Windows Vista Pictures in OE 6

May 19, 2010
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Hi all, I use OE 6 and part of my business emails are a couple of logos of brands I sell. I use the same letter, and just change the recipients name at the top. A short while ago, I found that when I go to send, OE tells me it cannot find "one or more of the pictures" in the email - and sure enough, when sent there is just the red X missing image placeholder - that's even if the recipients mail is set to accept pictures. The images I use are in the same folders as ever, so it's not about path changes, and one image shows but not another. I'm stumped - any ideas? I've tried searching on this problem but can't find this exact issue.
Hi Numenius, welcome to the forums :)

Can you try this please, it may do the trick:
  1. Load Outlook Express 6.
  2. Click Tools -> Options.
  3. Next, click the Send Tab.
  4. Under the Mail Sending Format header, and ensure that HTML Button is highlighted as your mail sending format.
  5. Next, click on the HTML Settings Button, and ensure that SEND PICTURE WITH MAIL has a checkmark.
Hi thanks, but that's already done as my default setting. I did wonder if I can't solve it any other way, if I'd be better putting those pictures online and using the URL somehow?
Yep, that's a possibility - just upload them to somewhere accessible online (perhaps a company website if you've got one) and then link to the images using the URL. It will also lighten the load on your mail system :).