Some months back you were reporting problems with long shut down
(power down) problems after you'd been using internet or mail, and
said you were going to try powering down your modem prior to normal
shut down. I was interested, as I had the same problem.
I've been using Process Viewer 2000 ( http://www.blehq.org/ ), and
noticed that msimn.exe (part of the OE program) was still active for
some long time after I'd closed down OE. If I use PV 2000 to kill
msimn.exe, then shut down happens almost immediately after going for
Shut Down.
Any help to you?
Some months back you were reporting problems with long shut down
(power down) problems after you'd been using internet or mail, and
said you were going to try powering down your modem prior to normal
shut down. I was interested, as I had the same problem.
I've been using Process Viewer 2000 ( http://www.blehq.org/ ), and
noticed that msimn.exe (part of the OE program) was still active for
some long time after I'd closed down OE. If I use PV 2000 to kill
msimn.exe, then shut down happens almost immediately after going for
Shut Down.
Any help to you?