Pivot Table Questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frederick Chow
  • Start date Start date

Frederick Chow

Hi all,

1. How can I modify the label of the subtotals or grand totals of a pivot
table, i.e. "XXX Grand Total" with some other texts?

2. When I group a date field by some categories, like by month, Excel will
give each group with pre-defined labels ("January", "February", etc). Is it
possible to modify these labels?

3. When I place more than one fields into the data field area, a grey label
called "Data" will appear. How can I modify the name of this label, or even
hide or delete it?

Thanks a lot.

Frederick Chow
Hong Kong.
You should be able to type new values into those cells in the pivot
table. What happened when you tried to change them?