Pinnacle Studio 11 Plus Upgrade cant be installed to XP SP3

  • Thread starter Thread starter eerikki
  • Start date Start date


Pinnacle support informed that tey are not going to support Studio 11 Upgrade
version installation into XP SP3. They suggest returning back to SP2.

Removing SP3 warns about a huge number of processes and devices that might
not work any more, if SP3 is removed. Any good experiences about removing?

Is there a way to temporarily patch the XP SP version identification to SP2
instead of removing SP3?
eerikki said:
Pinnacle support informed that tey are not going to support Studio 11
version installation into XP SP3. They suggest returning back to SP2.

Pinnacle have competition. They can't afford to ignore SP3. They'll
support it when it comes to the crunch.