Pictures in wrong order...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom
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I have three embedded images fading in one after the other but they
aren't dispalying properly.

To be exact == Image #1 fades on and then it fades away as image #2
fades on... then image #3 fades on -- partially obscuring image 2.

I'm creating this in PPT XP, and the problem doesn't occur on my
machine -- nor when I run it through a packaged presentation. The
problem only occurs on someone else's computer who is running the
packaged show.

Any ideas?
Is it being packaged with the 97 Viewer? That Viewer doesn't support all
the animation effects from 2002/XP. You might need the 2003 Viewer.

David M. Marcovitz, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Programs in Educational Technology
Loyola College in Maryland
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_

(e-mail address removed) (Tom) wrote in
Tom said:
I have three embedded images fading in one after the other but they
aren't dispalying properly.

To be exact == Image #1 fades on and then it fades away as image #2
fades on... then image #3 fades on -- partially obscuring image 2.

I'm creating this in PPT XP, and the problem doesn't occur on my
machine -- nor when I run it through a packaged presentation. The
problem only occurs on someone else's computer who is running the
packaged show.

How did you package the show? Did you package it with the new Viewer or the
old one? Or, if you didn't use a Viewer, then what version of PPT does the
other person have?
Good questions...

I'm using the Package for CD option in Powerpoint 2003 (I think I
mistakenly wrote Powerpoint X before) -- so it has to be the 2003 Viewer.

I thought about the '97 viewer issue at one point, but I think I'm
totally past that hurdle since I'm totally up to date.

However, now that I'm thinking more about it -- is the Powerpoint 2003
Viewer that MS has on their site, actually more recently updated than
the viewer included in the Powerpoint 2003 base program?
Tom said:
Good questions...

I'm using the Package for CD option in Powerpoint 2003 (I think I
mistakenly wrote Powerpoint X before) -- so it has to be the 2003 Viewer.

Yes, that would make a difference. PPT 2002's Pack and Go will grab the 97 Viewer. 2003's Package for CD should grab the 2003 Viewer.
I thought about the '97 viewer issue at one point, but I think I'm
totally past that hurdle since I'm totally up to date.

Yeah, but I'm wondering if the other person is just opening the CD in Windows Explorer and double-clicking the PPT file there. If so, then it would open in the version of PPT installed on their computer -- and if that version is 97 or 2000, your animations wouldn't run correctly.
However, now that I'm thinking more about it -- is the Powerpoint 2003
Viewer that MS has on their site, actually more recently updated than
the viewer included in the Powerpoint 2003 base program?

mmm, that's a good question. I think, though, that the viewer included in the Office 2003 install CDs is the correct one, and even if it has been updated, you shouldn't be seeing -- well, your friend shouldn't be seeing -- this problem.

You might have that person turn down his/her hardware acceleration, though. That often resolves a number of odd display problems. for instructions.
I think you were right -- the person was not running the packaged show
properly... but double-clicking the ppt and it was running with the
older viewer he had installed. (I tried to explain the proper
procedure, but he wasn't getting it.)

He seems fine now that he runs the play.bat file.

Thanks for your help.
Ah, glad to hear it. Thanks for letting us know.

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

Tom said:
I think you were right -- the person was not running the packaged show
properly... but double-clicking the ppt and it was running with the
older viewer he had installed. (I tried to explain the proper
procedure, but he wasn't getting it.)

He seems fine now that he runs the play.bat file.

Thanks for your help.
Windows Explorer and double-clicking the PPT file there. If so, then it
would open in the version of PPT installed on their computer -- and if that
version is 97 or 2000, your animations wouldn't run correctly.