PIA office doesn't work

  • Thread starter Thread starter thierry
  • Start date Start date


i've download pia office for c#
i've install them in the gac
i've made a reference in my c# code and it seems to work
well as i can acess to the property of the excel object
i've created
the dialog box (which appear after the dos command) of
the microsoftapplicationexcel have no property for security
when i run my programm i get an exception as the com
object is not valid or is not registered

i'm working with VS.NET2003 on NT2000 and have no pack
office on my computer

you said,
i'm working with VS.NET2003 on NT2000 and have no pack
office on my computer

I take that to mean, VS.NET 2003, Windows 2000, and you have not installed
MS Office on your machine.
Is that right?

The PIAs allow programmatic access to MS Office. If you don't have Office,
then you cannot use the PIAs for Office.

If you want to automate Excel, you need to have Excel installed on the
PIA's do not change this. PIAs only provide a nice interface for .NET apps
to do the same thing.

Think of PIAs as a connector between a .NET application and MS Excel. If MS
Excel isn't installed, the connector is useless.

On the other hand if you want to create a document, a file that can be read
by Excel, there are several options for doing this without requiring that
Excel be installed locally. One of the ways is to use the OLEDB provider
for MS Excel. Another way is to produce your output in a .csv file that
Excel can read. Or an xml file that Excel can read.

Check the archives for hints.
