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aiAll photos I import are able to be included in my movie...however, if
certain ones aren't saved on the desktop, they no longer remain inthe
collections. Rather, a big red X appears.

As soon as I place them back onto the desktop, they appear in the
collections and inthe timeline. Place them in a folder and big red X appears.


Louie said:
aiAll photos I import are able to be included in my
movie...however, if certain ones aren't saved on the
desktop, they no longer remain inthe collections. Rather,
a big red X appears.

As soon as I place them back onto the desktop, they
appear in the collections and inthe timeline. Place them
in a folder and big red X appears.


Movie Maker only records the
path to the source files. They
are not actually included in the
project file. If you move them...
Movie Maker cannot find them.

You can either leave the files in
the original location on your hard
drive or right click the Red X and
browse to the new location.

Once you save the project as a
..wmv or .avi movie file...this will
no longer be an issue.

To save as a .wmv movie file...
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next / Next.
Wait while the movie is saved /

To save as an .avi movie file...
Type...Ctrl+P to open the Save Movie Wizard /
Choose...My Computer /
Next /
Enter a Name and a Save Location /
Next /
Show More Choices /
Other Settings /
Open the drop window and choose...DV-AVI /
Next /
Wait while the movie is saved /


This is not tech support
........I am a volunteer.......

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you.

Proceed at your own risk.

John Inzer
Picture It! MVP

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