Try Mosaic Creator, download 30 day trial version
Ohho ! Corliss alert !
There I was, happily scrolling through the days offerings
when I came to that "trial version" line and I thought *HE*
will be along in a minute, shurenuff very next message !
Teeehee, I suppose someone has to do it but he is so
predictable one just has to giggle, does one not ?
John, by posting to the group it makes you look like you dont
think the rest of us are capable of making the same judgement
and that you are in some way superior.
Did you try emailing (privately iyswim) vrece first ?
Only then, if the email failed, should you post this sort of thing
to the group, else it makes you look like a .... ,,,, ummmm,,
you know,,,
and then you get all sorts of opprobrium, as has happened,
already, over the years,,, t'was kinda quiet during your recent,
selfimposed exile,,, hint hint.