PIP Preview - PIP render

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michel
  • Start date Start date


I would like to use the custom PIP transition (seepapajohn.org) in a PAL
Below is what I use (the pip is in the right-bottom corner, its size is 1/4
of the frame).
The render is OK, but the preview is not (pip too small, and not exactly in
the right-bottom corner). What parameters should I use for the preview
Thank you in advance.


<TransitionsAndEffects Version="1.0" >
<TransitionDLL guid="{BB44391D-6ABD-422f-9E2E-385C9DFF51FC}">
<Transition name="PIP Preview" iconid="88">
<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="360" />
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="240" />
<Param name="OffsetX" value="180" />
<Param name="OffsetY" value="120" />
<Param name="Width" value="180" />
<Param name="Height" value="120" />
<Transition name="PIP Render" iconid="88">
<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="720" />
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="576" />
<Param name="OffsetX" value="360" />
<Param name="OffsetY" value="288" />
<Param name="Width" value="360" />
<Param name="Height" value="288" />
Hi I'm a newbie, I've only been working with MM2 for about a month but have
played around a bit with the PIP, so take my code with a grain of salt. I'm
not sure what you meant by 'rendered ok' I found if I took a simple rate of
2 pixels the video was offset from where I expected and cropped. PapaJohn
does warn us we will need to play around a bit.
I run a screen resolution of 1280x1024, my clip resolutions (from a digital
camera NOT a DVCam) are 640x480 or 800x600 (used for vertical clips)- not
that I know whether this makes any difference.

The following is my xml for putting video in each corner.
Version="1.0" >
<TransitionDLL guid="{BB44391D-6ABD-422f-9E2E-385C9DFF51FC}">
<Transition name="PIP Top Left" iconid="88">
<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="360" />
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="270" />
<Param name="OffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="OffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="Width" value="192" />
<Param name="Height" value="144" />

Version="1.0" >
<TransitionDLL guid="{BB44391D-6ABD-422f-9E2E-385C9DFF51FC}">
<Transition name="PIP Top right" iconid="88">
<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="360" />
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="270" />
<Param name="OffsetX" value="192" />
<Param name="OffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="Width" value="192" />
<Param name="Height" value="144" />
Version="1.0" >
<TransitionDLL guid="{BB44391D-6ABD-422f-9E2E-385C9DFF51FC}">
<Transition name="PIP bottom Left" iconid="88">
<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="360" />
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="270" />
<Param name="OffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="OffsetY" value="144" />
<Param name="Width" value="192" />
<Param name="Height" value="144" />
Version="1.0" >
<TransitionDLL guid="{BB44391D-6ABD-422f-9E2E-385C9DFF51FC}">
<Transition name="PIP bottom right" iconid="88">
<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" />
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="360" />
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="270" />
<Param name="OffsetX" value="192" />
<Param name="OffsetY" value="144" />
<Param name="Width" value="192" />
<Param name="Height" value="144" />

They seem to be in the right locations and with no cropping.

Let me know how you get on

My first attempts to try the 4 of them resulted in the transitions appearing
in the collection.... but when applied the video stops playing normally at
the point that the transition starts... and stays that way in the preview
monitor. The audio continues as normal.

I rendered one to see if the results are there in the saved movie, and they
are...I tried the bottom left option and the little picture was more in the
middle left. But I didn't pay attention to my screen resolution, input file
size, etc.... just did it.

Very nice - much better looking and easier than the method I currently have
posted that has people going off to Virtual Dub to resize the clip and color
the background ....

If it's OK with you, I'll be adding your info and code to my website... a
big step forward.
Hi Eeyore,

I did some more testing/playing with your xml code.... it's looking good.

It seems easier to just work with the one 'Upper Left' corner file than to
use all 4 of them.... I've added comments to the lines of code in that one.


Picture-in-Picture XML File
<TransitionsAndEffects >

General comments:

If you edit the xml file after applying the transition, it needs to be
reapplied as the transition's properties flow into the project file. You can
delete or change the XML file after use and the project will still render as
it was created.

I tested with clips of 640x480 and higher. Your monitor's screen resolution
isn't a factor, as all relationships are determined by the pixel dimensions
of the clip being transitioned into, along with the dimensions of the saved

Version="1.0" >
<TransitionDLL guid="{BB44391D-6ABD-422f-9E2E-385C9DFF51FC}">
<Transition name="PIP Top Left" iconid="88"> name it just
PictureInPicture and use just this one.

the first 4 lines is essentially a screen grab:

<Param name="SrcOffsetX" value="0" /> the upper left corner of
the image to grab
<Param name="SrcOffsetY" value="0" /> the upper left corner of
the image to grab
<Param name="SrcWidth" value="360" /> the portion of the clip to
use, in pixels - works OK if the image is somewhat larger and in the proper
aspect ratio
<Param name="SrcHeight" value="270" />

the last 4 lines tell it where to put the screen grab (it can even
push it offscreen), and what size to make it (if larger than the original
size, it'll magnify it - interesting - in good quality, not highly

<Param name="OffsetX" value="0" /> the upper left corner of the
resized image, in pixels to the right of the corner
<Param name="OffsetY" value="0" /> the upper left corner of the
resized image, in pixels down from the corner
<Param name="Width" value="192" /> the resized image width in
<Param name="Height" value="144" /> the resized image height in
Thanks for starting this thread Michel,

I ended up adding more complete PIP info as a new Tip #15 on the forum at
SimplyDV, editing the PIP section of my Editing > Video > Transitions page,
and adding a little clip to the site that uses a PIP transition with this
XML file (the clip is on the Importing Source Files > Music and Audio page).

I'm going to be using the single transition that Ken Cox got us started with
in December, adding the info about what the various XML code lines mean in
Tip#15, along with any other pointers about how to use it....

Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org

Hi PapaJohn,
Thank you, I will look at that.
But what about my initial question? For PAL, what parameters in the PIP
preview (pip 1/4 size, in the right-bottom corner)?
I can understand the parameters in the render transition, but not in the
preview transition.
Thank you
Hello PapaJohn,
I can't find the Tip #15 at SimplyDV. What is the complete address?

Sorry, should have said Tip #16. There's a direct link to the Tips thread at
SimplyDV on the Online > Forums page of my site.

When I 'preview' the project, I don't see the PIP effect working.... my
video stops at the point that it enters the transition.... but when I save
the movie it's rendered fine. I did a 5 pass example yesterday and added it,
and last night did some more testing of various parameters....

I work in NTSC and am just testing it with standard 4:3 mode... haven't
checked PAL or widescreen