I took a picture off a website to use it as a bckground. Once I set it as
the background the picture showed up blurry and out of focus.I've tried
restarting the computer changing the size,number of pixels and nothing seems
to work.I've even saved the image as on of my pictures and still nothing
changes.I don't have this problem on any other of my systems and they all run
on windows xp.If youy can help me please respond asap the computer that has
the problem is my sisters new one and im trying to suprise her with a
completly setup copmputer.Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.
the background the picture showed up blurry and out of focus.I've tried
restarting the computer changing the size,number of pixels and nothing seems
to work.I've even saved the image as on of my pictures and still nothing
changes.I don't have this problem on any other of my systems and they all run
on windows xp.If youy can help me please respond asap the computer that has
the problem is my sisters new one and im trying to suprise her with a
completly setup copmputer.Thanks in advance to anyone who helps.