Susan Bugher
I believe we are ready to make the changeover official (and archive
I haven't revised the Freeware Wish List yet - will be doing that ASAP . . .
Programs that were nominated but *not* selected for PL2004 are shown on
the nomination description pages. FYI - it's easy to go from a PL2004
page to the equivalent nominations page - just add an *n* after PL2004
in the file name - for example:
The PL2004 Program Index (aka alphabetical list) has a column for
cross-referencing. Suggestions for additional cross-references are
welcome (now or later).
Please get out your very best fine-tooth combs and tell me what I
screwed up - missed etc. etc.
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org
PL2003: http://www.pricelessware.org/2003/about2003PL.htm
PL2004 Review: http://www.pricelessware.org/2004/2004nominationsPL.php
alt.comp.freeware FAQ (short) - maintained by John F.

I haven't revised the Freeware Wish List yet - will be doing that ASAP . . .
Programs that were nominated but *not* selected for PL2004 are shown on
the nomination description pages. FYI - it's easy to go from a PL2004
page to the equivalent nominations page - just add an *n* after PL2004
in the file name - for example:
The PL2004 Program Index (aka alphabetical list) has a column for
cross-referencing. Suggestions for additional cross-references are
welcome (now or later).
Please get out your very best fine-tooth combs and tell me what I
screwed up - missed etc. etc.
Pricelessware: http://www.pricelessware.org
PL2003: http://www.pricelessware.org/2003/about2003PL.htm
PL2004 Review: http://www.pricelessware.org/2004/2004nominationsPL.php
alt.comp.freeware FAQ (short) - maintained by John F.