611-PW
-- (02) [Desktop Shortcuts] SlickRun 0684-n

PW (05) [Desktop Customizer] ActivIcons 0028-PW

PW (06) [Button Pusher] Push That Freakin' Button (PTFB) 0594-PW

-- (02) [Form Filler] AI RoboForm 0015-PW

PW (05) [Form Filler; Shortcuts] TypeItIn 0795-PW

-- (06) [Clipboard Extender] CLCL 0110-n
-- (n/a) [Clipboard Extender] Clipomatic 0138-n
PW (13) [Clipboard Extender] Yankee Clipper III 0881-PW

-- (02) [Clipboard: Screen Capture] HoverSnap 1806
PW (12) [Clipboard: Screen Capture] MWSnap 0437-PW
-- (08) [Clipboard: Screen Capture] PrintKey 2000 0584-PW
-- (05) [Clipboard: Screen Capture] URL2BMP 0796-PW

PW (05) [Monitor Tool] MultiRes 0480-PW

-- (03) [Mouse Tool] MouseImp 0468-PW

-- (02) [Windows Tool] AutoSizer 0072-PW


PW (11) [Directory: Copy Path] Path Copy (PathCopy) 0553-PW

PW (04) [Directory: Copy Structure] TreeCopy 0788-PW

-- (00) [Folder Access] FastFolder 3451
-- (n/a) [Folder Access] Quick Folders 0600-PW
-- (02) [Folder Access] Wherever Change Directory (wcd) 3538

PW (06) [Folder Customizer] ChangeIcon 0128-PW

PW (04) [Folder Shortcuts] DirKey 0210-PW

PW (06) [Cataloger: Software] SoftCAT 0691-PW

-- (06) [File Manager] Explore2fs 0259-PW
PW (11) [File Manager] TrackerV3 0778-PW

PW (14) [File Manager: Dual pane] 2xExplorer 0007-PW
-- (06) [File Manager: Dual pane] A43 File Management Utility 1023
PW (13) [File Manager: Dual pane] freeCommander 3302
PW (15) [File Manager: Dual pane] PowerDesk 0578-PW
PW (13) [File Manager: Dual pane] Xplorer² 2965

-- (05) [File Manager Tool] Attribute Changer 0068-PW
-- (01) [File Manager Tool] FileTargets 0280-PW
-- (04) [File Manager Tool] OpenExpert 0519-PW
-- (04) [File Manager Tool] Properties Plus 0588-PW
PW (06) [File Manager Tool] WAssociate 0817-PW

PW (08) [ File Viewer: Text] Lister 0427-PW

PW (10) [Cataloger: File Dependency] Dependency Walker 0197-PW

PW (09) [Drivers: Backup] WinDriversBackup Personal Edition 0845-PW

PW (06) [File Dependency (DLL)] DLL Archive 0186-PW

-- (n/a) [Archives: Unzip] ExtractNow 0262-PW

PW (21) [Archives: Zip-Unzip] 7-Zip 0011-PW
PW (16) [Archives: Zip-Unzip] IZArc 0365-PW
PW (17) [Archives: Zip-Unzip] PowerArchiver 0577-PW
PW (11) [Archives: Zip-Unzip] ZipGenius 0889-PW

PW (18) [Search] Agent Ransack 0035-PW

PW (06) [Search And Replace] Info-Rapid Search &amp; Replace 0379-PW
PW (06) [Search And Replace] ReplaceEm (was BK ReplaceEm) 0634-PW

-- (03) [Search PDF Files] SearchPDF 2095

-- (05) [File Renamer] 1-4a Rename 0002-n
PW (07) [File Renamer] Lupas Rename (Lupas 2000) 0429-PW
-- (05) [File Renamer] Oscar's File Renamer 0523-PW
-- (04) [File Renamer] Renamer 0633-n
-- (04) [File Renamer] Siren 522
-- (05) [File Renamer] THE Rename 0747-PW

PW (05) [Long File Names Tool] LFN-Tools (Long FileNames in DOS) 0418-PW

PW (12) [File Splitter] Chainsaw 0127-PW

PW (20) [File Wiper] Eraser 0250-PW

PW (09) [Files: Undelete] Drive Rescue 0221-PW
-- (07) [Files: Undelete] PC Inspector File Recovery 0529-PW

PW (04) [Files: Validate] DVDSig 2665
-- (03) [Files: Validate] hkSFV 3567

PW (10) [Files: Validate; Undelete] CDCheck 0108-PW
-- (09) [Files: Validate; Undelete] QuickPar 0604-PW


PW (05) [Editor: 3D] Blender 0093-PW

-- (02) [Editor: Photo-Paint] ArtRage 1119
PW (28) [Editor: Photo-Paint] PhotoFiltre 2286
PW (11) [Editor: Photo-Paint] Pixia 0564-PW
PW (15) [Editor: Photo-Paint] The Gimp 0765-PW

-- (04) [Editor: Vector-Draw] EVE 0230-PW
PW (06) [Editor: Vector-Draw] Zoner Draw 3 0894-PW

-- (03) [Diagram And Chart Drawing Tool] Dia 0201-PW
PW (04) [Diagram And Chart Drawing Tool] Visual Thought 0815-PW

PW (09) [Organizer; Image Gallery; Screensaver] MyAlbum 0488-PW

-- (01) [Screensaver Maker] 2Flyer Screensaver Builder 0006-PW

PW (55) [Viewer; Convert-Edit-Rename] Irfanview 0391-PW
PW (17) [Viewer; Convert-Edit-Rename] XnView 0877-PW

PW (12) [Viewer; Image Optimizer] Free Digital Camera Enhancer 0296-PW

-- (03) [Fractals] ChaosPro 3084
-- (n/a) [Fractals] Fractal Explorer 0294-PW

PW (05) [Editor: Gif Animations] Ulead Gif Animator 0799-PW

-- (03) [Editor: Icons] SnIco Edit 0690-PW

-- (n/a) [Morph] WinMorph 2904

-- (03) [Color Picker] EyeDropper 0263-PW

PW (04) [Edit Image Comments] Exifer 0257-n

-- (02) [Ruler] Cool Ruler 0164-PW

-- (02) [Watermark Tool] picture-shark 0916-PW


PW (23) [Browser: Suite] Mozilla 0471-PW

PW (11) [Browser] K-meleon 0402-PW
PW (43) [Browser] Mozilla Firefox (was Mozilla Firebird) (was Phoenix)

-- (07) [Browser: Shell] Avant Browser 0073-PW
PW (09) [Browser: Shell] Maxthon (was MyIE2) 0447-PW
-- (03) [Browser: Shell] Slim Browser 0686-n

PW (13) [Browser: Small] OffByOne 0512-PW

PW (07) [Get Weather] Weather Watcher 0827-PW

PW (10) [Browser Tool] Google Toolbar 0324-PW
-- (n/a) [Browser Tool] IE 5 Power Tweaks Web Accessories 0360-PW
-- (n/a) [Browser Tool] IE 5 Web Accessories 0361-PW
PW (09) [Browser Tool] MozBackup 2110
-- (05) [Browser Tool] SetBrowser 0671-PW

PW (12) [Content Filter] Hosts File 0351-PW
PW (25) [Content Filter] The Proxomitron 0768-PW
-- (04) [Content Filter] Webwasher 0835-PW

-- (01) [Content Filter: Popup Killer] Pop-Up Stopper 0568-PW

-- (01) [Cookie Manager] Cookie Muncher 0157-PW
-- (02) [Cookie Manager] CookieWall 0160-PW

PW (05) [Bookmarks-Favorites] Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM) 0149-PW

-- (n/a) [URL: Convert To HTML] Bookmark Wizard 0097-PW
-- (n/a) [URL: Convert To HTML] Favorites to HTML (Favourites to HTML) 3587

-- (02) [URL: Clipboard Tool] CopyURL 0166-PW
PW (04) [URL: Clipboard Tool] Visit URL 0813-PW

PW (19) [URL Checker] AM-DeadLink 0017-PW
PW (13) [URL Checker] Xenu's Link Sleuth 0875-PW

-- (n/a) [URL: Site Update Checker] C4U 1242

PW (10) [Chat Client] Miranda IM 0462-PW
-- (05) [Chat Client] Trillian 0792-PW
-- (n/a) [Chat Client] Visual IRC (ViRC) 3566

PW (09) [Email Checker] Mailwasher 0443-PW
-- (07) [Email Checker] POP Peeper 0535-PW
-- (06) [Email Checker] PopCorn 0570-PW
PW (09) [Email Checker] YahooPOPs! (YPOPs!) 0880-PW

-- (04) [Email Client] Calypso 0118-PW
-- (07) [Email Client] FoxMail 0293-PW
PW (10) [Email Client] Pegasus Mail 0555-PW

-- (06) [Email Manager] ePrompter 0903-PW
PW (11) [Email Manager] Magic Mail Monitor 0441-PW
-- (03) [Email Manager] PopTray 0571-PW

-- (01) [Email Spam Tool] Frontgate MX 1695
PW (07) [Email Spam Tool] K9 0403-PW
-- (05) [Email Spam Tool] POPFile 0536-PW
-- (01) [Email Spam Tool] Spamihilator 2560

-- (03) [Email Tool] FoxTool 3457
-- (n/a) [Email Tool] Lookout 3564

PW (26) [Email And News Client] Mozilla Thunderbird 0474-n
disqualified (07) [Email And News Client] Outlook Express 0527-PW
-- (08) [Email And News Client] Pimmy 0563-PW

PW (09) [Email And News Tool] OE-Quotefix 0509-PW
PW (09) [Email And News Tool] Outlook-Quotefix 0528-PW
-- (03) [Email And News Tool] UUDWin 0798-n
-- (01) [Email And News Tool] X-Ray Mail Assistant (X-ray) 3384

PW (13) [Newsreader] 40tude Dialog 0009-PW
PW (11) [Newsreader] Free Agent 0295-PW
-- (07) [Newsreader] Gravity 0328-PW
-- (07) [Newsreader] Super Gravity 0728-PW
PW (25) [Newsreader] Xnews 0878-PW

PW (04) [Newsreader: Binary] GrabIt 0326-PW
-- (03) [Newsreader: Binary] Power-Grab (PowerGrab 2002) 0579-PW

PW (13) [Download Manager] DLExpert 0185-PW
-- (02) [Download Manager] LeechGet 0423-PW
-- (04) [Download Manager] Net Transport 2161
-- (07) [Download Manager] Star Downloader 0713-PW

PW (22) [Download Web Sites] HTTRACK (WinHTTrack) 0338-PW

-- (03) [BitTorrent Client] Azureus 3402

PW (24) [FTP Client] FileZilla 0281-PW
-- (05) [FTP Client] LeechFTP 0422-PW

PW (04) [FTP Tool] FTPpie 0271-n

-- (06) [P2P File Sharing] Shareaza 0673-n
PW (10) [P2P File Sharing] WinMX 0848-PW

PW (10) [Telnet Client] PuTTY 0595-PW
-- (n/a) [Telnet Client] Tera Term Pro 2644

PW (04) [Server: FTP] FileZilla Server 1625

PW (14) [Server: Mail; News] Hamster 0341-PW

-- (02) [DUN Manager] NetLaunch 0493-PW

PW (15) [Network Tool] Sam Spade 0645-PW

PW (10) [Network Computing] TightVNC 0772-PW
PW (10) [Network Computing] VNC 0807-PW


PW (20) [Audio Editor] Audacity 0069-PW
PW (11) [Audio Editor] mp3DirectCut 2111

PW (13) [Audio: Encoder] LAME 0416-PW

PW (09) [Audio: Encoder Info Tool] GSpot 0311-PW

PW (17) [Audio: Ripper] Exact Audio Copy (EAC) 0254-PW

PW (19) [Audio: Ripper-Converter] CDex 0109-PW
PW (17) [Audio: Ripper-Converter] dBpowerAMP Music Converter (dMC) 0898-PW

-- (08) [Audio Player] 1by1 0003-PW
-- (08) [Audio Player] Foobar2000 0291-n
-- (09) [Audio Player] Quintessential Player (QCD) 0607-PW
PW (23) [Audio Player] WinAmp Classic 0844-PW
PW (04) [Audio Player: Karaoke] VanBasco's Karaoke Player 0808-PW

PW (05) [Cataloger: Audio] MPEG Audio Collection (MAC) 0436-PW

-- (04) [Mp3 Tool] MP3-Info Extension (MP3ext) 0435-n
PW (16) [Mp3 Tool] MP3Gain 0434-PW
-- (07) [Mp3 Tool] Mp3tag 0476-PW

-- (n/a) [AV Editor] AsfTools 3010
PW (11) [AV Editor] TMPGEnc 0748-PW
PW (13) [AV Editor] VirtualDub 0812-PW

PW (07) [AV Tool: File Analyser] AVIcodec 3137

PW (29) [Multimedia Player] Media Player Classic 0449-PW
PW (16) [Multimedia Player] QuickTime Alternative 2378
PW (23) [Multimedia Player] Real Alternative 2402
-- (05) [Multimedia Player] ZoomPlayer 0895-PW

-- (02) [Organizer: Movies] Ant Movie Catalog 0054-PW

-- (n/a) [Instrument Tuner] AP Guitar tuner 0020-PW


-- (05) [Cataloger] Catfish 0121-PW
PW (10) [Cataloger] Cathy 0122-PW
-- (06) [Cataloger] Dir2HTML 0208-PW
-- (05) [Cataloger] Directory Lister 0211-PW
-- (03) [Cataloger] Visual CD 0814-n
-- (05) [Cataloger: Web Site Index Maker] Dirhtml 0212-PW

-- (05) [Organizer: Notes-Graphics] GoldenSectionNotes 0322-PW

PW (23) [Organizer: Notes-Rich Text] KeyNote 0410-PW

PW (17) [Organizer: Notes-Text] Treepad Lite and Treepad Asia 0790-PW

PW (13) [Notes And Reminders] AtNotes 0063-PW
-- (07) [Notes And Reminders] Stickies 2598

PW (05) [Reminders; Scheduler] nnCron LITE 0914-PW

PW (17) [Calendar] Calendar Magic 0117-PW

PW (06) [Calendar-Reminders] UK's Kalender 3332

PW (07) [Clock] WorldTime 0865-PW

-- (07) [Clock Customizer] TClock 0745-PW
PW (15) [Clock Customizer] TClockEx 0746-PW

-- (07) [Time Synchronizer] Atomic Clock Sync 0066-PW
-- (07) [Time Synchronizer] Dimension 4 0206-PW
PW (09) [Time Synchronizer] Neutron 0498-PW


PW (06) [Editor: Hex] Frhed 0306-PW

PW (04) [Automation: Batch Files] Batchrun 0081-PW

-- (09) [Automation: Macros] AutoHotkey 1142
PW (12) [Automation: Macros] AutoIt 0071-PW

PW (05) [Compiler] MinGW 3560

PW (04) [IDE (Integrated Development Environment)] SharpDevelop 3563

PW (05) [Programming] The Regex Coach 3559

PW (07) [Programming: Installer] Inno Setup 0381-PW

PW (11) [Programming: Language] Python 0596-PW

PW (14) [Resource Tool: Editor-Extractor] Resource Hacker 0637-PW
-- (03) [Resource Tool: Icon Extractor] Icon Snatcher 0367-PW

PW (36) [System Tweaker] TWEAK UI 0749-PW
PW (16) [System Tweaker] X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) 0867-PW

-- (n/a) [Version Control] TortoiseCVS 0776-n
-- (n/a) [Version Control] TortoiseSVN 3561


PW (16) [Anti-Virus] AntiVir Personal Edition 0055-PW
-- (09) [Anti-Virus] avast! 0897-PW
PW (27) [Anti-Virus] AVG Anti-Virus System 0023-PW
PW (17) [Anti-Virus] F-Prot Antivirus for DOS 0265-PW

-- (07) [Firewall] Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) 0036-PW
PW (28) [Firewall] Kerio Personal Firewall 0409-PW
PW (25) [Firewall] Zone Alarm 0893-PW

PW (52) [Anti-Spyware] Ad-Aware 0029-PW
PW (45) [Anti-Spyware] Spybot Search &amp; Destroy 0710-PW
PW (22) [Anti-Spyware] SpywareBlaster 0711-PW

PW (05) [Packet Sniffer] Ethereal 0252-PW
-- (n/a) [Packet Sniffer] Packetyzer 3562

PW (06) [Script Defense] Script Defender 0658-PW

-- (02) [Security patch] DCOMbobulator 0183-PW

-- (03) [System Security] Black Screen 0092-PW

-- (05) [Password Manager] Any Password 0056-n
-- (05) [Password Manager] Oubliette 0526-PW
PW (09) [Password Manager] Password Safe 0551-PW
-- (03) [Password Manager] PINs 0534-PW

PW (07) [Password Viewer] Revelation 0639-PW

-- (06) [Encryption Tool] Encryption for the Masses (E4M) 0248-PW
PW (09) [Encryption Tool] Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 0583-PW
-- (08) [Encryption Tool] TrueCrypt 2728
-- (04) [Encryption Tool] Windows Privacy Tools (WinPT) 0855-n


PW (09) [Cataloger: Disk Space] SpaceMonger 0694-PW
-- (05) [Cataloger: Disk Space] TreeSize 0789-PW

PW (22) [System Information Tool] Aida32 0038-PW
PW (19) [System Information Tool] Belarc Advisor 0084-PW
-- (08) [System Information Tool] EVEREST Home Edition 2295
-- (03) [System Information Tool] WinAudit 3009

-- (02) [Cpu Cooler] Rain 0613-PW

PW (08) [Memory Tester] Memtest86 0453-PW

PW (04) [Motherboard] MotherBoard Monitor (MBM) 0467-PW

-- (04) [Process Monitor] Another Task Manager (ATM) 0053-PW
PW (11) [Process Monitor] Filemon 0282-PW
PW (18) [Process Monitor] Process Explorer 0586-PW

-- (03) [Process Monitor: Memory] FreeRAM XP Pro 3070
PW (04) [Process Monitor: Memory] MemLoad 0451-PW

PW (11) [Process Monitor: Registry] RegMon 0624-PW

-- (02) [Process Monitor: Resources] Quick Resource 0601-PW

PW (10) [Process Monitor: Start-Up] Start-Up Monitor (Startup Monitor)
-- (06) [Process Monitor: Start-Up] System Safety Monitor (SSM) 2627
PW (12) [Process Monitor: Start-Up] WinPatrol 0850-PW

PW (25) [Start-Up Tool] Startup Control Panel 0719-PW

-- (n/a) [Boot Disk Creator ] AutoStreamer 3478
PW (10) [Boot Disk Creator ] PE Builder 1167

PW (13) [Boot Disk: Utilities Disk] Windows Ultimate Boot CD 3476

-- (n/a) [Boot Manager] GAG The Graphical Boot Manager 1748
PW (04) [Boot Manager] XOSL 0870-PW

PW (10) [Boot Manager; Partitioner] Ranish Partition Manager 0615-PW

PW (09) [Partition Tool] Partition Saving (was Savepart) 0547-PW

PW (05) [Registry Editor] Registrar Lite 0630-PW

PW (19) [Registry and File Tools] EasyCleaner 0236-PW
PW (22) [Registry and File Tools] jv16 Powertools 0911-PW
PW (20) [Registry and File Tools] RegSeeker 0626-PW

PW (16) [Cleaner: Files and Registry] RegCleaner 0620-PW

-- (04) [Cleaner: Files] Empty Temp Folders 0246-PW
PW (07) [Cleaner: Files] Spider 0704-PW

PW (06) [Cleaner: Remove IE] IEradicator 0364-PW

-- (08) [Install-Uninstall Tool] Add/Remove Pro 0032-PW
PW (20) [Install-Uninstall Tool] Total Uninstall 0777-PW

PW (09) [Memory Tool] Cacheman 0114-PW

-- (02) [RAM Disk] AR RAM Disk 0021-n
-- (01) [RAM Disk] Ramdrive.EXE Tools 1227
-- (02) [RAM Disk] XMS.EMS RAMdisk 0869-n

-- (01) [Backup Files] EZBack-it-up 3477
-- (09) [Backup Files] Karen's Replicator 0406-PW
PW (15) [Backup Files] XXCopy 0873-PW
-- (00) [Backup Files; Sync] myEasySync 3594

PW (09) [Backup: Registry] Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT) 0245-PW

PW (10) [CD-DVD: Burner] DeepBurner Free 1442

PW (10) [CD: Burner] Burnatonce 0105-PW
PW (10) [CD: Burner] CDBurnerXP Pro 1290

PW (14) [CD: Virtual] DAEMON Tools 0181-PW

PW (05) [Format Diskettes] SuperFormat 0729-PW

PW (09) [DOS] 4DOS 3397

PW (04) [Operating System] Debian 0195-PW

PW (08) [Os: Unix For Windows] Cygwin 0179-PW


PW (12) [Editor: Notepad] EditPad Lite 0240-PW
-- (07) [Editor: Notepad] EDXOR 0225-n
PW (21) [Editor: Notepad] MetaPad 0457-PW
-- (04) [Editor: Notepad] Notepad2 3565
PW (15) [Editor: Notepad] NoteTab Light 0503-PW

-- (07) [Editor: Programmer] ConText 0154-PW
PW (11) [Editor: Programmer] Crimson Editor 0169-PW
-- (09) [Editor: Programmer] Programmer's File Editor (PFE) 0587-PW
PW (10) [Editor: Programmer] PSPad 0539-n
-- (06) [Editor: Programmer] SciTE 0651-PW

-- (07) [Editor: Word Processor] AbiWord 0024-PW
-- (09) [Editor: Word Processor] Atlantis Nova 0064-PW
PW (11) [Editor: Word Processor] Crypt Edit 0171-PW

PW (09) [Compare Text In Files] ExamDiff 0255-PW

-- (02) [Convert: OCR] SimpleOCR 0679-PW

-- (07) [Convert Text To PDF] CutePDF Writer (was CutePDF Printer) 0177-PW
PW (14) [Convert Text To PDF] GhostScript 0316-PW
-- (04) [Convert Text To PDF] MakePDF 0444-PW
-- (08) [Convert Text To PDF] PDFCreator 0532-n
-- (04) [Convert Text To PDF] PrimoPDF 3024

-- (01) [Convert HTML To Text] Web2Text 0829-PW

-- (03) [Convert: HTML To Text And Tables] HTMSTRIP 0337-n

PW (04) [Stripper: Email] eCleaner 0901-PW

PW (13) [PDF Tool] Adobe Reader SpeedUp 1059
-- (03) [PDF Tool] PDF Toolkit 3125

-- (03) [Ebooks; Audio Books] µBook 2993

PW (06) [Convert Text To Speech] Speakonia 0699-PW


PW (07) [Editor: CSS] TopStyle Lite 2708

-- (06) [Editor: HTML] 1st Page 2000 0005-PW
PW (08) [Editor: HTML] HTML-Kit 0335-PW

-- (02) [Editor: WYSIWYG] Amaya 0044-PW
PW (14) [Editor: WYSIWYG] Nvu 2199

-- (02) [Calendar Maker] HTML Calender Generator 4 0332-PW

-- (n/a) [Convert: Text To HTML] Text2Web Pro 0758-PW

PW (09) [Image Gallery] JAlbum 0395-PW

PW (04) [Cleaner: Image Files] JPEG Cleaner 0397-PW

PW (05) [Title Maker] Font Magic 0289-PW

PW (05) [Button Maker; Tile Maker] Buttonz &amp; Tilez! 0106-PW

| PW (36) [System Tweaker] TWEAK UI 0749-PW
| PW (16) [System Tweaker] X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) 0867-PW

Susan ....

It seems strange to me to include these applications
under the Programming category ....

I use both, probably voted for X-Setup,
but haven't figured out how to program with either ....
Cousin said:
| PW (36) [System Tweaker] TWEAK UI 0749-PW
| PW (16) [System Tweaker] X-Setup Pro (was Xteq X-Setup) 0867-PW

Susan ....

It seems strange to me to include these applications
under the Programming category ....

I use both, probably voted for X-Setup,
but haven't figured out how to program with either ....

The PROGRAMMING page is really a "GEEKY_STUFF" page. . .

The tweaker apps are there partly because the SYSTEM_UTILITIES page is
so lengthy. ISTM they are easier to find where they are but if the
consensus is to move them it's fine with me. . .


I think that Wink (http://www.debugmode.com/wink/) deserves to be
included on the Pricelessware List. The reason being that I myself have
had great use of it to support teaching the use of database software and
there is no other free software of this kind (CamStudio being the
closest but it really does not compare as you can't edit a recorded
presentation.) The cheapest commercial alternative I know of starts at 169$.

If it is decided to be included it should probably be in the

"Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed
at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for
MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots of your
software, use images that you already have, type-in explanations for
each step, create a navigation sequence complete with buttons, delays,
titles etc and create a highly effective tutorial for your users."

By the way version 1.5 will soon be available with great new features
(multilingual support, control bar for presentations, automatic
input-driven capture to name a few).

Susan said:
-- (07) [Firewall] Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) 0036-PW
PW (28) [Firewall] Kerio Personal Firewall 0409-PW
PW (25) [Firewall] Zone Alarm 0893-PW

Seems a bit careless to have overlooked Sygate...
jo said:
Susan Bugher wrote:
-- (07) [Firewall] Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) 0036-PW
PW (28) [Firewall] Kerio Personal Firewall 0409-PW
PW (25) [Firewall] Zone Alarm 0893-PW

Seems a bit careless to have overlooked Sygate...

Is that an accusation or a confession? ;)

ISTM Sygate needs a champion talking it up in the newsgroup to have a
decent chance of winning a spot on the PL. Kerio and ZA are tough
competition. I suspect Sygate would have been a distant 3rd or 4th this
year. . .

Bent said:

I think that Wink (http://www.debugmode.com/wink/) deserves to be
included on the Pricelessware List. The reason being that I myself have
had great use of it to support teaching the use of database software and
there is no other free software of this kind (CamStudio being the
closest but it really does not compare as you can't edit a recorded
presentation.) The cheapest commercial alternative I know of starts at

If it is decided to be included it should probably be in the

"Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed
at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for
MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots of your
software, use images that you already have, type-in explanations for
each step, create a navigation sequence complete with buttons, delays,
titles etc and create a highly effective tutorial for your users."

By the way version 1.5 will soon be available with great new features
(multilingual support, control bar for presentations, automatic
input-driven capture to name a few).

Wink needs support from several other people to warrant its inclusion on
the PL.

If anyone think Wink should be added please speak up.

_Susan Bugher_, mercoledì 17/nov/2004:
Wink needs support from several other people to warrant its inclusion on
the PL.

If anyone think Wink should be added please speak up.

I think it should be added.
Susan said:
jo said:
Susan Bugher wrote:
-- (07) [Firewall] Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free) 0036-PW
PW (28) [Firewall] Kerio Personal Firewall 0409-PW
PW (25) [Firewall] Zone Alarm 0893-PW

Seems a bit careless to have overlooked Sygate...

Is that an accusation or a confession? ;)

An observation. :-)
ISTM Sygate needs a champion talking it up in the newsgroup to have a
decent chance of winning a spot on the PL. Kerio and ZA are tough
competition. I suspect Sygate would have been a distant 3rd or 4th this
year. . .

My guess is that ZA gets in on the inertia vote; it is the first
freeware FW that people try and they investigate no further. I think it
is a ridiculous candidate for inclusion on the PL... a non configurable,
buggy, bloated mess of an app.
The only competition for top place on the PL should be between Kerio and
Sygate, and there is still the question of which build of Kerio we are
talking about.
It would be interesting to see how it performed in the votes if anyone
had noticed its absence and nominated it.
jo ha scritto:
My guess is that ZA gets in on the inertia vote; it is the first
freeware FW that people try and they investigate no further. I think it
is a ridiculous candidate for inclusion on the PL... a non configurable,
buggy, bloated mess of an app.
The only competition for top place on the PL should be between Kerio and
Sygate, and there is still the question of which build of Kerio we are
talking about.
It would be interesting to see how it performed in the votes if anyone
had noticed its absence and nominated it.

Sygate is the best FW in my opinion.

Here is what I tried over the years...
ZA gave me many problems with flaws and crashes.
Kerio is not-so-friendly
Windows SP2 Firewall is a good product but unfriendly and not very powerful.

Remove _SPAM_NO_THANKS_ to reply
to my email address.

Matteo Riso
Happy ZipGenius User #1
I would like to add my vote for Wink, it really adds so much when
trying to produce tutorials, its so easy even my boss can use it. . .

and it makes excellent flash presentations
Susan Bugher said:
Wink needs support from several other people to warrant its inclusion on
the PL.

If anyone think Wink should be added please speak up.


I certainly do. It is terrific. You can also use it for screengrabs
since in addition to output to .swf you can save as html, in which
case the individual screens are all saved. Great software and getting
I certainly do. It is terrific. You can also use it for screengrabs
since in addition to output to .swf you can save as html, in which
case the individual screens are all saved. Great software and getting

I'll add to the list of Wink supporters. It's a terrific tool and I'm
so pleased it's available as freeware. Makes it *so* easy to produce
tutorials for my clients, on how to run Ad Aware, Spybot and other
utilities. Most of them find help files (and computers) daunting, so a
simple tutorial is the only way they are going to learn and be
motivated to update and run anti-malware/parasite tools.

I'm still learning how to use Wink properly, but from what I see, one
needs both the html and the matching swf file to run the tutorial. In
my quick perusal of the help file, I thought I read that they can be
combined into a single executable, but I need to check that.

Larry said:
I'm still learning how to use Wink properly, but from what I see, one
needs both the html and the matching swf file to run the tutorial. In
my quick perusal of the help file, I thought I read that they can be
combined into a single executable, but I need to check that.

In project settings the output file type can be changed from a swf file
to a windows executable.

Mike said:
(e-mail address removed) (J Taubman) wrote in

An excellent reason /not/ to add it.

I'm not sure what the reason behind this argument is. If you are
thinking about the use of flash on web pages I definitely agree that
flash should not be used for normal web content and navigation but for
the exact purpose of creating tutorials on the use of software, flash is
a great way of doing this through the web.

Furthermore in Wink you also have the option to export a project to an
ordinary web page with images or a PDF file.

Matteo Riso said:
Susan Bugher ha scritto:

I second its addition: it's an unvaluable Flash-movie builder.

If it still possible, I think that Wink should be added.

As a GPL software developper, I don't have any money to spend on a
tutorial-building software. Since the "death" of CamStudio2 (bought by
Macromedia), Wink is the only tutorial-building software we can use
freely. It has most of the features you may find on paid software, and
his developper is open to user's suggestions. Definitely a great

Bent Møller Madsen wrote:

I think that Wink (http://www.debugmode.com/wink/) deserves to be
included on the Pricelessware List.

7 "votes" (so far) for Wink. Wink will be included on PL2005.

supported by:

Bent Møller Madsen <bmmATbusinessDOTaauDOTdk>
MLC <[email protected]>
Matteo Riso <zginfo@_SPAM_NO_THANKS_zipgenius.it>
(e-mail address removed) (Pierre Gosset)
(e-mail address removed) (Jim V)
If it is decided to be included it should probably be in the

Apps I have grouped in "MULTIMEDIA: Screen Capture (Video)" on the ACF
program info pages include Bulent's Screen Recorder, CamStudio, and


It seems to me that's the best category. Does it look right to you?

Apps I have grouped in "MULTIMEDIA: Screen Capture (Video)" on the ACF
program info pages include Bulent's Screen Recorder, CamStudio, and


It seems to me that's the best category. Does it look right to you?

I agree.

By the way both Bulent's Screen Recorder and CapturePad has turned
shareware in the latest versions. Last free version (an older beta
version) of CapturePad is available at the bottom of their own download
page while the last free version of Bulent's Screen Recorder is
available here:
