Pics not found on dvd

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I burned my pic cd. The computer said the burning was successful, but when I
put it in the dvd player, it said no files found. There was a question mark
beside the name of my file. If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it!
Burn said:
I burned my pic cd. The computer said the burning was successful,
but when I put it in the dvd player, it said no files found. There
was a question mark beside the name of my file. If anyone has any
ideas, I'd appreciate it!
You are not providing enough info....

Have you successfully performed this task before?

Can you access the CD if you place it in the
CD drive of your computer?

Are you trying to play a CD in a free standing
DVD player to view on a TV?

What format are the image files saved in?

Is your DVD player compliant with JPEG files?

The more info you can provide...the better
chance you have of receiving a useful answer.


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
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