Windows Vista Ping a machine from Windows Explorer

May 31, 2010
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Is there any way .... (Registry tweak perhaps) or free software that I can install that I can use to ping the machine name that I select when when I use Windows Explore under the Network section. This must enhance the right click menu option.I would thus like to add a sort of simple ping command to the right click context menu to see the ip of the selected machine.
Hi TenTwenty, welcome to the forums :)

I've been trying to work this one out for you, but I've not been able to do it. I've been trying to see if there was a way to do this in Windows 7 (very similar to Vista), but I couldn't see a way forward. I'm not able to find a way to add an item to the context menu from within Explorer, if that was possible it should have been quite easy.

Perhaps someone else here will know of a way, as I'm sure it will be possible :).

Hi Ian, thanks for the try. I do have theory but it will need some programming I guess.

First one should check if the user selected a machine on the network. Then the name of the machine should be passed to the program as a param. The program should only analize the selected machine.