Jayrobb said:
I tried to scan pictures from my scanner but keep getting
an error message. Picture It tries to open, but error
message overrides. I un installed then re installed
program with no success. Is there a download to fix this?
What is the exact error message?
Is your scanner driver the most recent
available from the website of the mfg.?
Maybe the following article will help you:
(276552) PI: How to Troubleshoot Problems
When You Use a Scanner
BTW...there is a newsgroup specifically for picture it...
Try this link:
Or...go to the following site:
Wait for the page to load.
(if the newsgroup list doesn't load,
left click your Refresh button)
Scroll down the list in the left pane to:
BTW, be sure to include your MS Picture
It! or Digital Image Pro version and your
Windows version.
John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled
Picture It! Support Center