Windows XP Pictures are blurred in full screen

Jan 23, 2006
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Movie Maker - Pictures are blurred in full screen

Hi, I am new to this forum and new to Movie Maker. I am making a slideshow presentation and want to make it into a movie with Movie Maker. When I preview my images they are fine, but when I view them in full screen they are all blurred. They are also blurred in the thumbnails of the collection.

Hope someone out there can help this 43 year old mother that just wants to make something special for her son's 18th birhday.


Jill Ruddell
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are the pictures ok when viewed before they are put into moviemaker ?
Thanks for replying. Yes the pictures are fine when I view them in any other programme. Some of the jpegs have been made with powerpoint and some are just digital photos that have been edited by FxFoto.

Do you think you can help me?

just had a quick go, the thumbnails have gone blurry the same but the output video is a clear as the pics

first up what resolution are the pictures ? eg 3 million pixels ?

second up how are you saving it ? when you go File > save movie file > then what ?

Some pics were taken at 4,000 pixels and some at 3,000. Some were from his friends - so God knows !!!

As you said, File>Save as Movie>(then I intend to put it on DVD)

I am doing this for the first time so any suggestions would be very grateful. I am not very technical but I am enthusiastic and am willing to learn.

one problem i can see with this is that moviemaker cant/won't burn a DVD to use in a DVD player, which i'm gonna assume is what you want to do

how long till his birthday ?
Birthday is on 22nd February so I have time to start again.

I want to take all the jpegs (digital photos, scanned old photos, PPT slides converted to Jpeg) I have and music (Mp3 and WAV files) and make a DVD of his life thus far. I am prepared to use any other software to do this but don't know where to start.

It seems such a simple thing to do but so far my only other option is to just give him a PPT presentation on CD (Will have to cut down the size as it won't fit).

If you have any suggestions I will have a go.

thats ok, what you've done in moviemaker is ok we just need to get it to make a decent video which can then be made into a DVD

the whole process will take ages to do, but first up is the video

you need to get a decent quality video,so in moviemaker go to File> save movie file > my computer > choose a file name and a location to save it to > click the "other settings" option and you'll have a list of options in the box you want

"Video for local playback (2.1Mbps PAL)" if your in the UK and "Video for local playback (2.1Mbps)" if your in the US

its important you get the right setting for later on

once its finished saving (this could take a while depending on your PC and how long it is) you should hopefully have a decent video to watch

if that works then i'll post up the links to a free program which seems to have worked making a DVD with a test video i made
Great, Thanks for the help.

I live in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, but I will save it with the UK settings as we also use PAL system.

Like you say, that will take a while as I have to insert the music and the transitions - all this while taking care of a family and a full time job !!!

I am also still missing some photos that the friends and family are gathering this week.

So, I am going to continue, even though the full screen looks fuzzy and take your advise.

It is now 4:16am so I must get 2 1/2 hours sleep before the kids get up for school.

Thanks again for all your help and I promise I will get back in touch again when I am ready with my movie saved. (could take a week).

You have restored my faith in humanity and it makes me feel good to know a stranger is prepared to help me. I hope one day to repay the favour (though I am sure you don't need my computer expertise !!!).

good job you know what TV standard you use over there because i wouldn't have known

you take your time getting this bit sorted and report back whether it worked or not and by then i'll hopefully have found some free programs to make it into a DVD
Hi Me-2001,

I have done a bit of experitmenting and have now got a test run onto DVD via Movie Maker and MYDVD. It looks OK, but it is by no means perfect. Just photos linked together with no imagination. But I have managed to do it !!!!

This is the first time I have used MYDVD and I did not like it at all. The opening screen where you have to press the "start" button is, to say the least, HORRIBLE.

The whole thing lacks movement now I see it on the telly. Also, when I put a transition (page turn) between the photos the next pic takes a sec to come into focus.

So, if you have any ideas I would be grateful.

God Bless the internet !!!

i know what you mean about MY DVD having those damn menus, i haven't used it for anything because of them

just so i have a better idea what video editing porgrams and burning programs do you have ?