I have an excel workbook which I want to alter using a pivot table to view
the data more easily.
The original culmns contain: A:Branches B
roducts C:Number Sold D: Value
Sold E:Number Refunded F:Value Refunded
I want to end up with Branches in the first column, and Products across the
first row, with each produch showing Number Sold, Value Sold, Number
Refunded, Value Refunded beneath the product.
The Pivot Table Wizard list this instead on the wrong axis, against the
Hopefully someone understands what I mean and can help me use pivot tables
better !
I have an excel workbook which I want to alter using a pivot table to view
the data more easily.
The original culmns contain: A:Branches B

Sold E:Number Refunded F:Value Refunded
I want to end up with Branches in the first column, and Products across the
first row, with each produch showing Number Sold, Value Sold, Number
Refunded, Value Refunded beneath the product.
The Pivot Table Wizard list this instead on the wrong axis, against the
Hopefully someone understands what I mean and can help me use pivot tables
better !