Physical Memory

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I am having problem watching streaming video on my computer. However, I am
only using about half of my physical memory while the other half is listed as
system cache. How do I change that system cache so that more physical memory
will be used for streaming video?
From Task Manager HELP:

Physical Memory (K)
The total physical memory, also called RAM, installed on your computer.
Available represents the amount of free memory that is available for use.
The System Cache shows the current physical memory used to map pages of open

Close some applications! You probably have all kinds of crap running.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

I closed every application but there are always a gazillion things running
under processes. I don't know which ones to keep and which ones to deactivate
permanently nor do I know how to deactivate them permanently. Things like:
svchost.exe (6 of these), ctfmon.exe (I know I don't need that but everytime
I deactivate it, it activates itself again), locator.exe, PDVDServ.exe,
iTunesHelper.exe, qttask.exe, lsass.exe, csrss.exe, smss.exe,
iPodService.exe, etc. How can I permanently deactivate these so they don't
take up all my memory without unistalling them or messing up the program so
that it does not work?
Some notes below on how stop some items.

More on this below.

Six Svchost.exe running is not uncommon.

A description of Svchost.exe in Windows XP;en-us;314056

Svchost.exe can also be malware.

I have two Svchost.exe running, because I do not have that many services

There is probably no need for Ctfmon.exe to be running. It is a BIG
resource hog. I have this Disabled.

ctfmon.exe = CTF Loader. Part of Microsoft Office. It activates
the Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) and the Microsoft
Office XP Language Bar.

When you run a Microsoft Office XP program, the file Ctfmon.exe (Ctfmon)
runs in the background, even after you quit all Office programs.

Ctfmon.exe monitors the active windows and provides text input service
support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard,
translation, and other alternative user input technologies.

Can I Remove the Ctfmon.exe File?

Frequently asked questions about Ctfmon.exe

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Features
in Office 2003

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Features
in Office XP

ctfmon.exe: This is your "Language Bar." Don't know what it is? I bet you do
not need it. Head to Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options ->
Languages TAB -> Details BUTTON -> Language Bar BUTTON (under
"Preferences") -> select the "Turn off advanced text services" check box.
This little detail will save you between 1.5 MB and 4 MB of RAM. If you are
using a "non-US" version, you may be required to install the English
localization to remove this "feature."


I have this Disabled.

locator.exe is the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Name service provider that maintains a database with available RPC services
on the server, where local RPC services can register themselves. A client
can then contact the RPC locator on the server to locate and access the
wanted RPC service.

This service is used by IIS to register what computers available for remote

Manages the RPC name service database.
*If your connection fails after Disabling this service, set it to Manual.

Remote Control background application for CyberLink's PowerDVD version 5 and
above. Enables you to use a remote control with your DVD drive if your drive
came with one. Not required if you don't have a remote control, or don't
wish to use one

ituneshelper.exe is a process belonging to Itunes MP3 streaming tool by
Apple, which allows you to play MP3's. This process speeds up iTunes when it
starts, and the program also monitors for connected iPod devices. This is a
non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference.

qttask.exe another POS from Apple.

qttask.exe is Quick Time Tray Icon. The Quick Time Tray Icon enables you to
start Quick Time from the System Tray. This is not needed.

QuickTime Task "c:\program files\quicktime\qttask.exe" -atboottime

First, stop qttask.exe from running with Task Manager, or qttask.exe will
get recreated.

Then, navigate to >>
c:\program files\quicktime\qttask.exe

Rename qttask.exe to qttask2.exe

The next time you boot, qttask.exe can't load and won't generate an error

Is there a qttask.exe shortcut in >>>

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

C:\Documents and Settings\Your name here\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Go to C:\Program Files\Quicktime or %programfiles%\Quicktime and rename
qttask.exe to qttask.exe.OLD

How To Prevent Quicktime From Loading At Startup

Better yet, uninstall Quicktime.

lsass.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

lsass.exe is a system process of the Microsoft Windows security mechanisms.
It specifically deals with local security and login policies. This program
is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should
not be terminated.

Note: lsass.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

Note: lsass.exe is registered as a downloader. This process usually comes
bundled with a virus or spyware and its main role is to do nothing other
than download other viruses/spyware to your computer. This process is a
security risk and should be removed from your system

csrss.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

csrss.exe is the main executable for the Microsoft Client/Server Runtime
Server Subsystem. This process manages most graphical commands in Windows.
This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer
and should not be terminated.

Note: csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

smss.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

smss.exe is a process which is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating
System. It is called the Session Manager Subsystem and is responsible for
handling sessions on your system. This program is important for the stable
and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Note: smss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

ipodservice.exe another POS from Apple.

ipodservice.exe is a process belonging to Apple's iTunes mp3 media suite and
is a core process. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it
is down to user preference.

The correct method for removing any startup is to use the program that
placed it there in the first place. Always check the main program's own
options or preferences, or the notification area icon's options (if the
program has one).

Open those programs, one at a time, and look in Options, Settings,
Preferences, Properties or similar. Look to see if there is an option
like: Load at startup, or: Start when Windows starts or similar.
Uncheck or de-select these options.

Also right click the program's icon in the Notification area (by your clock)
and look for options mentioned above.

With some programs, if you disable them using msconfig, the programs just
create a new startup entries. Every single time.

With some programs there is no option to stop this. The only way is
with editing the Registry. My suggestion would be to download, install
and run Startman and/or Startup Control Panel.

[[StartMan is a startup manager created to address some of the
shortcomings in Microsoft's original System Configuration Utility
(MSCONFIG.EXE). MSCONFIG is primarily a troubleshooting tool, not a
startup manager, and as such it does not permit the permanent removal of
startups - they can only be disabled.]]

Startman will show what the startup programs are and allow you to
disable their startup properties. It shows how or where a program is
started. If a program is started from Registry entry, it shows the
path, so you can go there and edit (delete) the entry. There is also an
option that sends you to Pacman's Portal to show a recommendation if a
particular program should or should not start at startup.

Startman 1.3.96 is available here:

StartMan is a GOOD Utility, I use it all the time, especially after
installing software. Everything you install wants to run at startup.
StartMan shows where something starts from. Check out the Help in
StartMan also! You can either have StartMan disable startups or just
use it to find where something is loading from. Best thing is, it only
runs when you start it. StartMan does not run in the background.

Startup Control Panel is another pretty good application.

[[Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you to
easily configure which programs run when your computer starts. It's simple
to use and, like all my programs, is very small and won't burden your
system. A valuable tool for system administrators!]]

Download the EXE Version and just extract the executable wherever you want.

Startup Control Panel

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

It's a little better but still needs help. What do you think about overlays
settings vs. high quality mode and video acclerators, video smoothing, YUV
and RGB flipping, buffering?
In His Service,
Debra A. Snipes

Wesley Vogel said:
Some notes below on how stop some items.

More on this below.

Six Svchost.exe running is not uncommon.

A description of Svchost.exe in Windows XP;en-us;314056

Svchost.exe can also be malware.

I have two Svchost.exe running, because I do not have that many services

There is probably no need for Ctfmon.exe to be running. It is a BIG
resource hog. I have this Disabled.

ctfmon.exe = CTF Loader. Part of Microsoft Office. It activates
the Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) and the Microsoft
Office XP Language Bar.

When you run a Microsoft Office XP program, the file Ctfmon.exe (Ctfmon)
runs in the background, even after you quit all Office programs.

Ctfmon.exe monitors the active windows and provides text input service
support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard,
translation, and other alternative user input technologies.

Can I Remove the Ctfmon.exe File?

Frequently asked questions about Ctfmon.exe

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Features
in Office 2003

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Features
in Office XP

ctfmon.exe: This is your "Language Bar." Don't know what it is? I bet you do
not need it. Head to Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options ->
Languages TAB -> Details BUTTON -> Language Bar BUTTON (under
"Preferences") -> select the "Turn off advanced text services" check box.
This little detail will save you between 1.5 MB and 4 MB of RAM. If you are
using a "non-US" version, you may be required to install the English
localization to remove this "feature."


I have this Disabled.

locator.exe is the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Name service provider that maintains a database with available RPC services
on the server, where local RPC services can register themselves. A client
can then contact the RPC locator on the server to locate and access the
wanted RPC service.

This service is used by IIS to register what computers available for remote

Manages the RPC name service database.
*If your connection fails after Disabling this service, set it to Manual.

Remote Control background application for CyberLink's PowerDVD version 5 and
above. Enables you to use a remote control with your DVD drive if your drive
came with one. Not required if you don't have a remote control, or don't
wish to use one

ituneshelper.exe is a process belonging to Itunes MP3 streaming tool by
Apple, which allows you to play MP3's. This process speeds up iTunes when it
starts, and the program also monitors for connected iPod devices. This is a
non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference.

qttask.exe another POS from Apple.

qttask.exe is Quick Time Tray Icon. The Quick Time Tray Icon enables you to
start Quick Time from the System Tray. This is not needed.

QuickTime Task "c:\program files\quicktime\qttask.exe" -atboottime

First, stop qttask.exe from running with Task Manager, or qttask.exe will
get recreated.

Then, navigate to >>
c:\program files\quicktime\qttask.exe

Rename qttask.exe to qttask2.exe

The next time you boot, qttask.exe can't load and won't generate an error

Is there a qttask.exe shortcut in >>>

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

C:\Documents and Settings\Your name here\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Go to C:\Program Files\Quicktime or %programfiles%\Quicktime and rename
qttask.exe to qttask.exe.OLD

How To Prevent Quicktime From Loading At Startup

Better yet, uninstall Quicktime.

lsass.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

lsass.exe is a system process of the Microsoft Windows security mechanisms.
It specifically deals with local security and login policies. This program
is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should
not be terminated.

Note: lsass.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

Note: lsass.exe is registered as a downloader. This process usually comes
bundled with a virus or spyware and its main role is to do nothing other
than download other viruses/spyware to your computer. This process is a
security risk and should be removed from your system

csrss.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

csrss.exe is the main executable for the Microsoft Client/Server Runtime
Server Subsystem. This process manages most graphical commands in Windows.
This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer
and should not be terminated.

Note: csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

smss.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

smss.exe is a process which is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating
System. It is called the Session Manager Subsystem and is responsible for
handling sessions on your system. This program is important for the stable
and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Note: smss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

ipodservice.exe another POS from Apple.

ipodservice.exe is a process belonging to Apple's iTunes mp3 media suite and
is a core process. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it
is down to user preference.

The correct method for removing any startup is to use the program that
placed it there in the first place. Always check the main program's own
options or preferences, or the notification area icon's options (if the
program has one).

Open those programs, one at a time, and look in Options, Settings,
Preferences, Properties or similar. Look to see if there is an option
like: Load at startup, or: Start when Windows starts or similar.
Uncheck or de-select these options.

Also right click the program's icon in the Notification area (by your clock)
and look for options mentioned above.

With some programs, if you disable them using msconfig, the programs just
create a new startup entries. Every single time.

With some programs there is no option to stop this. The only way is
with editing the Registry. My suggestion would be to download, install
and run Startman and/or Startup Control Panel.

[[StartMan is a startup manager created to address some of the
shortcomings in Microsoft's original System Configuration Utility
(MSCONFIG.EXE). MSCONFIG is primarily a troubleshooting tool, not a
startup manager, and as such it does not permit the permanent removal of
startups - they can only be disabled.]]

Startman will show what the startup programs are and allow you to
disable their startup properties. It shows how or where a program is
started. If a program is started from Registry entry, it shows the
path, so you can go there and edit (delete) the entry. There is also an
option that sends you to Pacman's Portal to show a recommendation if a
particular program should or should not start at startup.

Startman 1.3.96 is available here:

StartMan is a GOOD Utility, I use it all the time, especially after
installing software. Everything you install wants to run at startup.
StartMan shows where something starts from. Check out the Help in
StartMan also! You can either have StartMan disable startups or just
use it to find where something is loading from. Best thing is, it only
runs when you start it. StartMan does not run in the background.

Startup Control Panel is another pretty good application.

[[Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you to
easily configure which programs run when your computer starts. It's simple
to use and, like all my programs, is very small and won't burden your
system. A valuable tool for system administrators!]]

Download the EXE Version and just extract the executable wherever you want.

Startup Control Panel

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

I do not know anything about any of that.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

DEBNC said:
It's a little better but still needs help. What do you think about
overlays settings vs. high quality mode and video acclerators, video
smoothing, YUV and RGB flipping, buffering?
In His Service,
Debra A. Snipes

Wesley Vogel said:
Some notes below on how stop some items.

More on this below.

Six Svchost.exe running is not uncommon.

A description of Svchost.exe in Windows XP;en-us;314056

Svchost.exe can also be malware.

I have two Svchost.exe running, because I do not have that many services

There is probably no need for Ctfmon.exe to be running. It is a BIG
resource hog. I have this Disabled.

ctfmon.exe = CTF Loader. Part of Microsoft Office. It activates
the Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) and the Microsoft
Office XP Language Bar.

When you run a Microsoft Office XP program, the file Ctfmon.exe (Ctfmon)
runs in the background, even after you quit all Office programs.

Ctfmon.exe monitors the active windows and provides text input service
support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard,
translation, and other alternative user input technologies.

Can I Remove the Ctfmon.exe File?

Frequently asked questions about Ctfmon.exe

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition
Features in Office 2003

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition
Features in Office XP

ctfmon.exe: This is your "Language Bar." Don't know what it is? I bet
you do not need it. Head to Control Panel -> Regional and Language
Options -> Languages TAB -> Details BUTTON -> Language Bar BUTTON (under
"Preferences") -> select the "Turn off advanced text services" check box.
This little detail will save you between 1.5 MB and 4 MB of RAM. If you
are using a "non-US" version, you may be required to install the English
localization to remove this "feature."


I have this Disabled.

locator.exe is the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
Name service provider that maintains a database with available RPC
services on the server, where local RPC services can register
themselves. A client can then contact the RPC locator on the server to
locate and access the wanted RPC service.

This service is used by IIS to register what computers available for
remote administration.

Manages the RPC name service database.
*If your connection fails after Disabling this service, set it to Manual.

Remote Control background application for CyberLink's PowerDVD version 5
and above. Enables you to use a remote control with your DVD drive if
your drive came with one. Not required if you don't have a remote
control, or don't wish to use one

ituneshelper.exe is a process belonging to Itunes MP3 streaming tool by
Apple, which allows you to play MP3's. This process speeds up iTunes
when it starts, and the program also monitors for connected iPod
devices. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it is
down to user preference. ---

qttask.exe another POS from Apple.

qttask.exe is Quick Time Tray Icon. The Quick Time Tray Icon enables
you to start Quick Time from the System Tray. This is not needed.

QuickTime Task "c:\program files\quicktime\qttask.exe" -atboottime

First, stop qttask.exe from running with Task Manager, or qttask.exe will
get recreated.

Then, navigate to >>
c:\program files\quicktime\qttask.exe

Rename qttask.exe to qttask2.exe

The next time you boot, qttask.exe can't load and won't generate an error

Is there a qttask.exe shortcut in >>>

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

C:\Documents and Settings\Your name here\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Go to C:\Program Files\Quicktime or %programfiles%\Quicktime and rename
qttask.exe to qttask.exe.OLD

How To Prevent Quicktime From Loading At Startup

Better yet, uninstall Quicktime.

lsass.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

lsass.exe is a system process of the Microsoft Windows security
mechanisms. It specifically deals with local security and login
policies. This program is important for the stable and secure running of
your computer and should not be terminated.

Note: lsass.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

Note: lsass.exe is registered as a downloader. This process usually comes
bundled with a virus or spyware and its main role is to do nothing other
than download other viruses/spyware to your computer. This process is a
security risk and should be removed from your system

csrss.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

csrss.exe is the main executable for the Microsoft Client/Server Runtime
Server Subsystem. This process manages most graphical commands in
Windows. This program is important for the stable and secure running of
your computer and should not be terminated.

Note: csrss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

smss.exe if not malware, the legitimate process cannot be stopped.

smss.exe is a process which is a part of the Microsoft Windows Operating
System. It is called the Session Manager Subsystem and is responsible for
handling sessions on your system. This program is important for the
stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.

Note: smss.exe is a process which is registered as a trojan. This Trojan
allows attackers to access your computer from remote locations, stealing
passwords, Internet banking and personal data. This process is a security
risk and should be removed from your system.

ipodservice.exe another POS from Apple.

ipodservice.exe is a process belonging to Apple's iTunes mp3 media suite
and is a core process. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or
enabling it is down to user preference.

The correct method for removing any startup is to use the program that
placed it there in the first place. Always check the main program's own
options or preferences, or the notification area icon's options (if the
program has one).

Open those programs, one at a time, and look in Options, Settings,
Preferences, Properties or similar. Look to see if there is an option
like: Load at startup, or: Start when Windows starts or similar.
Uncheck or de-select these options.

Also right click the program's icon in the Notification area (by your
clock) and look for options mentioned above.

With some programs, if you disable them using msconfig, the programs just
create a new startup entries. Every single time.

With some programs there is no option to stop this. The only way is
with editing the Registry. My suggestion would be to download, install
and run Startman and/or Startup Control Panel.

[[StartMan is a startup manager created to address some of the
shortcomings in Microsoft's original System Configuration Utility
(MSCONFIG.EXE). MSCONFIG is primarily a troubleshooting tool, not a
startup manager, and as such it does not permit the permanent removal of
startups - they can only be disabled.]]

Startman will show what the startup programs are and allow you to
disable their startup properties. It shows how or where a program is
started. If a program is started from Registry entry, it shows the
path, so you can go there and edit (delete) the entry. There is also an
option that sends you to Pacman's Portal to show a recommendation if a
particular program should or should not start at startup.

Startman 1.3.96 is available here:

StartMan is a GOOD Utility, I use it all the time, especially after
installing software. Everything you install wants to run at startup.
StartMan shows where something starts from. Check out the Help in
StartMan also! You can either have StartMan disable startups or just
use it to find where something is loading from. Best thing is, it only
runs when you start it. StartMan does not run in the background.

Startup Control Panel is another pretty good application.

[[Startup Control Panel is a nifty control panel applet that allows you
to easily configure which programs run when your computer starts. It's
simple to use and, like all my programs, is very small and won't burden
your system. A valuable tool for system administrators!]]

Download the EXE Version and just extract the executable wherever you

Startup Control Panel

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

DEBNC said:
I closed every application but there are always a gazillion things
running under processes. I don't know which ones to keep and which ones
to deactivate permanently nor do I know how to deactivate them
permanently. Things like: svchost.exe (6 of these), ctfmon.exe (I know
I don't need that but everytime I deactivate it, it activates itself
again), locator.exe, PDVDServ.exe, iTunesHelper.exe, qttask.exe,
lsass.exe, csrss.exe, smss.exe, iPodService.exe, etc. How can I
permanently deactivate these so they don't take up all my memory
without unistalling them or messing up the program so that it does not
work? --
In His Service,
Debra A. Snipes


From Task Manager HELP:

Physical Memory (K)
The total physical memory, also called RAM, installed on your computer.
Available represents the amount of free memory that is available for
use. The System Cache shows the current physical memory used to map
pages of open files.

Close some applications! You probably have all kinds of crap running.

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

In DEBNC <[email protected]> hunted and pecked:
I am having problem watching streaming video on my computer. However,
I am only using about half of my physical memory while the other half
is listed as system cache. How do I change that system cache so that
more physical memory will be used for streaming video?
DEBNC said:
It's a little better but still needs help. What do you think about overlays
settings vs. high quality mode and video acclerators, video smoothing, YUV
and RGB flipping, buffering?

What about them? The overlay surface does not have a noticeable impact on watching videos; you can render the video using other
renderers without much (if any) performance loss. High quality mode doesn't do much either since streaming video is encoded at a
lower bitrate to make it smaller. Even the highest quality streaming video is fairly poor compared to videos meant to be viewed

Those other settings are all extraneous stuff that you wouldn't normally need to watch a simple video-especially streaming
video-although perhaps a DVD. perhaps. If anything, they will make it even slower and jerkier. Video accelerator? You mean like a
separate, dedicated MPEG board type accelerator? That would be a bit overkill for simple streaming video.

Which video player are you using? Did you consider downloading the stream and watching it offline? It sounds more like the problem
is more with the bandwidth (the actual streaming part) than the memory.
On 8/20/2006 11:41 AM PST
, Re: Physical Memory
There is probably no need for Ctfmon.exe to be running. It is a BIG
resource hog. I have this Disabled.

ctfmon.exe = CTF Loader. Part of Microsoft Office. It activates
the Alternative User Input Text Input Processor (TIP) and the Microsoft
Office XP Language Bar.

When you run a Microsoft Office XP program, the file Ctfmon.exe (Ctfmon)
runs in the background, even after you quit all Office programs.

Ctfmon.exe monitors the active windows and provides text input service
support for speech recognition, handwriting recognition, keyboard,
translation, and other alternative user input technologies.

Can I Remove the Ctfmon.exe File?

Frequently asked questions about Ctfmon.exe

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Features
in Office 2003

HOW TO: Turn Off the Speech Recognition and Handwriting Recognition Features
in Office XP


Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User

I'm TRYING to get ViaVoice to work.

Apparently, it is ctfmon that is causing the problem.

I have TRIED to follow your suggestions (above), but when I try to prevent
ctfmon from running at start-up, I get an error message:
System Configuration

An Access Denied error was returned while attempting to change a service.
You may need to log on using an Administrator account to make the specified


.... but this is my LapTop, and no-one uses it but me, so I don't have to
"log on", i.e. I THOUGHT I had full Administrator rights!

How can I sort this out?

Pretty please?


On 8/20/2006 11:41 AM PST
, Re: Physical Memory
I'm TRYING to get ViaVoice to work.

Apparently, it is ctfmon that is causing the problem.

You answered a message that was 2-1/2 years old?

Wesley doesn't post here in the
microsoft.public.windowsxp.configuration_manage newsgroup anymore.