Photos in directory spooling?



I'm having an odd problem at work. We just upgraded to Windows XP and Office
XP with Photo Manager as the default .jpg viewer. When we click on a photo
to view from Windows Explorer the software takes a long time to load (about
20 seconds). What it does is show the picture of the file we selected but it
also has arrows where we can go forward or backward to see all of the files
in the directory. Since our photo directory is very large, we do not want
this to happen, we only want to selected image to display without the other
stuff in the directory.

Is there a setting in Windows XP that does this? Windows Fax Viewer does
the same thing and it's driving us crazy.

Yves Alarie

Severall possible reasons but I would check these first.
1. Delete your temporary files
2. You updated to XP. This must be a fairly old computer (at least in
digital age) and I would check how much RAM memory you have. This should be
a number like 128, 256 or 512 KB. If you have 128 this is probably the
culprit. XP will run on 128, but barely. You really need 512.

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