PivotChart print from form



I have created a pivot chart view on a form. I have custom menus for the
user which has a close button, a preview button and a print button.
While I am designing the database/form the print button is visible. When the
user starts the database and navigates to the pivot chart form the close
button and preview buttons are there but the print one has disappeared.
I use another similar menu for reports and they all work ok. Am I missing a
setting somewhere on the pivotchart? I have tried it on other forms and it
works okay there.
Many thanks for any advice.


I solved it myself !!!
I made the PivotChart a subform which enabled the user to maniplate the data
they require, this form had buttons which enabled the user to open a report.
I put the resulting pivotchart in the subform of a report so that the user
could print it.

It seems obvious now but as this was my first attempt at using PivotCharts
it wasn't so obvious then.

Hopefully this may help others!

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