Pivot Table Totals

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mick Henn
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Mick Henn

Is there any way that i can add an extra column to a pivot table that I can
add a function into?

We have 2 internal quality checks for our product. I have created a log
which shows what type of issues are discovered in the first and second
quality check.
The pivot table in its most basic form shows the count of the different type
of issues found in the first QA check in the rows and the type of issues
found in the second QA check in the columns.

The nature of this layout means that looking at the Grand Total is
meaningless from a process analysis point of view. What I would need is to
add an extra column to the table which calculates the difference between the
items which were not the same on the first and second QA check (i.e. they
passed the first time, but failed the second time or vice versa).

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated as I am currently using the
cells outside of the table to make these calculations and that poses problems.
EXCEL 2007

Mick, you seem to want a Calculated Field.

1. There are a couple of examples at:-


2. Items 71 and 70. These 2 items should be read in conjunction with one

3. Item number 68.

If my comments have helped please hit Yes.

Thanks for the help! This is very helpful but i think i am trying to use
functionality which is not there.

The value which i need to report on is the Total minus The amount of items
which had no issue on the second pass of QA checks (i.e. if the number is
zero a second check is no longer needed). I understand how this is more
complex than the example you have provided because i am trying to calculate
based on specific values within a feild rather than the field header as shown
in your example.

p.s. yes i am using Excel 2007
Mick, I feel sure that what you are looking for is do-able but I don't have
the time right now to look into it further.

If you could spell it out in PivotTable column names (exactly what you have
got there at the moment) and a few rows of example data within those columns
I feel sure that somebody will be able to provide a solution.
Hi Mick

If you want to send me a copy of your workbook, and a description of
what you want, then I will see if i can sort it.

send to
roger at technology4u dot co dot uk
Change the at and dots to make valid email address
Here's a simplified version of the table i'm working with.

1 Incorrect component No Issues
(pass) Total
2 No Issue (pass) 9
607 616
3 Extra component 0
1 1
4 Incorrect component 2
15 17
5 Total 11
623 634

So by looking at the table i can infer that 9 items which passed the first
inspection were failed on the second inspection for having an incorrect
component. All items which were deemed to have an extra component in the
first inspection passed the second inspection and 2 items which had an
incorrect on the first inspection still had the same issue on the second

As you can see, the totals give no meaningful result as to how the process
is performing, the user must interpret the figures which leaves analysis open
to user error.
Hi Roger,

Really appreciate the offer and will take you up on it thanks!
I will have to modify the workbook to remove anything confidential of course
and that might take some time so i will pass it on tomorrow.

Again, thanks for the offer!