photosmart 8450

  • Thread starter Thread starter Billy
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They don't seem to have any info the 8450 appears as a discontnue (although
bought under 9 months ago in Staples)

Did you try adding the printer manually? There are vista drivers for the
Photosmart 8400 series.


That's it working!!! Not all the functions but at least I can print.

Thanks Woody

Feel a bit silly....
I too have an 8450. There are native drivers inside of Vista for the
8450. You will be able to print, but wont have the control panel as before.
Its a bare bones driver. IM guessing that's all we'll be getting from HP as
if you look on there site, they recommend getting a Vista compatible
.................and they say Microsoft are ripping us off!!!! (I don't
agree - you get what you pay for and if UK is double the US dollar then it
all seems prety fair to me)

HP should be ashamed, the 8450 is not that old.


For anyone with an older HP photosmart printer, try manually adding the
printer using one of the other photosmart printer drivers that are included
with windows vista. I have my photosmart 1115 working using the 2570
drivers. At least I can wait awhile before getting a new printer and
hopefully in a year or so they will have good drivers for all the new