How can I pick up root to folder via sth like
SHBrowseForFolder() or CFileDialog in mfc?
I cant implement it in windows application, but in mfc it works:/
I'd like to start doing my project in WF because I found it easier, am I
right? Now im starting to think if its true
I write in c++ not in c#
If you dont mind a commercial solution, you mioght want to check our Shell
MegaPack at http://www.ssware.com
for a plain, modal soluton, use FolderBrowserDialog in .Net 1.1 onwards
- G Himangi, Sky Software http://www.ssware.com
Shell MegaPack : GUI Controls For Drop-In Windows Explorer like Shell
Browsing Functionality For Your App (.Net & ActiveX Editions).
EZNamespaceExtensions.Net : Develop namespace extensions rapidly in .Net
EZShellExtensions.Net : Develop all shell extensions,explorer bars and BHOs
rapidly in .Net