Hi Lucy, JB here.
My problem is as follows:
I am using Powerpoint from Office Professional 2003, on a Sony Viao Laptop
running Windows XP Service Pack 2, and it has 1 GB ram and a 1.60 GHz
processor (and that is about all I know regarding the computer).
I have imported the pictures (all jpg's) using the insert>picture>from file
process, and they appear fine in both the "normal view" (where you edit the
slides), and the slide sorter view.
However, when you run the slide show, only some of the pictures appear on
the screen, and when they don't appear, the screen is just blank - no outline
or symbol or anything.
I have looked at all the settings for the pictures, and they seem identiacal.
I have also comptressed all the pictures in the presentation using the
process format picture (floowing a right click on the picture)>compress>all
pictures in document.
I hope this might be enough for you to help me. Many thanks, JB