Pictures are blurry

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When I try to put still pictures in the time line or even just preview them
from the imported file, they are blurry and look like crap. This also
happens on another program called "Power Director 3", so this is making me
wonder if its my computer. I am running an HP pavilion ze5500 laptop with
the 2 256 ram and 2.8 GHz pentium 4 processor with the Radeon IGP 345M
digital flat panel.

I've tried different screen pixel sizes for my computer but changed nothing.
I am trying to put about 180 still pictures together and then will interface
it with some video. help
MM is not really a slideshow maker, but still it does it ok. It is possibly
just teh "preview" window doing just that, showing a preview of the picture,
try ouputting a few and see if the end result is as desired. If not, change
the pictures from jpeg to bitmap, which work better in editing apps, and
also there has been much debate on which size pictures to use in MM, are all
yours the same size, ie 800x600 or whatever, or different sizes? What size
are they?
I have been using MM2 for sometime for still pictures mixed with canon
camera avi's and found that the preview is generally poor quality
(rendered low res?) but the rendered pics are hi res. I have used
anything from 640x480 up to 2048x1536 with no issues.
Of course in the actual rendered movie they will be the resolution
that the moviwe has been rendered at.

I have an 800x600 rendering developed using windows media file editor
(see papajohns website) to resolve any quality issues. Though once
rendered to a DVD for TV the 640x480 or PAL settings were just fine.

I am using a PiV 1.7Ghz and a CRT screen.

Hope this helps

firefighter965 said:
When I try to put still pictures in the time line or even just preview
from the imported file, they are blurry and look like crap.

A good rule of thumb is to pull all your stills into
an image editing application, and make sure they
all fit (and if need be, are cropped) to the final output
size (in pixels, width and height) of the finished clip --
or if your image is much larger than that, an exact
multiple of those numbers (final output is standard
NTSC 4:3 aspect = 720w x 480h, so a 1440 x 960
photo will work well).

In the above instance, I would open a new Photoshop
file, 720 pixels wide by 480 high, and paste each
successive photo into it (using the file itself as a kind
of cropping window), scaling as needed and saving
each as I go.

If you don't have Photoshop, here's a great, free
app that is supposed to eventually replace MSPaint:

Btw, if the image is smaller than the final output size,
you can scale it up, but the picture will lose quality,
to a degree. TVs can't even reproduce the quality
(dots per inch, or DPI) that a computer monitor can,
so you can play around with scaling up, and see if
the results are acceptable.
There is nothing wrong with MM2 and I did tried many different ways to capture still picture and all method did came out very
shape so long you used Photoshop or any photo editing program to increase the picture resolution to 300 pixels/inch. The picture
dimension is not very important BUT if you notice Photoshop having a hard time to open the picture then decrease the picture

I can even capture from the MM2 Preview Windows and follow the above requirement. Another good requirement is good exposure
picture BUT all under-exposed picture can be easily corrected in Photoshop before Importing to MM2.

Hopes this help and if you just try it,

When I try to put still pictures in the time line or even just preview them
from the imported file, they are blurry and look like crap. This also
happens on another program called "Power Director 3", so this is making me
wonder if its my computer. I am running an HP pavilion ze5500 laptop with
the 2 256 ram and 2.8 GHz pentium 4 processor with the Radeon IGP 345M
digital flat panel.

I've tried different screen pixel sizes for my computer but changed nothing.
I am trying to put about 180 still pictures together and then will interface
it with some video. help