Hi again Ray.
Here's the same Ray.asm program with slight modifications.
segment code
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,stacktop
mov dx,hello
mov ah,9
int 0x21
mov ah,0x3c
mov cx,0
mov dx,files
int 0x21
mov [filehnd],ax
mov ah,0x40
mov bx, [filehnd]
mov cx,msglength
mov dx,hello
int 0x21
mov ah,0x3e
mov bx,[filehnd]
int 0x21
mov ax,0x4c00
int 0x21
segment data
hello db 'Hi! Ray How did I get created Today?','$'
files db 'ray.txt', 0
filehnd db 2
msglength equ 0x24
segment stack stack
resb 64
It's essentially a slightly smaller executable. Smaller by 5 bytes, but
does exactly the same thing as the previous Ray.asm.
Can you tell me what I changed to save 5 bytes more and keep the same
functionality, Ray? [g]
This is one of the reasons why ASM is such an interesting language.
Things look bad from over here. Too much confusion and no solution.
Everyone here knows your fear. Your out of touch and you try too much.
Yesterdays glory will help us today. You wanna retire? Get outta the
way. I ain't got much time. Young ones close behind. I can't wait in
Here's the same Ray.asm program with slight modifications.
segment code
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,stacktop
mov dx,hello
mov ah,9
int 0x21
mov ah,0x3c
mov cx,0
mov dx,files
int 0x21
mov [filehnd],ax
mov ah,0x40
mov bx, [filehnd]
mov cx,msglength
mov dx,hello
int 0x21
mov ah,0x3e
mov bx,[filehnd]
int 0x21
mov ax,0x4c00
int 0x21
segment data
hello db 'Hi! Ray How did I get created Today?','$'
files db 'ray.txt', 0
filehnd db 2
msglength equ 0x24
segment stack stack
resb 64
It's essentially a slightly smaller executable. Smaller by 5 bytes, but
does exactly the same thing as the previous Ray.asm.
Can you tell me what I changed to save 5 bytes more and keep the same
functionality, Ray? [g]
This is one of the reasons why ASM is such an interesting language.
Things look bad from over here. Too much confusion and no solution.
Everyone here knows your fear. Your out of touch and you try too much.
Yesterdays glory will help us today. You wanna retire? Get outta the
way. I ain't got much time. Young ones close behind. I can't wait in