Ping of Death on Window XP

Apr 9, 2006
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Hi there, I am a novice (and computer iliterate) here and would appreciate any help on how to fix my notebook.

I recently noticed ping of death attacks on my router log. It is my notebook that keeps attacking one specific IP. The log looks like this.

ping of death. ICMP(type:8, code:0)
ping of death. ICMP(type:0, code:0)

The attack normally occurs during the first few minutes after I turn my modem (Allied Telesyn-AR236E) and wireless router (ZyAIR G-2000) on. After which there may be some attacks but it is rare.

I ran antivirus programs but didn't find any virus. Currently, I use symantec client firewall. I tried to block the ICMP traffic but my rule was overrode by the defult setting by symantec (which permits inbound and outbound ICMP). When I turned window XP firewall on and disabled symantec firewall, the attacks also occured. My notebook has all the window xp updates installed. I searched on the internet but didn't seem to find the solution on how to fix this. Please help. Thank you in advance!
Hi Murdoch,

Thank you for your reply. I will try to read and understand that document. I originately thought so that someone (or Microsoft as you said) was pinging my PC. But the log clearly showed that souce of the ping was my IP address and the destination was someone else's IP. Would you recommend reinstalling XP?
What do the manuals say for a problem like this?

I'm not an expert on these type of problems, so may be someone else will post help on this.
I can't tell you what is "pinging" my PC ... 'cos I ain't bloody interested, I have never bothered looking at my Router's log. ;)

I don't use a fancy Firewall ... I have a NAT Router, and Windows Firewall enabled ... and that is it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm quite a security fanatic, but there is a whole host of crap flying around the Internet looking for unprotected systems ... the so called "script kiddies" haven't a real clue as to what they are doing, but try anyway.

I can find better things to do than to worry about something from the 90s ... ;)

If you have a Router, you are more than well protected ... add to that a software Firewall such as ZoneAlarm (free), ZA annoys me, and go about your other business.

no cluer said:
Hi Murdoch,

Thank you for your reply. I will try to read and understand that document. I originately thought so that someone (or Microsoft as you said) was pinging my PC. But the log clearly showed that souce of the ping was my IP address and the destination was someone else's IP. Would you recommend reinstalling XP?
Are you using a firewall? As for someone else pinging your pc was it a one off, as for the router log record i'm not an expert on the exact details to this, may be contact the routers makers or look on their website for more info.