PivotChart Decimal Place on Fixed Number Format on Averaged Field



I have a pivotchart which I cause to take a huge list of people's test
percentiles and calculate the average for each year. I then display the
average above each bar. The problem is that there are too many numbers
after the decimal place for each figure. I went into the properties and
changed the number format to "fixed" but it doesn't give me the option
to change the number of decimal places that are used (it does every
where else in MS Office!). It seems that it just uses the regional
settings for the computer. But the problem I have in changing that is
that I have other pivotcharts in the same report that does something
similar but needs a different number of decimal places. Is there any
way around this without having to create another query to calculate the
average and then having the pivotchart display the info from the new
query (this is a huge database that I put together with many charts and
I don't want to have to redo the way that it works just because of this
decimal place issue)?


Instead of making a choice from the list, type in your own
format code

the format property

on format code -- there are 4 parts
1. format for positive numbers
2. format for negative numbers
3. format for 0 (zero)
4. format for null

parts 2 thru 4 are optional

Format --> #,##0.00;[red]-#,##0.00;0.00;0.00

show commas between thousands, always show the ones place
and 2 decimal places -- even if the number is null.
Negative numbers are red

Format --> #,##0
show commas between thousands, no decimal places, always
show zero

Format --> #,###
show commas between thousands, no decimal places, don't show
anything if the number is zero

Format --> $ #,##0.00
show commas between thousands, always show the ones place
and 2 decimal places. Display a dollar sign.


for more help on Format, press the F1 key in that property
on the property sheet (if you are in a query, you may not
get help -- press F1 in the Format property of a control on
a form or report

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com



Thank you so much. This is perfect, I wish I had known this a long time

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you're welcome ;) happy to help

hint: for any property that you use, it is a good idea to
press F1 in that property to read the help -- and for the
ones you don't use, it is still a good idea so you can learn
what they are :)

btw, Excel only uses the first 3 parts of Format in the
custom Format code when you Format Cells... this may have
changed in the latest versions to include the 4th, null,
parameter -- but Excel doesn't use Null the same way that
Access does.

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at yahoo.com


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