Photos over Video... Is it Possible?

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Adding Photos Over Video?

I am editing a video interview and would like to incorporate photos over some
sections, so that the audio continues rolling, but a photo fades in and out
over the video. I tried a few different ways and I cant really figure it
out! HELP!!

drag a second copy of your video interview file from the collection to the
timeline, but don't stop at the video track... drop it onto the audio/music
track. Movie Maker will treat it as an audio file.

edit the video track to suit... clip out video segments, drop in still
pix... use the visual of the sound patterns on both the video/audio and the
audio/music tracks to maintain sync where needed.

when done, use the overall volume slider to hear just the music/audio
track... effectively muting the audio associated with the video clips
without losing the wave patterns for easy comparison during syncing.
website references are to

PapaJohn (MVP)

"Adding Photos Over Video?" <Adding Photos Over
[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Great Thanks! By the way, has there been any progression on the Big Issue of
the preview screen going blank? I know many people have that issue, and
Microsoft couldnt really give a patch to fix it.
Maybe I am explaning it wrong... While I am editing, sometimes the preview
screen above the edit line goes black. If you tweak some transitions or clip
legnths, sometimes the picture comes back. Its actually very annoying, not
sure what the problem is.