Making threats against other forum posters, however well-intentioned or
deserved they may be, simply confuses onlookers.
It was the harshness of the original "PING" post that lead some folks here
to think that Randy himself had been spoofed.
I myself have seen at times threads being taken off topic, that's part of
being in a newsgroup [though the completely unrelated "piggy backing" is a
newer phenomenon].
Trust me, if I allowed myself to "go off" every time someone in this group
took us way off track, especially in Announcements, I would be banned from
the group. I usually just roll my eyes and say, "There s/he goes again".
I do repeat my statements elsewhere that we just respond to "our" spoofed
messages with a simple "SPOOF ALERT": The above message was not posted by me.
This way folks will know to ignore it.