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Hello there,

What size file was used for the source file (how wide x how tall) and what
size file did you save it to (again how wide/tall)

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
Thanks for your reply John, both the Sony Handicam and Movie Maker were set at 320 x 240.
John, you misunderstood me, they are both set at 320 X 240 and the video is still pixelized.
Oh, OK :) Sorry about that..

I thought you were saying that you had discovered that because they were
set at 320 x 240 that that was the reason for pixilation in a full screen


If you view your movie at 100% size (in this case 320 x 240) in Media
Player is the picture good? or pixilated? I expect you will say good.

If you display your 320 x 240 video "Full Screen" in Media Player it would
look pixilated For example, if your screen resolution was 640 x 480 then
one pixel from the movie would have to cover 4 pixels on your screen....
that is not a very scientific way of describing it...if the pixels were
extremely small (therefore the screen would be very small) pixilation would
not be visible..

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work
I have Sony video software and my videos in there are pixilized in that also

I don't know how to view a video from my handicam in Media Player.
Hello There,

Sorry I should have been more explicit. What I should have said is, With
regard to the video already captured, when you view it in Media Player at
its normal size, is that Pixilated.

If the answer is NO that's fine. If that video is 320 x 240 then you need
to look for the option in the capture process so that you can capture at a
larger size. I am assuming that your camera is a DV??? If it is then you
should select the capture option of DV-AVI )Its in the Capture Wizard)
Doing that will of course create a very much larger file (Approx 1 hour =
13GB or more)

If the answer is YES, then you have some kind of bottleneck caused perhaps
by a slow computer, a poor connection, a bad camera output...it could be a
number of things...which we would have to look into much more deeply.

Anyway, answer the above for us and we will take it from there.
Hello there,

With the lack of further information there is little I can do to help. If
the camera output is 320 240 (largest) then you are stuck. everytime you
display the image at a larger resolution you will get pixilation.
Are you connected via usb lead or firewire, you need to use firewire for
best resolution and uncompressed capture. Are you using MM1 or 2 MM2 is a
free upgrade from M/S and well worth it.
Have you ever been able to capture from the camera without the
pixelation? Is the video pixelated when you play it back on in the camera
monitor? If so, the head of the camera may need cleaning.
I hope this helps.
Lisa Campbell-Smith[MS]