Photo Story 3

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott Micale
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Scott Micale

Hopefully someone can answer my question about Photostory 3 here. If I want
to add my own slides for backgrounds with wording on them how big pixel wise
do I need to start out with so that when I create my video the wording does
not look distorted on screen? I am going to be using Photoshop 7 to do


Using your favourite editor....

Create a bitmap that has the same number of pixels width and height as
the video you will eventually be making.

Put your text onto that image at a size that is comfortable to read.

Some fonts do not work well with Movie Maker and I will assume PS3. They
are usually the more complex characters. Start by using Arial or better yet
Times New Roman. Often changing between Bold and Normal can make the font
acceptable or not, as does changing the font size a small amount.

Hope that helps a little.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
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