Iain Cheyne
A couple of years ago, there were some Pricelessware graphics that people
could put on their site to show their affiliation with Pricessware. Big
GIFs look very out of date on modern sites and blogs etc, so I made a
Pricelessware button at http://kalsey.com/tools/buttonmaker/.
Does anyone have any better ideas of colour schemes or anything else? We
could even put it to a vote, followed by a typically massive and bitter acf
could put on their site to show their affiliation with Pricessware. Big
GIFs look very out of date on modern sites and blogs etc, so I made a
Pricelessware button at http://kalsey.com/tools/buttonmaker/.
Does anyone have any better ideas of colour schemes or anything else? We
could even put it to a vote, followed by a typically massive and bitter acf