Pipeline 1981


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
this is the first of a few threads I'll be putting here. They're pix I have hosted and former threads at my other Forum, BBF.

As they're being hosted thought I may as well share them. Here's thread as it appeared at BBF on 24-11-05:


Ok, I bored, so thought I’d post these pix.

From ‘81, I was 30 years old.

Used to do Industrial Radiography for a living. That involves X-Raying and interpreting welds. Welders didn’t like us much, lol

The X-Ray set was heavy. X-Ray beams used to bounce off a Titanium platform, temperatures got to +100C. Tube was oil-cooled, that was why it was so heavy.

It was powered from a generator mounted in Land Rover, 240V AC.

12 hour day, seven days a week, hard, manual and brain work.

But it paid well. Very well.

The governor (my uncle) said to us ‘One day, you’ll remember this job, and think it was good’. I didn’t think that then, but I do now. He was right.

I saw places in the UK I didn’t know existed. Experienced a storm on top of a hill, Land Rover lashed to pipe via X-Ray set cable, during storm, a little worrying, lol. Saw more wildlife than I ever realised existed. Saw stately homes, out-of-the-way mental hospitals, gardens with helicopters, Arab racing stables, pheasant farms, lots of things.

We used to finish at 7pm, wash ourselves up, drive cross country to nearest pub, drink, drive back cross country drunk, sleep in tent overnight in middle of country, wake up, start LR genny, brew coffee, pick fresh mushrooms, cook brekkies, then work a long day. Lunch in nearest pub. Of course. Met Oliver Reed once at lunchtime in country pub. An interesting experience.

To eat breakfast straight from a dirty frying pan, as dawn shows, no other humans, middle of wild country, is an experience everybody should have. Almost army-llike, maybe.

Here’s pix:

Looking a bit poncy in beret, Land Rover, Radiation signs, near Alton:


Belly button:


Saudi or Hampshire?


Down a hole:


Sunny at the time:


That’s Brendan with the radiation meter:


Me, trying to align X-Ray set:


That’s Mark, we called him ‘Wreckless’ cos he broke everything:


Me, National Trust Land. You can’t access this countryside unless you a member of National Trust. Or destroying the land laying pipe ;)


Me again:


Brendan, doing his ‘Sound Of Music’ impersonation:


Me, down a hole, ****ed off cos of earth collapse, had to dig it out:


This is what happens when a Mill Pond collapses. Luckily it happened about 3am, couldda been naughty:


This is what the same location looked like from another angle. Tranquil eh? Until we arrived with cold steel :D


Sometimes, only way to access weld:


Oddly enough, the guy in charge of the whole project was a Texan.
Fantastic Flopp's thanks for posting those up...:thumb:

In 81 I was 14 and still at school, would have loved that job though.. Bet you had some fun you not telling us about..:nod:
Health & Safety ... who would have believed it was you in charge.

Looks fun for a job! It's funny, those last few photos look like they could have been taken a few days ago.

I really enjoying seeing these old photos :thumb:
Ian Cunningham said:
Try a proxy and see if that works - this was top on google for free proxy, but no idea if it's any good:


I don't understand why you have given me that link Ian . I thought flops had posted the pics here at PC Review in this thread ? He hasn't given any links to try out so why would I need the YOUHIDE .

Glad you got there in the end :)

They're actually hosted on a server in Texas with my other forum.
Cant take them away flops...memories eh awesome...grat pics, thanks for sharing them m8...:wave:
christopherpostill said:
Whereabouts in Alton is that? It's where i went to school and college, it's my nearest town :)

Dunno. I mean, it was 27 years ago :D

Lemme see, probably about a mile or two from the city centre heading East :)