PING J. Gilliver, Esq.

  • Thread starter Thread starter thanatoid
  • Start date Start date
In message <[email protected]>,

Wrong newsgroup (-:. Looks useful (when it finally loaded),
but I don't speak Czech ...

Many of the programs have English names, and many "foreign"
words can be understood in context, plus you have the file names
to help.

You're a smart guy, are you saying you couldn't figure out that

MSI instalace Google Earth pro Windows 98/ME. ZIP obsahuje 3
upravené knihovny (DLL) nutné po instalaci pøed prvním spuštìním
programu pøepsat v adresáøi Google Earth (Program
Files/Google/GoogleEarth) Pøibaleno Readme.txt s informací.
Podaøilo se mi rozchodit na Win98 / PIII / 750MHz. Doporuèuji
instalaci UberSkinu 8.3.1 (hledejte na, který mimo
redesignu themes pøináší jinou správu systémových prostøedkù

means basically:

Last Google Earth for 98/ME, some dll's to change (or
something), readme.txt is probably in English [and it IS], runs
on 98/P3/750MHz. You can skin it.


"Neoficiální updaty IE 6 pro Windows 98"
non-official updates of IE6 for 98



Gee, I wonder what THIS word means...????

[loud gong sound]