Pictures disappearing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
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Forgive me is this is a stupid question:

I produced a powerpoint presentation then copied it to
disk to move it to another pc. After moving it to
another pc and opening it, none of the scans / tiffs are
in the presentation. There are just boxed with a red X
in the place where the pictures should be. What am I

Dear Jay,
This is not working because the pictures which r in ur machine , they r not
in "her machine" .
So you can
i) Save the file as web page naming suppose "X" in MyDoc
ii) Then copy X and X_files from my documents in a floppy .
iii ) Hope this will satisfy u .
Forgive me is this is a stupid question:

I produced a powerpoint presentation then copied it to
disk to move it to another pc. After moving it to
another pc and opening it, none of the scans / tiffs are
in the presentation. There are just boxed with a red X
in the place where the pictures should be. What am I

It sounds as though you may have chosen the option to link to the pictures when
you add them. Is that the case?

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA
Thanks for all the great info!!! I really appreciate it!
I don't think I've chosen the option to like them.
Perhaps I just don't know that I did???

Thanks again!
Thanks for all the great info!!! I really appreciate it!
I don't think I've chosen the option to like them.
Perhaps I just don't know that I did???

If you use PPT2000 or later, it's almost 100% certain that you wouldn't have
accidentally linked the pictures. The option's pretty well hidden - you have
to be pretty deliberate about it if you really do want the pictures linked.

If you want to doublecheck, download the demo FixLinks from and run a report. That'll tell you where any linked
images are, if there are any in the first place.

The red x appears when PowerPoint can't display the image for whatever reason
.. it may be a display problem or something else.

For example, you mentioned TIFFs. These can be problems for PPT. JPG or PNG
is a better choice, generally. And if you're using CMYK TIFFs, I have to tell
you, that's a lot like holding a brick at eye level directly above your bare
feet and letting go. It might not hurt, but the odds are against ya. <g>
Don't use anything but RGB images in PPT.

Thanks again!

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA