Ping: Omega- Re: Executables from Installs

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Hello Karen:
Awhile ago, you kindly offered to check if you had coverted any of my list to
executables, and post them to your website for me to download.
It has taken several weeks for me to start creating the file list. The first
installment is listed as you suggested.

cdscan10stup.exe, Cdvideosetup.exe, CecSetup.exe, century32estup.exe,
cevo080stup.exe, checkit5trialstup.exe, ckrename108stup.exe,
classicclipboard12stup.exe, cleanit20stup.exe, CleanUp30stup.exe,
clickoffstup.exe, Clipomaticstup.exe, clipsizestup.exe, ClipTraySetup.exe,
CloseitanywaySetup.exe, cmdsh200stup.exe , cmndlinesetup.exe , colorcop-setup.exe,
columnizer524stup.exe, Comparator22stup.exe, compressandwideerstup.exe ,
connectionkeeper5stup.exe, logitechmousewarestup.exe, contextsetup.exe,
controlxsetup.exe, jonessoftuninstallcleanerstup, cop22stup.exe,
copyurl230stup.exe, crazybrowsersetup.exe, crimsoneditor345r2stup.exe,
crisfresoftwareclnrstup.exe, crisuninstallmanagerstup.exe, crowbarinstaller.exe,
sendtotoysstup.exe, cybertweakstup.exe, dacrisbenchmarksetup.exe,
DCPlusPlus-0.241stup.exe, kerio-pf-2.1.5-en-winstup.exe, Dir2text12stup.exe,
directorysnoop9521stup.exe, directxbuster20b3estup.exe, Dirkey13stup.exe,
DirListerstup.exe, diskfree3stup.exe, DIVSetup.exe, djirectxbuster21b4estup.exe,
dlexpert099stup.exe, DocMem1_45astup.exe, DOS Explorerstup.exe, dosdropstup.exe,
SetupDVDDecrypterstup.exe, drdflashstup.exe, EditPadLite520stup.exe,
dskinvestigator13stup.exe, dsp_compwidestup.exe, dunbackup211stup.exe,
EasyIntegrityCheckerstup.exe, EasyMemorystup.exe, EasyScan112stup.exe,
eBay Auction Builder.exe, EFDeskPins121stup.exe, egchessstup.exe,
emptemp223stup.exe, emptydrivestup.exe, enablepwcachestup.exe, enzip26stup.exe,
epromptersetup.exe, Esnukpool021stup.exe, evo0102stup.exe, exetractimagesstup.exe,
exits9598setup.exe, extensionmanagerstup.exe, extractnowstup.exe, astcachestup.exe

I'm working on the rest of the list. As I mentioned before, it's a long list as I
stopped installing anything but mandatory programs several years ago, and the
interesting setup file list grew.

Thanks for the help,

Mike Sa
ms said:
Hello Karen:
Awhile ago, you kindly offered to check if you had coverted any of my list to
executables, and post them to your website for me to download.
It has taken several weeks for me to start creating the file list. The first
installment is listed as you suggested.

Mike, I uploaded the extracted forms of these:
ckrename108stup.exe, Clipomaticstup.exe, ClipTraySetup.exe, columnizer524stup.exe,
Comparator22stup.exe, jonessoftuninstallcleanerstup, crazybrowsersetup.exe,
crisuninstallmanagerstup.exe, DirListerstup.exe, directorysnoop9521stup.exe
dskinvestigator13stup.exe, Dirkey13stup.exe, EditPadLite520stup.exe,
epromptersetup.exe, exits9598setup.exe, extractnowstup.exe (2.4mb) (3.2mb)

The first group, these all run green. No external files, no registry. [1]
CFSC (formerly, Chris Uninstall Manager)
JSUIC (JoneSoft UnInstall Cleaner)

The second group, on run, these don't add more than their one settings
key into the registry. [2]


[1] The no-registry group...

Naturally, I still consider it green when a program offers an opt-in
deal to take associations if you ask it to. Second note: I tend to
count green those special cases where a program gives one a choice
on registry (Editpad a notable example).

Exits95 doesn't write to the registry unlesse you choose that action.
And, via an adjacent command on its menu, it will remove those entries,
if told.

Editpad use of registry is optional. It lets you choose between storing
settings in registry -- or instead in an .ini in its local directory.

Crazybrowser will do a temporary registry write. It adds its name to the
msie "user agent" field (an info the browser sends to web servers). Then
it deletes its name back out when it exits.

[2] The one-regkey group...

Reg exception of this group is eprompter. It does not use the registry;
instead it puts an eprompter.ini file in the windir.

To remove the regkeys of the progs in this group. One basic method is
to use a .reg file as below. Uncomment (remove the ; semicolon) where
fit, to have intended deletes take place. A txt editor like Win32Pad
is handy for this kind of thing. You edit the file as appropriate, then
hit the editor's "Execute" command to have regedit process the file.


; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dirkey]
; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mlin\Clipomatic2]
; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SoftByte Labs\Comparator]
; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ClipTray]
; [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CKRename]
; [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ExtractNow]
; [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SolwaySoftware\DiskInvestigator]
Those d/l URLs I gave will fail. :( Problems of some kind, maybe
quota, maybe something else, no idea, pounded at it for hours, had
to give up. The new placement for the files is here:

.. . . .
I'm leaving the previous post appended, in order to provide the
accurate d/l URLs, with the description, as a single file. (For
this one case only the long append. Not planning bad new habits.)

Karen S.

omega said:
ms said:
Hello Karen:
Awhile ago, you kindly offered to check if you had coverted any of my list to
executables, and post them to your website for me to download.
It has taken several weeks for me to start creating the file list. The first
installment is listed as you suggested.

Mike, I uploaded the extracted forms of these:
ckrename108stup.exe, Clipomaticstup.exe, ClipTraySetup.exe, columnizer524stup.exe,
Comparator22stup.exe, jonessoftuninstallcleanerstup, crazybrowsersetup.exe,
crisuninstallmanagerstup.exe, DirListerstup.exe, directorysnoop9521stup.exe
dskinvestigator13stup.exe, Dirkey13stup.exe, EditPadLite520stup.exe,
epromptersetup.exe, exits9598setup.exe, extractnowstup.exe (2.4mb) (3.2mb)

The first group, these all run green. No external files, no registry. [1]
CFSC (formerly, Chris Uninstall Manager)
JSUIC (JoneSoft UnInstall Cleaner)

The second group, on run, these don't add more than their one settings
key into the registry. [2]


[1] The no-registry group...

Naturally, I still consider it green when a program offers an opt-in
deal to take associations if you ask it to. Second note: I tend to
count green those special cases where a program gives one a choice
on registry (Editpad a notable example).

Exits95 doesn't write to the registry unlesse you choose that action.
And, via an adjacent command on its menu, it will remove those entries,
if told.

Editpad use of registry is optional. It lets you choose between storing
settings in registry -- or instead in an .ini in its local directory.

Crazybrowser will do a temporary registry write. It adds its name to the
msie "user agent" field (an info the browser sends to web servers). Then
it deletes its name back out when it exits.

[2] The one-regkey group...

Reg exception of this group is eprompter. It does not use the registry;
instead it puts an eprompter.ini file in the windir.

To remove the regkeys of the progs in this group. One basic method is
to use a .reg file as below. Uncomment (remove the ; semicolon) where
fit, to have intended deletes take place. A txt editor like Win32Pad
is handy for this kind of thing. You edit the file as appropriate, then
hit the editor's "Execute" command to have regedit process the file.


; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dirkey]
; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\mlin\Clipomatic2]
; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SoftByte Labs\Comparator]
; [-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ClipTray]
; [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CKRename]
; [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ExtractNow]
; [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SolwaySoftware\DiskInvestigator]
omega said:
Those d/l URLs I gave will fail. :( Problems of some kind, maybe
quota, maybe something else, no idea, pounded at it for hours, had
to give up. The new placement for the files is here:

. . . .
I'm leaving the previous post appended, in order to provide the
accurate d/l URLs, with the description, as a single file. (For
this one case only the long append. Not planning bad new habits.)
Thanks again.

No luck on downloading so far.

This one:
I get the message "connection refused".

This one:

I get a 404.

I tried several times.

Mike Sa
omega said:
Mike, I uploaded the extracted forms of these:
Many thanks for the work and the information above. See in next reply my luck in

I'm working on the rest of the list. The best thing about the executables, is it
is basically a risk-free opportunity to try possibly useful programs on my old

Mike Sa
ms said:
No luck on downloading so far.

I look now and discover those files even on the omega4 are deleted. :/

On the first one, the omega5 dir, I'd uploaded, over and over, for hours.
I kept getting result of deletes, and similar problems. Maybe Port5 is
having dramatically worse performance problems than usual. Or maybe some
retarded individual on staff has flagged the files as warez. (But why not
email a nastygram & close the account if that was the idea?). Maybe, the
most likely cause, tho' it doesn't explain the deletes to me, it is to do
with exceeding bandwidth quotas.

The only thing I do know here: It's been frustrating and very tiring.

If I knew of a service I could sign on with that offered a service of that
type - a subdomain kind of webspace, not domain hosting - for a low rate,
I'd sign on. But I don't know one...and I am not at all up for spending
the next thirty hours stumbling around blindly on that difficult type of
web shopping activity.

For now, I've gone ahead and uploaded to my ISP's server. Since these
files are transient anyway, I suppose that works out all right for this
case. [*]

As to longer-term solution on my need for a tad of webspace, I'll have to
leave that on the shelf of unresolveds. :/

[*] You know, every time I see that filename,, it causes
me to think it's about trying to make you eat your turnip greens or
spinach or somesuch. :)
omega said:
For now, I've gone ahead and uploaded to my ISP's server. Since these
files are transient anyway, I suppose that works out all right for this
case. [*]

As to longer-term solution on my need for a tad of webspace, I'll have to
leave that on the shelf of unresolveds. :/ lists three
possibilities for temporary storage:




The last two require registration.

I suggest you try YouSendIt just to see how it works - send a file to
yourself (or links button) (or maybe just make up an
address) and then copy the download URL.

Susan Bugher said:



The last two require registration.

I suggest you try YouSendIt just to see how it works - send a file to
yourself (or links button) (or maybe just make up an
address) and then copy the download URL.

What protocol used for YouSendIt? I have miserable phone lines, slow and
disconnects, and for example, smtp, or anything lacking resume support,
it makes for a process for me susceptible to multiple fails and tedium.
omega said:
What protocol used for YouSendIt? I have miserable phone lines, slow and
disconnects, and for example, smtp, or anything lacking resume support,
it makes for a process for me susceptible to multiple fails and tedium.

dunno, don't see that info - I've had to wait with some uploads but they
always suceeded.

try it. . .
try it. . .
try it. . .
try it. . .


omega said:
I have miserable phone lines, slow and
disconnects, and for example, smtp, or anything lacking resume support,
it makes for a process for me susceptible to multiple fails and tedium.

I was in dial up hell like this until I discovered AOL. :-)

(And, of course, external hardware modems)

Best UK dial up by far. I don't know how it rates in other countries.

Scatters one or two files about your system... but then; you knew that.
Susan Bugher said:

try it. . .
try it. . .
try it. . .
try it. . .


Woah there, what is it you are trying to pull? Some kind of hypnosis?
Brain-washing tactic? I'll tell you here and now, that won't work.
My Leaders at Scientology have well trained me how to be en guard
against the influence of you outsiders.
omega said:
No luck on downloading so far.

I look now and discover those files even on the omega4 are deleted. :/

On the first one, the omega5 dir, I'd uploaded, over and over, for hours.
I kept getting result of deletes, and similar problems. Maybe Port5 is
having dramatically worse performance problems than usual. Or maybe some
retarded individual on staff has flagged the files as warez. (But why not
email a nastygram & close the account if that was the idea?). Maybe, the
most likely cause, tho' it doesn't explain the deletes to me, it is to do
with exceeding bandwidth quotas.

The only thing I do know here: It's been frustrating and very tiring.

If I knew of a service I could sign on with that offered a service of that
type - a subdomain kind of webspace, not domain hosting - for a low rate,
I'd sign on. But I don't know one...and I am not at all up for spending
the next thirty hours stumbling around blindly on that difficult type of
web shopping activity.

For now, I've gone ahead and uploaded to my ISP's server. Since these
files are transient anyway, I suppose that works out all right for this
case. [*]

As to longer-term solution on my need for a tad of webspace, I'll have to
leave that on the shelf of unresolveds. :/

[*] You know, every time I see that filename,, it causes
me to think it's about trying to make you eat your turnip greens or
spinach or somesuch. :)
Many thanks, downloading now, sorry it was so much hassel for you!

BTW, are you located in UK? I looked on the Portland server (it sure isn't
Portland, Oregon, US), it seems to be in UK. I saw a free POP3 email page, but
didn't see anything about local phone numbers. I need to find another free POP3
email account as is way too much spam. I heard about Fastmail, but it
takes too much configuration for the IMAP mail account when using Thunderbird.

Mike Sa
jo said:
I was in dial up hell like this until I discovered AOL. :-)

(And, of course, external hardware modems)

Best UK dial up by far. I don't know how it rates in other countries.

Scatters one or two files about your system... but then; you knew that.

For me, it's not ISP, but phonelines, a price of being rural, etc. I had
no problem with getting good connects where I lived previously. Generally
touched in on connect close to the full 53kbs; and it stayed connected
for great lengths - didn't got dropped, as a pattern (setting aside that
MSPG occasionally had a bad hair day). Things as now, it's actually got
the one advantage is that I am beginning to caught up some on offline
activities. I even finally recently sorted through an old 1997 downloads
folder that I'd been packing around forever...

And, jo, don't give me that hooey about AOL offering you good service, even
over there in the UK. We all know your real reason: You like hanging out in
those AOL chatrooms. Getting your fill on those profound conversations that
are exchanged amongst the AOLians...
omega said:
For me, it's not ISP, but phonelines, a price of being rural, etc.

I'm a bit rural here also. West coast of Wales, no broadband.
And, jo, don't give me that hooey about AOL offering you good service, even
over there in the UK.

I phoned the freefone support help line once. They told me to reinstall
windows. :-)
We all know your real reason: You like hanging out in
those AOL chatrooms. Getting your fill on those profound conversations that
are exchanged amongst the AOLians...

Me too

ms said:
BTW, are you located in UK? I looked on the Portland server (it sure isn't
Portland, Oregon, US), it seems to be in UK.

No, I'm over here by the Pacific, along with you.
I saw a free POP3 email page, but
didn't see anything about local phone numbers. I need to find another free POP3
email account as is way too much spam. I heard about Fastmail, but it
takes too much configuration for the IMAP mail account when using Thunderbird.

The French server, that I recommended to you last, it's served me extremely
well, for some six years now. Granted, I am not a real email user, so am
not in a position to gage how fast and consistently reliable it is. But I
do know that it is very clean; in there for the long haul; and has that
feature of instantly creating sub accounts (this provided me great relief
from the accursed dotcomspam).
omega said:
No, I'm over here by the Pacific, along with you.

The French server, that I recommended to you last, it's served me extremely
well, for some six years now. Granted, I am not a real email user, so am
not in a position to gage how fast and consistently reliable it is. But I
do know that it is very clean; in there for the long haul; and has that
feature of instantly creating sub accounts (this provided me great relief
from the accursed dotcomspam).
I must have lost that reference- my clipboard extender is too full. Which French
server, local phone nos in Salem, Oregon?

Mike Sa
jo said:
I phoned the freefone support help line once. They told me to reinstall
windows. :-)

Automatic. That response is the industry standard. <G>

In the US, one place companies outsource for telephone staff is our
prisons. And there's been more than once where I've become pretty
convinced I had one of those folks on the other end of the line....
ms said:
I must have lost that reference- my clipboard extender is too full. Which French

Recall that I don't like to promote them, as I don't want to risk being
an agent in their service getting slammed. View my headers and de-ROT13
their link.
local phone nos in Salem, Oregon?

Err? You wouldn't need phone numbers for a POP account.
ms said:
omega said:
For now, I've gone ahead and uploaded to my ISP's server. Since these
files are transient anyway, I suppose that works out all right for this
case. [*]
Many thanks, downloading now, sorry it was so much hassel for you!
Here is another group:
columizer,ultimatezip27.exe, undoreg146, wordweb, filechecker,
fixlinks113,flashrename,fnote,Folderbackup, folderbox,fontexplorerlite,
Fredals Dictionary,freeagent32-121, freeChessHelper,freeDTree, freemem, freezip,

freezipsSFX, freshdiagnose5, freshdownload325, freshui, ftpbasic,
FTPShortcut, fv,gbtext, ggsearch3, goaltime, gojigsaw, golf, GrabIt,GraphCalc,
greetingcard, h2t,handybackup, HangUp,hardcopx, HDCleaner, HDCopy,
heriofantigame,hexer,HFFR,filegrabber,highpoweroffence, hkSFV, homesite,
hostmani,htmlconverter, icollector, icon_restore, iconart, iconsnatacher,
IHateThisKey,ilsystemwiper, incd, IndexView,
inforapidsearchreplace,aquariumSS, InstallRite, InstantView, instmsi,
internetsearch,invader,IPCheck,iprocessviewer, IpShowCMD,irfanexplorershell,
ironkey, iwiperclean,JKNewsArchiver, jumble,jv16pt, keep-it2000, keynote,
Keyword_Informartion_Database,killwin, kleptomania, kmeleon, kookiejar,kyn,
lastchance, lighteningsearch, listpics, littlelist,
mac_241,mailchecker32, MailThisPage, MailWasher, maxblastdiskmakerplus, maxmem,

mcafeeupdaterdaily, mcdos,megusta,melms, MEtoolbar, mihovpicturedownloader,
minimizer, MixedUpMath, mtmemorydiag, monidir2k, motherboardmonitor,
mp3stock,MP3Workshop_Full, mpetag, mr210beta, mrublaster, mtinst, multivirusscan,
netlaunch, netmon, NetRun,netstatlive,newsproxy, NoAdds, nodelete, nohandsbackup,
noworytanewsread, nsbookie,oktagon, onlinetimer, openexpert, optool,
pact_jumpreg, pagefaultmonitor, Partitionmagicboot_diskpak, pec, pedit,
pegasus,photocopier, PhotoResizer, picturedownloader, pictureshark, pingplotter,
pkybasket, poolbilliards,POPPeeper,

PuzzlePicz, PuzzleProject, Qbackup, qbeasy,qiuickinfo,quickexchange,
Quicksilver, quickzip,quickziplite, quote,ramcleaner, ramidle,
realaudioplayer, realcodecs, RedEye,regcommander, regcompact, RegCool,
RegeditX,regestrycommander,regexplorer, regextensions, reghance,
registrytips, regmagic,Regulator, Regx, renameit, renamer, Rescue911,
ResourceExplorer, Restoredesktop, roomarranger32, rping, rpl, scanb,
Scrapbook, screenhunter, SenLab, sentthere, servantsalamander,
shalomtext,Shutdown, shutdownmanager, silentbob, SInfo,skin4all,
smartpar, softbase, softcat,softchess, spamihilator, splittur, spyguru,
stardownloader,startdelay,startdelayer, startstop, startupeditor, startupmanager,
StayOnline, StreamRipper, stripfile, stubbie, subscan,
sysinf, systemwiper, sz, tagmi,tesseract, TestPath,textfinder,thecleaner,
totalcopy,tpro,traceviewer, trakseek,Trayminimizer,TraySaver,
Tweakingtoolbox, Tweaks98,UBDTweak, ultimatebootdisk,
underwater_aquarium,uninsallability, uninsstallmangager, UnknownDeviceIdentifier,
unrarw32, Uregit, utlitimateboot, vbadgelite,
VC, vicphoto,videopokerabsolute, vmdbinst,w98bootdisk, WackGet,
webmon, webreaper, webwasher,wf, wgnuplot, WhezStartupMgr, whizfinder,
wilbur, winamp dsp_compwide, winamp282,
winnc, winrar, winrescue, winsystem, wnerrs,WntIpcfg,worldtimezone,
xblock12, xdesk, ZipALot, perl-text2html-2003,0510,tar,rescue

Whatever of them you might have, would be very helpful. There is an end to it- one
more installment.

Thanks again.

Mike Sa
omega said:
Recall that I don't like to promote them, as I don't want to risk being
an agent in their service getting slammed. View my headers and de-ROT13
their link.

Err? You wouldn't need phone numbers for a POP account.
Right, just for an ISP.
I went to the Portland site and registered for a new free POP 3 account. Waited,
then went to the log in page several hours later, with the correct
username/password, it keeps giving me "Unknown user or password incorrect", even
with cookies enabled.

Mike Sa