Pick any job!


Feb 23, 2002
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If you could pick any job to do, what would it be? It can be for the salary, the fun, anything you like!

I'd absolutely love to go into space, so it would have to be an astronaut ;) Or a barmy inventor, that would be fun too :D
Pick any job?

I would like to have been the person who thought up this website. They must be intelligent, brainy, modest and above all debonair.;)
I'd like to go back to what I was doing ...

... without the walking stick, glasses, hearing aid and can I have all my teeth back too.


* oh, and turn the clock back *
murdoch said:
I would like to have been the person who thought up this website. They must be intelligent, brainy, modest and above all debonair.;)
murdoch said:
I would like to have been the person who thought up this website. They must be intelligent, brainy, modest and above all debonair.;)

haha, why thankyou ;)
Adywebb said:
I think he meant Bex, Ian...

Ah of course, they missed off good looking :p

*Becky's away for the week so she probably won't see this comment ;)*

So which job for you Ady?
lol !:)

for me its got to be some sort of job with lots of money money money

in this country you gota make your money first.
then when u get the money u get the power
and when u get the power then u get the women!! :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Ah of course, they missed off good looking :p

*Becky's away for the week so she probably won't see this comment ;)*

So which job for you Ady?
Don't worry Ian - I'll let her know ;)

Always fancied being a fighter pilot.....
one thing
admin u posted in the wrong section lol
whats all that abt then!!
I would like to have been an Actor, i could just see my self doing that scottish play;) Either that or doing good work for charity & mankind:thumb:
Aaaaaahhhhhh, the what do you want to be when You grow up question :D

Still haven't figured that one out yet!!!!

Definitely my Art, I would love to be able to make a living at that. I would also love to be able to make a living doing information research.

I will confess that I am thinking very seriously about going back to university to study Neuroscience. I've always loved neurology, I think it's one of the main reasons I ended up specialising in medical info research. I would especially love to specialise, eventually, in neuro-ethology. Fell in love with that the first time I read Konrad Lorenz in High school & really only majored in psychology at Varsity because Ethology was not available at the time:p.
I would like to have been a proper Gigalo. Earned a little bit more cash ;)

Maybe moved out to the states to do it
Well I don't know Triplex & bhodi... those are pretty heavy sacrifices you're making for the good of society & all. You really sure you want to do this?
i'd like to be an actor... wouldnt mind what kind though, whether on stage or in big hollywood movies!! :D
Full time photographer and be able to visit places just doing that :)