Scruffy Eagle
I did a search via Google - didn't find what I needed. Scanned the message
titles here, the same. Here's my problem:
I'm trying to rehab a HP 6360 machine to set up a copy of Woody Linux. It
isn't going very well, and the prompts advise me to send a copy of the
output as a bug report. However, I don't have any easy way of getting that
log out of the HP & onto the internet. The system I'm working with has
always had problems w/ the floppy drive it came with. I'd always figured it
was a software glitch in HP custom programming of the OS. However, setting
up Linux, the same problem occurs with the floppy drive - it doesn't
recognize the presence of disks, about 4/5 of the time - and, even when it
does, it frequently can't read or write the disks. This makes me think it's
a faulty drive, not faulty software. I dragged out an old floppy drive I'd
had tucked away, and removed it from the little rack I'd installed it onto
for usage in the old Frankenstein PC I used to monkey with years ago (long
story, there,...). My uncertainty re. using that old floppy drive in the HP
6360, is that I think I'd tracked down pin settings info way back when, to
make it work, & reset the placement of the jumpers on the pins so it would
be the 1.44 MB "A" drive w/ a 1.2 MB "B" drive on the same cable. Here,
years later, the Frankenstein system I'd used it with is long gone. The info
I tracked down is either long gone also, or hopelessly buried somewhere in a
stack of miscellaneous papers in a hastily-stuffed moving box.
The info on tags on the underside of the floppy drive is this:
*) There's a white label that says,
*) There's a bar-code label which says,
*) There's another bar-code label which says,
The jumpers on the pins are currently set as:
1 1
*--* *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* *--*
5 15
To try to make that clear, on the board near the pins set, one end is
labelled with the number "1" at both left & right corners. At the other end
of the pin set, there's the number "5" at left corner and "15" at right
corner. (This wasn't a mistake - if you look at the underside of the board,
it's labelled exactly the same there.) If you take my little diagram and
count it as pin 1 is top left corner, pin 5 bottom left corner, pin 11 as
top right corner, and pin 15 bottom right corner, the jumpers are currently
set to connect pin 1 w/ pin 6, pin 12 w/ pin 13, and pin 10 w/ pin 15.
In my brief search re. this, I did find a couple of references to IBM PC's -
so, it's a fair bet that this old floppy drive came out of an IBM PC or
(more likely) AT.
I intend to use the old drive w/ the single-connection cable that was in the
HP 6360, as a solo floppy drive; no "B" drive. (I don't have any other
cables hanging around any more,...) Before I go hookiing it up, plugging it
in, and seeing what happens, I'm hoping that I can find some help knowing
whether the current jumpers settings are acceptable - and, if not, exactly
how should I change them?
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks in advance, if you can!
Scruffy Eagle
email _me @ scruffyeagle.com
(To use address, remove "_me" and spaces.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Feminism, Pedophilia, & Homosexuality - these
aren't 'lifestyle choices'. They're contagious social
diseases; psychiatric illnesses; disfunctions of the
reproductive systems. If left unchecked and
untreated, they result in conflict and suffering.
If condoned and promoted, they constitute a
mortal threat to the survival of civilization."
--- Storm Crow ---
I did a search via Google - didn't find what I needed. Scanned the message
titles here, the same. Here's my problem:
I'm trying to rehab a HP 6360 machine to set up a copy of Woody Linux. It
isn't going very well, and the prompts advise me to send a copy of the
output as a bug report. However, I don't have any easy way of getting that
log out of the HP & onto the internet. The system I'm working with has
always had problems w/ the floppy drive it came with. I'd always figured it
was a software glitch in HP custom programming of the OS. However, setting
up Linux, the same problem occurs with the floppy drive - it doesn't
recognize the presence of disks, about 4/5 of the time - and, even when it
does, it frequently can't read or write the disks. This makes me think it's
a faulty drive, not faulty software. I dragged out an old floppy drive I'd
had tucked away, and removed it from the little rack I'd installed it onto
for usage in the old Frankenstein PC I used to monkey with years ago (long
story, there,...). My uncertainty re. using that old floppy drive in the HP
6360, is that I think I'd tracked down pin settings info way back when, to
make it work, & reset the placement of the jumpers on the pins so it would
be the 1.44 MB "A" drive w/ a 1.2 MB "B" drive on the same cable. Here,
years later, the Frankenstein system I'd used it with is long gone. The info
I tracked down is either long gone also, or hopelessly buried somewhere in a
stack of miscellaneous papers in a hastily-stuffed moving box.
The info on tags on the underside of the floppy drive is this:
*) There's a white label that says,
*) There's a bar-code label which says,
*) There's another bar-code label which says,
The jumpers on the pins are currently set as:
1 1
*--* *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* *--*
5 15
To try to make that clear, on the board near the pins set, one end is
labelled with the number "1" at both left & right corners. At the other end
of the pin set, there's the number "5" at left corner and "15" at right
corner. (This wasn't a mistake - if you look at the underside of the board,
it's labelled exactly the same there.) If you take my little diagram and
count it as pin 1 is top left corner, pin 5 bottom left corner, pin 11 as
top right corner, and pin 15 bottom right corner, the jumpers are currently
set to connect pin 1 w/ pin 6, pin 12 w/ pin 13, and pin 10 w/ pin 15.
In my brief search re. this, I did find a couple of references to IBM PC's -
so, it's a fair bet that this old floppy drive came out of an IBM PC or
(more likely) AT.
I intend to use the old drive w/ the single-connection cable that was in the
HP 6360, as a solo floppy drive; no "B" drive. (I don't have any other
cables hanging around any more,...) Before I go hookiing it up, plugging it
in, and seeing what happens, I'm hoping that I can find some help knowing
whether the current jumpers settings are acceptable - and, if not, exactly
how should I change them?
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks in advance, if you can!
Scruffy Eagle
email _me @ scruffyeagle.com
(To use address, remove "_me" and spaces.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Feminism, Pedophilia, & Homosexuality - these
aren't 'lifestyle choices'. They're contagious social
diseases; psychiatric illnesses; disfunctions of the
reproductive systems. If left unchecked and
untreated, they result in conflict and suffering.
If condoned and promoted, they constitute a
mortal threat to the survival of civilization."
--- Storm Crow ---