First, I've discovered that the screwed-in, retaining clip on the back of
my X850xt is not the primary method by which force is applied to the GPU. If
you look closely at the X850xt there are two screws holding the copper
heatsink to the AL body of the assembly. These two screws are, in fact,
spring-loaded and determine (I beleive) how much force is applied to the
GPU. The retaining clip on the back merely holds the fansink assembly in
On another note, I replaced the heat plate assembly on the back of my X850xt
with individual heatsinks. It probably makes some sort of difference because
the heat plate uses thermal pads that are attached to some sort of sticker
which is stuck on the heat plate.
I noticed the thermal pads you wrote about (the ones that interface the
front-side PCB memory to the heatsink). Those pads look so thick that they
must be insulating the memory on the front of the PCB rather than cooling
it, LOL. I'd imagine the reason my memory is incapable of running anywhere
near 600Mhz (which they are rated for) for sustained periods must be because
of these thick thermal pads. I wonder if the X850XT PE's feature
different/better thermal interfaces for their memory/GPU than the X850xt
my X850xt is not the primary method by which force is applied to the GPU. If
you look closely at the X850xt there are two screws holding the copper
heatsink to the AL body of the assembly. These two screws are, in fact,
spring-loaded and determine (I beleive) how much force is applied to the
GPU. The retaining clip on the back merely holds the fansink assembly in
On another note, I replaced the heat plate assembly on the back of my X850xt
with individual heatsinks. It probably makes some sort of difference because
the heat plate uses thermal pads that are attached to some sort of sticker
which is stuck on the heat plate.
I noticed the thermal pads you wrote about (the ones that interface the
front-side PCB memory to the heatsink). Those pads look so thick that they
must be insulating the memory on the front of the PCB rather than cooling
it, LOL. I'd imagine the reason my memory is incapable of running anywhere
near 600Mhz (which they are rated for) for sustained periods must be because
of these thick thermal pads. I wonder if the X850XT PE's feature
different/better thermal interfaces for their memory/GPU than the X850xt