pivottable view for data entry

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Auitua said:
Is is possible to use a pivot table form for data entry?

Generally, no.

It is *possible* however, to capture the cell upon which a user
clicks/double-clicks, and prompt for data to be entered in that location (or
to just toggle a Yes/No value, or perhaps step through a selection sequence
list on a double-click...)

There are two main problems with this:
1) I have not been able to find a way to locate appropriate screen
coordinates to pop up a text/combo box control for such data entry, making
the user interface for such editing more cumbersome than it otherwise should
be. (Come to think on it more, displaying any standard form control in a
pivottable view is prabably not even possible in a conventional access forms
sense, since it uses an Office Web Component control to "take over" the form
window, so even if it were possible, it'd probably require some heavy lifting
in Win32 UI code to do it.)

2) I have been complaining here recently about the inability of the
PivotTable view of a form to properly recognize and display NEWLY APPENDED
RECORDS to the recordset of the form. (see thread: "MSDN KB 299825
"resolution" resolves NOTHING")

There is a Microsoft KB article (#299825) that says this can be
accomplished, but from my recent attempts in Access2003(sp2), there is
NOTHING that can be done *from code* *from within the form_Click or
form_DblClick events* themselves which will cause the newly appended
record(s) to be displayed on the pivottable view.

If anybody can demonstrate that I'm wrong and/or being stupid about this
I'll happily eat crowe and simmer down.

The only way I have found to cause them to be displayed is to
re-double-click the same cell a second time (and handle the exceptions for
attempting to add the record a second time in the event code). I can show you
some code which does this if you wish.

Both problems make most efforts to do this really stink,
but the second one is the real killer.
i mean, we could _live_ with a clunky UI for data input if we _had_ to,
....but having the new data not be displayed upon input?
That is not at all an acceptable UI experience.

So, if you can FULLY POPULATE a Pivottable with data ahead of time, and then
use only double-clicking the detail cells as an acceptable edit method, then
you COULD use a PivotTable view for editing (sorta), but otherwise, I'm
really afraid not.