Susan Bugher
Below is a list of the PL2004 voting results (final with one exception).
Programs are listed in alphabetical order.
SiSoftware Sandra was mistakenly omitted from the main ballot - voting
for that program (on a special ballot) will close on Dec. 15. I'll post
a follow-up with the *final* final vote counts when when voting is
closed on that ballot.
FotoAlbum is now shareware. It has been removed from nominations for the
The results of the acceptable-unacceptable ballots were:
40tude Dialog: yes - acceptable 28
40tude Dialog: no - unacceptable 13
Desktop Architect: yes - acceptable 14
Desktop Architect: no - unacceptable 7
ePrompter: yes - acceptable 16
ePrompter: no - unacceptable 10
KaZaA Lite: yes - acceptable 13
KaZaA Lite: no - unacceptable 29
Trillian: yes - acceptable 16
Trillian: no - unacceptable 10
Note: Objections to MyIE2 have been raised. This will be discussed in
the removals thread.
The program selections for PL2004 are shown in the category threads.
Some general commments:
The Pricelessware list is a list of the programs *favored* by
alt.comp.freeware participants - winners were determined primarily by
the vote count.
412 programs were on the ballot.
*All* programs with 12 or more votes were picked.
Programs with 8-11 votes were selected as needed to fill subcategories.
A few winners with 6-7 votes were picked when a special capability would
otherwise have been lost from the list.
IMO programs with fewer than 6 votes were not *favored* by enough people
to have earned a place on PL2004. None of the programs with fewer than 6
votes were selected.
Here is a tabulation of winners and losers by votes received:
12-87 votes won: 170 lost: 0 disqualified: 1
11 votes won: 14 lost: 10
10 votes won: 22 lost: 7
9 votes won: 18 lost: 11
8 votes won: 23 lost: 15
7 votes won: 7 lost: 23
6 votes won: 3 lost: 35
1-5 votes won: 0 lost: 52 not final: 1
total: won: 256
Some related programs were considered in pairs. One vote was counted for
each person who voted for one or both of the programs. The programs are:
25 Outlook-Quotefix
7 OE-Quotefix
25 combined vote
17 Super Gravity (related program)
14 Gravity (related program)
23 combined vote
18 TightVNC
20 combined vote
Vote Results:
4 1-4a Rename
13 1by1
19 1st Page 2000
7 2Flyer Screensaver Builder
38 2xExplorer
14 40tude Dialog
27 7-Zip
4 @icon sushi
19 AbiWord
9 AceHTML 5 Freeware
8 ActivIcons
75 Ad-Aware
15 Add/Remove Pro
26 Agent Ransack
16 Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free)
7 AGO Agent Group Order
12 AI RoboForm
46 Aida32
19 All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC)
10 AllChars
29 AM-DeadLink
9 Amaya
5 Amphetadesk
10 Another Task Manager (ATM)
8 Ant Movie Catalog
19 AntiVir Personal Edition
8 AP Guitar tuner
7 ArsClip
18 Atlantis Nova
21 AtNotes
15 Atomic Clock Sync
8 AtomTime95
11 Attribute Changer
22 Audacity
20 AutoIt
7 AutoSizer
14 Avant Browser
19 Avast!
40 AVG Anti-Virus System
6 AxCrypt
15 Batchrun
27 Belarc Advisor
6 BgInfo
6 Binary News Reader (BNR)
4 BitMorph
7 Blender
9 Bookmark Wizard
9 Burn to the Brim
11 Burnatonce
9 Buttonz! and Tilez!
14 Cacheman
9 Calc98
24 Calendar Magic
12 Calypso
11 Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts)
10 Catfish
15 Cathy
14 CDCheck
35 CDex
5 CesarFTP
19 Chainsaw
9 ChangeIcon
9 ClickTray Calendar
7 Cobian Backup
3 ColorPic
9 Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM)
15 ConText
20 Convert
8 Cookie Muncher
8 CookieWall
8 Cool Player
10 Cool Ruler
15 CopyURL
11 Crazy Browser
20 Crimson Editor
19 Crypt Edit
5 Currency Converter 2
14 CutePDF Printer
5 CyberKit
11 Cygwin
17 DAEMON Tools
6 Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar
8 DCOMbobulator
4 DDTitle
8 Debian
6 DeKnop
22 Dependency Walker
7 Desktop Architect
13 Dia
5 Diagram Designer
11 Dimension 4
16 Dir2HTML
12 Directory Lister
14 Dirhtml
8 DirKey
19 DLExpert
16 DLL Archive
10 DownloadExpress
12 Drive Rescue
12 e-Sword
7 Easy Gallery Generator (EGG)
6 Easy MD5 Creator
4 Easy SFV Creator
32 EasyCleaner
8 eCleaner
22 EditPad Lite
3 Email Encoder
6 Embellish
13 Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT)
14 Empty Temp Folders
7 eMule
10 Encryption for the Masses (E4M)
11 ePrompter
29 Eraser
11 ESBCalc
11 Ethereal
12 EVE
28 Exact Audio Copy (EAC)
22 ExamDiff
8 Explore2fs
12 Extended Character Map
11 ExtractNow
6 EyeDropper
34 F-Prot Antivirus for DOS
15 Filemon
12 FileTargets
21 FileZilla
9 FilZip
7 Flexible Renamer
11 Font Magic
7 Foobar2000
19 FoxMail
6 Fractal Explorer
20 Free Agent
10 Free Digital Camera Enhancer
4 Free Pascal
7 FreeBSD
6 FreeZip
10 Frhed
5 FSRaid
5 FTP Wanderer
21 GhostScript and GhostView
9 GoldenSectionNotes
26 Google Toolbar
8 GrabIt
15 Graph Paper Printer
14 Gravity
11 GSpot
20 Hamster
3 HarddiskOGG
4 Hook99
12 Hosts File
11 Hosts Toggle
7 Hotkeys
8 HTML Calender Generator 4
4 HTML E-Mail Address Encrypter
18 HTML-Kit
21 HTTRACK (WinHTTrack)
5 IceChat
10 Icon Snatcher
8 IconShop
6 ID-Blaster Plus
11 IE 5 Power Tweaks Web Accessories
10 IE 5 Web Accessories
14 IEradicator
20 Info-Rapid Search & Replace
15 Inno Setup
4 IntelliTamper
5 InterCover
87 Irfanview
16 IZArc
12 JAlbum
6 Jedit
9 JPEG Cleaner
33 jv16 Powertools
14 K-meleon
14 K9
12 Karen's Replicator
19 KaZaA Lite
34 Kerio Personal Firewall
31 KeyNote
7 Kookie Jar
6 Korrnews
17 LeechFTP
12 LeechGet
9 LFN-Tools (Long FileNames in DOS)
6 Lister
11 Lupas Rename (Lupas 2000)
10 Magic Mail Monitor
20 Mailwasher
5 MakePDF
1 Matizha Sublime
6 MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004
22 Media Player Classic
8 MemLoad
5 MemoKeys
8 Memtest86
5 Mercury Editor
28 MetaPad
7 Micro Egg Timer
10 Miranda IM
14 MotherBoard Monitor (MBM)
9 MouseImp
26 Mozilla
41 Mozilla Firebird (was Phoenix)
8 MP3 Book Helper
17 MP3Gain
14 Mp3tag
10 MPEG Audio Collection (MAC)
13 MultiRes
6 MuRa's Filters
24 MWSnap
10 My Own Backup (MOB)
9 MyAlbum
21 MyIE2
4 MyRun
9 NetLaunch
9 NetStat Live
16 Neutron
6 nnCron LITE
24 NoteTab Light
6 Noworyta News Reader
6 nPOP
5 Octopus
25 OE-Quotefix
20 OffByOne
6 OleClean
14 OpenExpert
45 OpenOffice.org
4 Optimoz
11 Oscar's File Renamer
13 Oubliette
19 Outlook Express
7 Outlook-Quotefix
5 Pablo Commander
5 Pan
8 Pardon
12 Password Safe
13 Path Copy (PathCopy)
13 PC Inspector File Recovery
11 PDFCreator
23 Pegasus Mail
8 picture-shark
14 Pimmy
10 PINs
17 Pixia
11 PolderBackup
12 POP Peeper
15 PopCorn
13 POPFile
11 PopTray
6 Popup Manager
9 PopupStopper
20 PowerArchiver
21 PowerDesk
5 PowerGrab 2002
11 PowerPro
8 PRCView
15 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
7 PrintKey 2000
6 Privoxy
16 Process Explorer
15 Programmer's File Editor (PFE)
10 Properties Plus
3 Proxy+
11 PSPad
4 Psycle
7 PTB Sync
7 Push That Freakin' Button (PTFB)
10 Putty
13 Python
5 Quick 'n Easy FTP Server
8 Quick Folders
8 Quick Resource
8 QuickPar
5 QuickSFV
6 QuickSilver
10 Quintessential Player (QCD)
9 Ragtime Solo
9 Rain
7 RAMpage
16 Ranish Partition Manager
6 ReadPlease
5 RecycleNOW
30 RegCleaner
6 RegEditX
11 Registrar Lite
5 RegMagik
13 RegMon
28 RegSeeker
5 RegShot
13 ReplaceEm (was BK ReplaceEm)
23 Resource Hacker
8 Restoration
10 Revelation
7 rjhExtensions
5 Rname-it
7 RUNit
18 Sam Spade
10 Savepart
6 Scanner
14 SciTE
8 Screen Calipers
7 Scribe
8 Script Defender
6 Script Sentry
7 ScripTrap
16 SetBrowser
9 Shareaza
8 SimpleOCR
1* SiSoftware Sandra (*not final)
3 Slide Show Movie Maker (SSMM)
10 SlimBrowser
9 SlowView
10 SmartFTP
8 SnIco Edit
10 SoftCAT
9 SpaceMonger
9 SpamPal
7 Speakonia
9 Sphygmic Spreadsheet
15 Spider
5 Splitz!
69 Spybot Search & Destroy
30 SpywareBlaster
17 Star Downloader
7 StarCalc
14 Start-Up Monitor
22 Startup Control Panel
6 Stone's WebWriter
4 StrokeIt
5 Sun Clock
17 Super Gravity
8 SuperFormat
8 Sylpheed
9 TClock
26 TClockEx
7 TCP Optimizer (TCP/IP Optimizer)
4 Terragen
8 Text2Web
20 The Font Thing
28 The Gimp
6 The GodFather
43 The Proxomitron
13 THE Rename
18 TightVNC
8 tinySpell
17 TMPGEnc
6 TortoiseCVS
30 Total Uninstall
12 TrackerV3
5 Transparent
4 Traybar
8 TreeCopy
17 Treepad Lite and Treepad Asia
8 TreeSize
16 Trillian
8 Turbo Navigator
10 TweakAll
10 TypeItIn
10 Ulead Gif Animator
4 UrlRun
4 UUDWin
7 VanBasco's Karaoke Player
6 vim
22 VirtualDub
8 Visit URL
8 Visual CD
10 Visual Thought
9 WAssociate
10 Weather Watcher
7 Web2Text
7 WebMon
9 Webreaper
12 Webwasher
6 Whisper
38 WinAmp Classic
13 WinDriversBackup Personal Edition
6 WinKey
19 WinMX
10 WinPatrol
25 WordWeb
12 World Time
18 X-Fonter
28 Xenu's Link Sleuth
44 Xnews
25 XnView
38 Xteq X-Setup
24 XXCopy
11 YahooPOPs!
22 Yankee Clipper III
5 Zinf
6 Zip Peeker
4 ZipCentral
16 ZipGenius
5 ZipInstaller
6 ZipScan
40 Zone Alarm
12 Zoner Draw 3
13 ZoomPlayer
Programs are listed in alphabetical order.
SiSoftware Sandra was mistakenly omitted from the main ballot - voting
for that program (on a special ballot) will close on Dec. 15. I'll post
a follow-up with the *final* final vote counts when when voting is
closed on that ballot.
FotoAlbum is now shareware. It has been removed from nominations for the
The results of the acceptable-unacceptable ballots were:
40tude Dialog: yes - acceptable 28
40tude Dialog: no - unacceptable 13
Desktop Architect: yes - acceptable 14
Desktop Architect: no - unacceptable 7
ePrompter: yes - acceptable 16
ePrompter: no - unacceptable 10
KaZaA Lite: yes - acceptable 13
KaZaA Lite: no - unacceptable 29
Trillian: yes - acceptable 16
Trillian: no - unacceptable 10
Note: Objections to MyIE2 have been raised. This will be discussed in
the removals thread.
The program selections for PL2004 are shown in the category threads.
Some general commments:
The Pricelessware list is a list of the programs *favored* by
alt.comp.freeware participants - winners were determined primarily by
the vote count.
412 programs were on the ballot.
*All* programs with 12 or more votes were picked.
Programs with 8-11 votes were selected as needed to fill subcategories.
A few winners with 6-7 votes were picked when a special capability would
otherwise have been lost from the list.
IMO programs with fewer than 6 votes were not *favored* by enough people
to have earned a place on PL2004. None of the programs with fewer than 6
votes were selected.
Here is a tabulation of winners and losers by votes received:
12-87 votes won: 170 lost: 0 disqualified: 1
11 votes won: 14 lost: 10
10 votes won: 22 lost: 7
9 votes won: 18 lost: 11
8 votes won: 23 lost: 15
7 votes won: 7 lost: 23
6 votes won: 3 lost: 35
1-5 votes won: 0 lost: 52 not final: 1
total: won: 256
Some related programs were considered in pairs. One vote was counted for
each person who voted for one or both of the programs. The programs are:
25 Outlook-Quotefix
7 OE-Quotefix
25 combined vote
17 Super Gravity (related program)
14 Gravity (related program)
23 combined vote
18 TightVNC
20 combined vote
Vote Results:
4 1-4a Rename
13 1by1
19 1st Page 2000
7 2Flyer Screensaver Builder
38 2xExplorer
14 40tude Dialog
27 7-Zip
4 @icon sushi
19 AbiWord
9 AceHTML 5 Freeware
8 ActivIcons
75 Ad-Aware
15 Add/Remove Pro
26 Agent Ransack
16 Agnitum Outpost Firewall (Free)
7 AGO Agent Group Order
12 AI RoboForm
46 Aida32
19 All-Purpose Spell Checker (APSC)
10 AllChars
29 AM-DeadLink
9 Amaya
5 Amphetadesk
10 Another Task Manager (ATM)
8 Ant Movie Catalog
19 AntiVir Personal Edition
8 AP Guitar tuner
7 ArsClip
18 Atlantis Nova
21 AtNotes
15 Atomic Clock Sync
8 AtomTime95
11 Attribute Changer
22 Audacity
20 AutoIt
7 AutoSizer
14 Avant Browser
19 Avast!
40 AVG Anti-Virus System
6 AxCrypt
15 Batchrun
27 Belarc Advisor
6 BgInfo
6 Binary News Reader (BNR)
4 BitMorph
7 Blender
9 Bookmark Wizard
9 Burn to the Brim
11 Burnatonce
9 Buttonz! and Tilez!
14 Cacheman
9 Calc98
24 Calendar Magic
12 Calypso
11 Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts)
10 Catfish
15 Cathy
14 CDCheck
35 CDex
5 CesarFTP
19 Chainsaw
9 ChangeIcon
9 ClickTray Calendar
7 Cobian Backup
3 ColorPic
9 Columbine Bookmark Merge (CBM)
15 ConText
20 Convert
8 Cookie Muncher
8 CookieWall
8 Cool Player
10 Cool Ruler
15 CopyURL
11 Crazy Browser
20 Crimson Editor
19 Crypt Edit
5 Currency Converter 2
14 CutePDF Printer
5 CyberKit
11 Cygwin
17 DAEMON Tools
6 Dave's Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar
8 DCOMbobulator
4 DDTitle
8 Debian
6 DeKnop
22 Dependency Walker
7 Desktop Architect
13 Dia
5 Diagram Designer
11 Dimension 4
16 Dir2HTML
12 Directory Lister
14 Dirhtml
8 DirKey
19 DLExpert
16 DLL Archive
10 DownloadExpress
12 Drive Rescue
12 e-Sword
7 Easy Gallery Generator (EGG)
6 Easy MD5 Creator
4 Easy SFV Creator
32 EasyCleaner
8 eCleaner
22 EditPad Lite
3 Email Encoder
6 Embellish
13 Emergency Recovery Utility NT (ERUNT)
14 Empty Temp Folders
7 eMule
10 Encryption for the Masses (E4M)
11 ePrompter
29 Eraser
11 ESBCalc
11 Ethereal
12 EVE
28 Exact Audio Copy (EAC)
22 ExamDiff
8 Explore2fs
12 Extended Character Map
11 ExtractNow
6 EyeDropper
34 F-Prot Antivirus for DOS
15 Filemon
12 FileTargets
21 FileZilla
9 FilZip
7 Flexible Renamer
11 Font Magic
7 Foobar2000
19 FoxMail
6 Fractal Explorer
20 Free Agent
10 Free Digital Camera Enhancer
4 Free Pascal
7 FreeBSD
6 FreeZip
10 Frhed
5 FSRaid
5 FTP Wanderer
21 GhostScript and GhostView
9 GoldenSectionNotes
26 Google Toolbar
8 GrabIt
15 Graph Paper Printer
14 Gravity
11 GSpot
20 Hamster
3 HarddiskOGG
4 Hook99
12 Hosts File
11 Hosts Toggle
7 Hotkeys
8 HTML Calender Generator 4
4 HTML E-Mail Address Encrypter
18 HTML-Kit
21 HTTRACK (WinHTTrack)
5 IceChat
10 Icon Snatcher
8 IconShop
6 ID-Blaster Plus
11 IE 5 Power Tweaks Web Accessories
10 IE 5 Web Accessories
14 IEradicator
20 Info-Rapid Search & Replace
15 Inno Setup
4 IntelliTamper
5 InterCover
87 Irfanview
16 IZArc
12 JAlbum
6 Jedit
9 JPEG Cleaner
33 jv16 Powertools
14 K-meleon
14 K9
12 Karen's Replicator
19 KaZaA Lite
34 Kerio Personal Firewall
31 KeyNote
7 Kookie Jar
6 Korrnews
17 LeechFTP
12 LeechGet
9 LFN-Tools (Long FileNames in DOS)
6 Lister
11 Lupas Rename (Lupas 2000)
10 Magic Mail Monitor
20 Mailwasher
5 MakePDF
1 Matizha Sublime
6 MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004
22 Media Player Classic
8 MemLoad
5 MemoKeys
8 Memtest86
5 Mercury Editor
28 MetaPad
7 Micro Egg Timer
10 Miranda IM
14 MotherBoard Monitor (MBM)
9 MouseImp
26 Mozilla
41 Mozilla Firebird (was Phoenix)
8 MP3 Book Helper
17 MP3Gain
14 Mp3tag
10 MPEG Audio Collection (MAC)
13 MultiRes
6 MuRa's Filters
24 MWSnap
10 My Own Backup (MOB)
9 MyAlbum
21 MyIE2
4 MyRun
9 NetLaunch
9 NetStat Live
16 Neutron
6 nnCron LITE
24 NoteTab Light
6 Noworyta News Reader
6 nPOP
5 Octopus
25 OE-Quotefix
20 OffByOne
6 OleClean
14 OpenExpert
45 OpenOffice.org
4 Optimoz
11 Oscar's File Renamer
13 Oubliette
19 Outlook Express
7 Outlook-Quotefix
5 Pablo Commander
5 Pan
8 Pardon
12 Password Safe
13 Path Copy (PathCopy)
13 PC Inspector File Recovery
11 PDFCreator
23 Pegasus Mail
8 picture-shark
14 Pimmy
10 PINs
17 Pixia
11 PolderBackup
12 POP Peeper
15 PopCorn
13 POPFile
11 PopTray
6 Popup Manager
9 PopupStopper
20 PowerArchiver
21 PowerDesk
5 PowerGrab 2002
11 PowerPro
8 PRCView
15 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
7 PrintKey 2000
6 Privoxy
16 Process Explorer
15 Programmer's File Editor (PFE)
10 Properties Plus
3 Proxy+
11 PSPad
4 Psycle
7 PTB Sync
7 Push That Freakin' Button (PTFB)
10 Putty
13 Python
5 Quick 'n Easy FTP Server
8 Quick Folders
8 Quick Resource
8 QuickPar
5 QuickSFV
6 QuickSilver
10 Quintessential Player (QCD)
9 Ragtime Solo
9 Rain
7 RAMpage
16 Ranish Partition Manager
6 ReadPlease
5 RecycleNOW
30 RegCleaner
6 RegEditX
11 Registrar Lite
5 RegMagik
13 RegMon
28 RegSeeker
5 RegShot
13 ReplaceEm (was BK ReplaceEm)
23 Resource Hacker
8 Restoration
10 Revelation
7 rjhExtensions
5 Rname-it
7 RUNit
18 Sam Spade
10 Savepart
6 Scanner
14 SciTE
8 Screen Calipers
7 Scribe
8 Script Defender
6 Script Sentry
7 ScripTrap
16 SetBrowser
9 Shareaza
8 SimpleOCR
1* SiSoftware Sandra (*not final)
3 Slide Show Movie Maker (SSMM)
10 SlimBrowser
9 SlowView
10 SmartFTP
8 SnIco Edit
10 SoftCAT
9 SpaceMonger
9 SpamPal
7 Speakonia
9 Sphygmic Spreadsheet
15 Spider
5 Splitz!
69 Spybot Search & Destroy
30 SpywareBlaster
17 Star Downloader
7 StarCalc
14 Start-Up Monitor
22 Startup Control Panel
6 Stone's WebWriter
4 StrokeIt
5 Sun Clock
17 Super Gravity
8 SuperFormat
8 Sylpheed
9 TClock
26 TClockEx
7 TCP Optimizer (TCP/IP Optimizer)
4 Terragen
8 Text2Web
20 The Font Thing
28 The Gimp
6 The GodFather
43 The Proxomitron
13 THE Rename
18 TightVNC
8 tinySpell
17 TMPGEnc
6 TortoiseCVS
30 Total Uninstall
12 TrackerV3
5 Transparent
4 Traybar
8 TreeCopy
17 Treepad Lite and Treepad Asia
8 TreeSize
16 Trillian
8 Turbo Navigator
10 TweakAll
10 TypeItIn
10 Ulead Gif Animator
4 UrlRun
4 UUDWin
7 VanBasco's Karaoke Player
6 vim
22 VirtualDub
8 Visit URL
8 Visual CD
10 Visual Thought
9 WAssociate
10 Weather Watcher
7 Web2Text
7 WebMon
9 Webreaper
12 Webwasher
6 Whisper
38 WinAmp Classic
13 WinDriversBackup Personal Edition
6 WinKey
19 WinMX
10 WinPatrol
25 WordWeb
12 World Time
18 X-Fonter
28 Xenu's Link Sleuth
44 Xnews
25 XnView
38 Xteq X-Setup
24 XXCopy
11 YahooPOPs!
22 Yankee Clipper III
5 Zinf
6 Zip Peeker
4 ZipCentral
16 ZipGenius
5 ZipInstaller
6 ZipScan
40 Zone Alarm
12 Zoner Draw 3
13 ZoomPlayer