I hope so. for a very long time I wanted to suggest that you should buy
a very basic DELL machine with Windows 8.1 and you would have saved
yourself all the aggro of trying to fix XP. A basic machine from DELL
is very likely to be better than what you already have running XP. I
have been there so I know it.
I had about 5 old XP machines and the problem I had was that they
stopped booting from a CD drive so imaging them was a problem so I
decided to buy 2 laptops and 1 desktop from DELL and now I have three
Windows 8.1 machines to play with.
I woundn't wish Win8 on my worst enemy.....
I dont like it at all. I've played with it in the stores and find it
obnoxious. There were only 2 tings I liked about it. In IE, they have
a thing that puts a bunch of blow dots on the screen that looks like
fireworks when the screen is touched or the mouse touches them. I was
entertained for 10 minutes by that worthless but cute app. The other
thing is that I could turn the screen upsidedown to annoy the store
And then you said DELL. Of all the computer brands, I seriously dislike
Dells. They use dedicated parts which are costly to replace and many of
the P4 dual core series seem to overheat and once it does, it run slower
than a slug from then on. (I have 3 of those in my jump pile, and know
someone who uses one like that. I like the Lenovo/Ibm machines and all
of mine are IBM except one I made from junk parts.
My future computer uses will be to continue using Win98 (which I love),
and learning linux so soon I can use that for at least online browsing.
I installed PcLinux today on my formerly XP desktop. It took 10
minutes. No driver bullshit, no annoying popups, and best of all, it's
safe from viruses without AV software, to slow it down. I'm kind of
enjoying using it, even if I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing yet. The
only problem I had with the install, is that it would not accept
installing it to my first partition. I finally just let it format and
install to the whole 500Gb HDD.
I dont ever want to go thru this huge virus mess again. I have now had
to wipe out (format) 2 systems, and I'l still having to check all my
flash drives, my Win2000, and other stuff. If a virus hits Win8, I
imagine its much worse with all that built in bloat.
I really dont like any OS that MS has made since Win98. Win2000 is
tolerable.... I was beginning to like XP, after spending weeks tweaking
all the annoyances out of it, and all of that was a waste of many many
hours. I wont go thru that again either.